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1.%ash &e chicken pieces and place in a large bow'
2. Add &e pota( slices, &e crushed garlic,
)innamon, &yme, black pepper, and salt. Mix we*.
3. Place &e seasoned chicken pieces and pota( slices
in an oven "ay. Pour &e lemon juice and &e
+egetable oil over &em. Cover &e "ay wi&
aluminum foil.
4. Bake in &e oven at medium heat for about 1 hour
or un#l &e pota(es are we* cooked.
5. Once cooked, remove &e aluminum foil and put
,e "ay back in &e oven un#l &e chicken becomes
-olden in color. Serve hot!
3.3 lb (1.5 kg) chicken pieces,
,ighs and breast$
1.1 lb (500 g) pota(es, cut in
,ick slices, wid&wis.
15 cloves garlic, crushe/
1/2 cup vegetable oi'
1/2 cup lemon juic.
1/2 cup wa01
1/2 0aspoon cinnamo2
1/2 0aspoon black peppe1
2 tablespoons dried &yme
1 tablespoon sal3
4ebanese Chicken and Pota( Dis5

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