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Lesson plan Model

Date: September 14th Level: 4 medio

Skill: Use of “will” and “going to”

Expected Outcomes: The students will be able to make difference between “will” and “going
to”, in order to express their future activities.
Resources: photocopies, the book “In contact”.

Time Comments

Tell them what is the Using going to and will, explain what is going to be about
class about speaking 5 min the class, in order that they understand the context of use.
with future forms.

Core of the class

Explanation of the future Using an informative photocopy and explaining the
forms “will” and “going content, they will be able to understand the future forms
to” and the difference 15 min given.
between them.
Give clear examples.

Let’s talk about the As they are in the last year in school, would be a very
future. 10 min interesting topic of conversation, related to what they will
Personal goals and or going to do in the future.

Listen and complete the 10 min This song contains the structure “will”, and through it they
song “Back for good” by will hear the pronunciation of words specially “will”, and
Take That. realize how this word is used in proper English.

What are they going to 5 min Finally as closing, we refer to what is going to happen
do after school today after school, because they had already decided it.

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