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Lesson plan Model

Date: October 1st Level: 4 medio

Skill: Use of “will” for predictions

Expected Outcomes: The students will be able to make predictions about weather using “will”

Resources: weather vocabulary

Time Comments

Tell them what the class 5 min Remember what was the last class about
is about speaking with
future forms.

Core of the class 5 min .Explain the activity for today, give some examples and
Pre-stage explain what are the items requested for the show.
Weather forecast project

Work in groups 15 min Work on the material for the TV program. (make decisions
about which words they are going to use, in order to make
Post-stage weather predictions for each region of Chile)
Create groups of 4 15 min
Give a report about the work they do today.
What are they going to 5 min
do ? Give plans for tomorrow class

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