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The Battles (Ghazwa) of the Prophet Muhammad

Mohammed, Prophet of Islam is known as the "Apostle of Peace" by

Muslims. Nothing can be further from the truth. Mohammed was in fact a
terrorist, criminal and murderer whose entire life was based on victimizing
innocents and indulging in mindless violence, carnage and massacre.

Mohammed received hostility in Mecca, he crept out one night and fled to
Medinah. Ever since that incident, Mohammed was determined to take
revenge on the Meccans. He escaped to Medinah, which had a sizeable
Jewish population, and started plotting his revenge.

The story has been documented in detail by his biographers, - surprise raids
on trade caravans and tribal settlements, the use of plunder thus
obtained for recruiting an ever growing army of greedy followers,
assassinations of opponents, blackmail, expulsion and massacre of the
Jews of Medinah, attack and enslavement of the Jews of Khayber, rape
of women and children, sale of these victims after rape, trickery,
treachery and bribery employed to their fullest extent to grow the
numbers of his religion Islam which ironically was supposed to mean
"Peace"! He organised no less than 86 expeditions, 26 of which he led

The details of all his criminal onslaughts in the form of battles and
assassinations are chronicled in this article in a chronological manner. One
should note that everytime the "Apostle of Peace" committed, he always
justified the crimes by quickly claiming a "divine revelation" which
conveniently removed the blame from his bloodied hands. These convenient
Suras are detailed immediately below the description of the incident.

# Event Page
1 Massacre of unarmed merchants during sacred month 2
2 Slaughter of Meccans who came to defend their caravans 4
3 Assassination of poets who criticized Mohammed's ways: Asma bint Marwan 5
4 The Siege of the Banu Qaynuqa 7
5 Battle of Uhud 9
6 Murder of a Jewish poet Kaab Ibn Al' Ashraf 11
7 Invasion of Banu-N-Nadir 12
8 Murder of a Jewish Elder from Khaybar Abu Rafi 15
9 Massacre, Rape and Plunder of Banu-L-Mustaliq 16
10 Massacre of the Banu –Qurayza 17
11 Massacre of Jewish Tribesmen Banu Sa'd Tribe 19
12 Murder of Bedouins in and Meccans on the road to Syria 21
13 Slaughter of all Jews in Khaybar ‫غزوة خيبر‬ 23

1) Massacre of unarmed merchants during sacred month

Date: Late January (Rejeb), 623 A.D.
Place: Nakhla
Victims: 4 Merchants from Quraysh tribe of Mecca, the Tribe to which
Mohammed himself belonged

Four UNARMED merchants were travelling to Mecca to sell their goods

consisting of raisins, honey and animal skins. It was the holy month of Rejeb
which was considered sacred for trade in Arabia. It was a point of honor that
any form of warfare or violence was strictly forbidden in this month.
Mohammed's gang attacked the helpless men from behind and stabbed two
of them to death. They plundered all the goods as booty and Mohammed got
one fifths of the share.

Conveniently divine revelations came down from Allah that absolved him of
all the guilt.

Koran 2:216
"Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may
happen that you hate a thing which is good for you and it may happen that
you love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, you knew not."

Here Mohammed is completely removing all blame from himself, for having
started the fighting. The most insidious and devilish implication of this verse
is that Allah is completely justifying Mohammed's murder of the innocent
Meccans. Over and above this Mohammed is conveniently implying that
warfare is hateful to him, but he participated in it because it was ordained by
Allah! What sacrifices the "Apostle of Peace" had to make!
‫‪Koran 2:217‬‬
‫‪"They question you (O Mohammed) with regard to warfare in the sacred‬‬
‫‪month. Say: Warfare therein is a great transgression but to turn men from‬‬
‫‪the way of Allah and to disbelieve in Him and the inviolable place of‬‬
‫‪worship and to expel its people thence is a greater transgression, for‬‬
‫"‪persecution is worse than killing‬‬

‫نزول ‪ ) :‬يسألونك عن الشهر الحرام ( بعث محمد صلم عبدال بن جحش بن رئاب السدي في رجممب ‪ ،‬مقفلممه مممن‬
‫بدر الولى ‪ ،‬وبعث معه ثمانية رهط من المهاجرين ‪ ,‬فمرت به عير لقريش تحمل زبيبا وأدما ‪ ،‬وتجممارة مممن تجممارة‬
‫قريش ‪ ،‬فيهما عمرو بن الحضرمي‬
‫ويلحظ فى أمر سرية عبدال بن جحش‬
‫‪ -1‬خمس الغنيمة لمحمد قبل نزول الية !!!! ‪ :‬أن عبدال قال لصحابه ‪ :‬إن لرسول ال صلى ال عليممه وسمملم مممما‬
‫غنمنا الخمس ‪ -‬وذلك قبل أن يفرض ال تعالى الخمس من المغانم ‪ -‬فعزل لرسول ال صلى ال عليممه وسمملم خمممس‬
‫العير ‪ ،‬وقسم سائرها بين أصحابه‬
‫‪ - 2‬كان للعرب أشهر حرام ل يقاتلون فيها كسرها محمد صلم ‪ :‬وقالت قريش ‪ :‬قد استحل محمد وأصممحابه الشممهر‬
‫الحرام ‪ ،‬وسفكوا فيه الدم ‪ ،‬وأخذوا فيه الموال ‪ ،‬وأسروا فيه الرجال ‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 3‬نزول القرآن موافق لما فعله أبن جحش ‪ :‬ونزلت ألية القرآنية ) يسئلونك عن الشهر الحرام قتال فيه ‪ ،‬قل قتال‬
‫فيه كبير (‬
‫‪ - 4‬طمع ابن جحش أمير السرية في الجر وما نممزل فممي ذلممك مممن القممرآن فنزلممت اليممة القرآنيممة ) إن الممذين آمنمموا‬
‫والذين هاجروا وجاهدوا في سبيل ال أولئك يرجون رحمة ال ‪ ،‬وال عفور رحيم ( أى رجاء رحمة ال ‪ -‬وقد ذكممر‬
‫بعض آل عبدال بن جحش ‪ :‬أن ال عز وجل قسم الفيء حين أحله ‪ ،‬فجعل أربعة أخماس لمن أفمماءه ال م ‪ ،‬وخمسمما‬
‫إلى ال ورسوله ‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 5‬نتائج هذه الغزوة ‪ :‬قال ابن هشام ‪ :‬وهي أول غنيمة غنمها المسملمون ‪ .‬وعمممرو بمن الحضممرمي أول مممن قتلمه‬
‫المسلمون ‪ ،‬وعثمان بن عبدال ‪ ،‬والحكم بن كيسان أول من أسر المسلمون ‪.‬‬

‫‪Here Allah is clearly saying that to kill or create warfare in the sacred month‬‬
‫‪of Rejeb is a very grave offence, but to justify his own violation of Allah's‬‬
‫‪rules, Mohammed comes up with the idea that since the people killed were‬‬
‫‪unbelievers, it was perfectly okay! The reason given for the horrific murder‬‬
‫‪of the innocent Meccans, is the fact that they did not believe in Mohammed's‬‬
‫"‪version of God. How much more tolerant and kind could the "Great Prophet‬‬

‫‪2) Slaughter of Meccans who came to defend their caravans‬‬

‫‪Date: March (Ramadan) 17, 623 A.D‬‬
‫‪Place: The well of Badr‬‬
Victims: 70 merchants from Quraysh Tribe of Mecca, The Quraysh
army which came to defend them

The merchandise being carried by this caravan was worth more than 50,000
Gold Dinars. Mohammed ganged up all the criminals of Medina and set out
to raid the caravan with 300 men. The Meccans got word of the raid and sent
out an army to protect the caravan. Throughout the entire battle Mohammad
cowered in a hut which his men made for him. At one point he came out of
the hut and threw pebbles in the enemy's direction, screaming "Let evil look
on your faces!" and "By him who holds my soul in his hands, anyone
who fights for me today will go to paradise!" The Muslims killed over
two hundred and took seventy prisoners. All seventy of the prisoners were
ransomed, and any prisoner who did not fetch a ransom had his head
chopped off.

Mohammed was gratified at the sight of his murdered victims. After the
battle, he sent his followers to look for the corpse of Abu Jahal, one of the
Meccans who had criticized him openly. When his corpse was found, they
cut off the head and threw it down at Mohammed's feet. The "Apostle of
peace" cried out in delirious joy, "Rejoice! Here lies the head of the
enemy of Allah! Praise Allah, for there is no other but he!" The Prophet
then ordered a great pit to be dug for the bodies of the innocents to be
dumped. The Muslims then proceeded to hack the corpse’s limbs into
pieces. As the bloodied mass of bodies was being thrown into the pit, a
feverishly excited Mohammed shrieked, “O People of the Pit, have you
found that what Allah threatened is true now? For I have found that
what my Lord promised was true! Rejoice All Muslims!" One of the
prisoners taken was the defiant Al Nadr Ibn al Harith, who had earlier taken
Muhammad's challenge of telling better stories than him. Muhammad
ordered Ali to strike off Nadr's head in his presence, so he could watch and
exult in the pleasure of beheading the man who had insulted him. Another
prisoner Uqba ibn Abi Muait was decapitated in front of the Prophet. Before
being killed the prisoner cried out pitifully "O Prophet, who will look after
my children if I should die?" The "Great Prophet of the Religion of Peace"
coldly spat out "Hellfire", as the blade came down and spattered his clothes
with Uqba's blood.

This time Mohammed needed a revelation that would not only absolve him
of all the guilt for murdering so many innocent people, but also give him the
"divine" right to get a huge share of the plundered booty. Quite a few
revelations magically appeared after the battle of Badr.

Koran 8:65
"O Prophet exhort the believers to fight. If there be of you 20 steadfast,
they will overcome 200 and if there be of you a 100, they shall overcome a
1000, because the disbelievers are a folk without intelligence"

This Sura clearly exposes Islam to be a religion that not only encourages
violence but actually makes it a sacred duty for Muslims to kill anyone who
does not believe in the Muslim version of religion. Not only is the "All
forgiving Allah" exhorting his followers to kill anyone who is not Muslim,
but he is also saying that all non-Muslims are so stupid that they will be
unable to defend themselves and therefore deserve death!

Koran 8:67-68
"It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in
the land. You desire the lure of this world and Allah desires for you the
hereafter and Allah is Mighty, Wise.. Now enjoy what you have won as
lawful and good and keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is forgiving,

This verse is in reference to the prisoners that Mohammed held for ransom
after the battle. Allah the "Merciful" is saying that they should all have been
killed! In addition, Allah is conveniently commenting that whatever loot
Mohammed has plundered is "lawful and good" because it was done in
service to Allah. So murder, rape, plunder and destruction are all perfectly
fine with Allah as long as they are done in the name of Islam! Mohammed is
also insidiously making himself seem very kind for having spared the lives
of the prisoners, when in fact he only let them live so he could get more
money from the Ransom for them. In today's world this is called "Terrorism"
of the worst kind.

3) Assassination of poets who criticized Mohammed's murderous ways

Date: Late March-April, 623 A.D
Place: Medinah
Victims: Two of the most famous poets of Medinah, who had the
courage to criticize the murderous actions of Mohammed and his gang

After the battle of Badr, the people of Medinah were horrified that they had
given refuge to such a blatant criminal and his followers in their city. Many
began protesting the presence of such violent and murderous people in their
city. In a free society like Pre-Islamic Arabia, the poets acted as society's
conscience and were free to criticize, satirize and examine the actions of
people. The two most famous poets of this kind were Abu 'Afak; an
extremely old and respected poet and Asma bint Marwan; a young mother
with the gift of superb verse.

Muhammad was enraged at their criticism. When he heard the verses

composed by Asma Bint Marwan he was infuriated and screamed aloud,
"Will no one rid me of this daughter of Marwan!" That very night a gang of
Muslims set out to do the dirty deed. They broke into the poets' house. She
was lying in her bedroom suckling her newborn child, while her other small
children slept nearby. The Muslims tore the newborn infant off her breast
and hacked it to pieces before her very eyes. They then made her watch the
murder of all four of her children, before raping and then stabbing her
repeatedly to death. After the murder when the Muslims went to inform the
Prophet, he said "You have done a service to Allah and his Messenger, her
life was not worth even two goats!"

A month later the distinguished and highly respected Abu Afak, who was
over a hundred years old and reknowned for his sense of fairness, was killed
brutally in the same manner as he slept. Once again the Prophet had
commented that morning "Who will avenge me on this scoundrel!"
This shows us exactly how much the tolerant and peace loving Prophet
respected life. Muslims claim that Mohammed was extremely gentle and
loved children. Indeed the horrifying way he had Asma Bint Marwan's five
infants slaughtered certainly attests to this "loving" side of the Prophet.

One of the first things Muhammad and his companions did in Medina was to
launch an assassination campaign against people such as Asma bint Marwan [26]
and Abu Afak [27], to intimidate critics into submission.

4) The Siege of the Banu Qaynuq ‫بني قينقاع‬ ‫غزوة‬

Date: April, 623 A.D
Place: Medinah
Victims: The Jewish Tribe of Banu Qaynuqa

In order to get full control of Medinah, Mohammed needed to get rid of all
his opponents. The strongest of these opponents was Abdallah Ibn Ubayy, a
powerful chief who was allied with the Jewish Tribe of Banu Qaynuqa. This
tribe was also the weakest, because they were made up of craftsmen, in
particular goldsmiths. By attacking them, Mohammed knew he could
plunder a huge amount of wealth and weaken Ibn Ubayy. Mohammed
needed an excuse to attack them so he made a girl married to one of his
followers, pretend that she had been teased by the Jews. The Muslims
blockaded the fort of the Banu Qaynuqa for fifteen days until the starving
Jews surrendered. Immediately, the Prophet was ready to kill them all, but
Ibn Ubayy seized hold of Mohammed and protested. Mohammed's face
became black with rage as he shouted "Let go of me", but Ibn Ubayy was
adamant and shouted back "No, by God, I will not let you go until you
deal kindly with my allies. 400 men without armor and 300 with, who
have always supported me against enemies. And you want to slay them
all in one morning! By God, If I were in your place I would fear a
reversal of fortune"

At this threat, the cowardly Mohammed turned pale, as he realized that all
the people of Medinah were against him. He hit Ibn Ubayy on the face and
ordered that the Jews be kicked out of their own homes. All their property
was seized and looted, many of the prettiest women were taken as prisoners
to become sex-slaves. Mohammed kept one-fifths of the enormous booty for
himself. This is the way he repaid the kindness of the Jews of Medina, who
had given him shelter and a refuge, when Mohammed had run away from
Mecca in fear.

The revelations in the Eighth Sura of the Koran were clearly in reference to
the Banu Qaynuqa and anyone who opposed the Muslims.

(Koran 8:55-57)
"Lo, the worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the ungrateful who will not

"Those of them with whom you made a treaty and then at every
opportunity they break their treaty and they keep not duty to Allah, If you
come on them in the war, deal with them so as to strike fear in those who
are behind them, so that they may remember."

Here Mohammed's acts of planned terrorism against the Jewish Tribe is

justified by Allah, because according to the "Merciful" Allah, Non-Muslims
are the worst of BEASTS! So it is perfectly all right to murder, rape, torture
and pillage the non-believers! Not only that but Allah is advising
Mohammed and the Muslims that when anyone protests against the
injustices committed by Muslims, the Muslims should make sure and deal
with them with such violence, that it will strike fear among anyone who may
think of supporting dissent. This proves that the Koran is nothing but a
political manual for controlling people with terror. Not even the fascist
armies of Hitler engineered such devilish ideas.

When Islam became more powerful after the flight to Medina, the "verses of the
sword" were conveniently revealed to the Prophet.

Calls to "fight and slay the idolaters wherever you find them" (9:5) [18], "smite at
their necks" (47:4) [19], "make war on the unbeliever in Allah, until they pay
tribute" (9:29) [20], "Fight until the religion be all of it Allah's" (8:39) [21] or
"announce painful punishment to those who disbelieve" (9:3) [22] all contradict
"There is no compulsion in religion" (2:256) [23]. Note that sura 9 was the last or
second last chapter to be revealed to Muhammad. It is also the most aggressive
and intolerant sura in the Koran, replacing all the peaceful ones made at times of
Muslim weakness.

Prophet of Terror and the Religion of Peace--Part II

In the second part of this article, let us continue with the chronological
account of how Prophet Mohammed perpetrated the Islamic ideals of
violence, destruction and terror. Again, all of the incidents that I have cited
are not only supported by famous historians and biographers but also by the
ultimate testament to Mohammed's crimes-- The "Glorious" Koran.

5) Battle of Uhud ‫غزوة أحد‬

Date: 21 March, 625 A.D
Place: Mount Uhud
Victims: The Quraysh and their Allies

The people of Mecca were outraged at the massacre of their kinsmen in the
Battle of Badr by Mohammed and his army. They had to fight back in order
to defend themselves, so they gathered up an army and set out on the march
to Medinah. Unlike the Prophet's terrorist methods, they adhered to their
precepts of honorable warfare and forewarned Mohammed of their advance.

Mohammed set out with his motley crew of hundreds of murderers, rapists,
robbers and sadists. When Mohammed tried forcing the Jews of Medinah to
join him, they adamantly refused, knowing fully well the true character of
the tyrant. Mohammed and his men camped on the slopes of Mount Uhud,
above the camp of the Meccan Army. In his usual insidious manner, the
Prophet was too cowardly to fight in an honorable manner and planned to
attack before dawn as the Meccans were asleep. The Muslims were too
incompetent to implement even this plan properly and ended up alerting the
Meccans during the surprise attack.

At this point the Meccans gathered up their weapons and engaged the
Muslims in full combat. Mohammed as usual cowered in the background
surrounded by his bunch of bodyguards. From time to time he would scream
out "Who will become a martyr for Allah" and "Which of you will sell
himself for us", exhorting his army with promises of paradise if they fought
for him. The Muslims however were no match for the Meccans. Most of
them started running for their lives by clambering up the sides of Mount
Uhud, at which Mohammed started swearing like a mad man. Mohammed's
uncle Hamzah was killed and when the Prophet started backing away in fear
for his own life, a brave Meccan charged forward and struck him with a
tremendous blow to the head and shoulder. At the sight of his own blood,
Mohammed began screaming hysterically and had to be carried away by his

It was only by a stroke of extreme luck that Mohammed survived. His Army
was badly defeated and the people of Medinah started asking that if this man
was indeed a Messenger of God, then why had God not given the Muslims

To make up for the extreme embarrassment of this defeat Mohammed came

up with more "divine revelations" that were obviously excuses for the
thorough thrashing that his men and ego had suffered at Uhud. In addition to
this, the furious Prophet came up with revelations that were to threaten the
Muslims who had fled the battle and left the "Apostle of Peace" to fend for
himself. The man was so obsessed with his own ego that he made any action
that went against his power a crime. Any Muslim who did not treat
Mohammed like God would be punished severely. The Third Chapter of the
Koran is full of these references to the Battle of Uhud:

Koran 3:140-1
"And if ye have received a blow, the disbelievers have received a blow the
like thereof. These are the vicissitudes which We cause to follow one
another for mankind, to the end that Allah may know those who believe
and may choose witnesses from among you; and Allah loveth not wrong-
doers. And that Allah may prove those who believe and may strike the

Here Mohammed's Allah is conveniently making excuses for the severe

defeat of the Muslims, by saying that, although the Muslims suffered huge
losses, the Meccans also suffered losses. It looks like Mohammed's Allah
cannot count, because the Meccan deaths numbered less than 20, whereas
the number of Muslims killed amounted to over a hundred. In addition to
this Allah conveniently bails out Mohammed yet again, by explaining away
the total decimation of the Muslim Army, with the excuse that it was a
"Trial" for the Muslims. This Surah also makes very clear the reason why
Muslims everywhere bring nothing but death and destruction. The Allah of
Islam is asking his followers to PROVE their loyalty by going out and
killing unbelievers. And who were those Unbelievers? Any innocent person
who did not agree to Mohammed's twisted version of religion. Therefore this
Surah is simply legalizing MURDER and even giving it Divine Justification.

A religion based on such principles can only be embraced by people of the

most inhumane, cruel and barbarous nature.

Koran 3:153
"When you climbed the hill and paid no heed, while the Messenger
(Mohammed) in your rear was calling you to fight. Therefore he rewarded
you grief for his grief that he might teach you, not to sorrow either for that
which you missed or for that which befell you. Allah is informed of what
you do."

Here Mohammed is lashing out at the Muslims who ditched him and ran up
Mount Uhud for their lives. Mohammed is so deluded with his sense of self-
importance, that in this Surah, he tells the Muslims that deserting "the
Messenger" (Mohammed) is the same as deserting Allah! The "Great
Prophet" is equating himself with the Supreme power itself. Allah is so
furious at this crime of deserting the great Mohammed that he punished the
Muslims by killing off so many of their kinsmen. This is indeed the most
despicable form of blackmail that Mohammed used upon his followers. In
short, they were told that anyone who doesn't protect Mohammed with his
own life, will be punished by Allah in the form of his family and tribesmen
being killed by divine will. Here Mohammed is hitting two birds with one
stone, in one single gesture, he threatens his followers with blackmail and
removes the blame for the massive defeat, by claiming that Muslims died
because Allah was punishing the ones who deserted Mohammed and NOT
because the Meccans were far superior in warfare. There can be nothing
more insidious than such type of deceit.

6) Murder of a Jewish poet Kaab Ibn Al' Ashraf

Date: Late March 625 A.D.
Place: Fortress of Banu-N-Nadir, outside Medinah
Victims: Kaab Ibn Al' Ashraf

Among the Jewish tribe of Banu-N-Nadir, was an eminent poet by the name
of Kaab Ibn Al' Ashraf. He was an extremely famous and cultured poet who
was considered a genius of verse. He had composed a lament about the
Qurayshites who had been so unjustly massacred in the battle of Badr. One
day the Prophet proclaimed in his usual sweet manner " Who will rid me of
the dog Kaab Ibn Al Ashraf?". A certain Muhammad Bin Maslama replied
that he would do it, adding "We shall have to tell lies to do it". Inevitably the
Prophet immediately gave the divine authority to lie as necessary.
Muhammad Maslama bribed the foster brother of Kaab, a man called Silkan,
who was a Muslim. The following night Kaab was visited by his loving
foster brother and spent a pleasant evening reciting poetry. Needless to say,
after dark, Kaab was dragged out of his bed screaming, and stabbed
repeatedly by Muhammad Maslama, Silkan and two other devout Muslims,
in full view of his young wife to be. Indeed what a great example of
kindness and tolerance, was the Prophet of Islam!

Those who are willing to murder for religion can also find sustenance in what I
believe to be the first assassination in Islamic history. The Jewish poet Ka’b
bin Al-Ashraf , of the tribe Banu Nadir, was a sworn enemy of Islam and was
writing slanderous poems about the religion and its prophet. He soon become
insufferable to the Muslims and a group of assassins, led by Muhammad b.
Maslama, and with the express blessing of the Prophet (SM), tricked him out
of his house at night and murdered him
7) Invasion of Banu-N-Nadir ‫غزوة بنى النضير‬
Date: May-June 625 A.D
Place: Fortress of Banu-N-Nadir, outside Medinah
Victims: The entire Jewish tribe of Banu-N-Nadir

The Jewish Tribe of Banu-N-Nadir was outraged at the assassination of their

greatest poet Kaab Ibn Al' Ashraf. The fact that one of the greatest literary
figures of their Tribe had been mercilessly murdered, simply because he
wrote some words that criticized Mohammed, was a cause of immense rage.
Even then they were gracious enough to lend money to Mohammed when he
came begging at their doors for financing of loans to be paid back.
Mohammed the power crazed maniac however had many ulterior motives.
The sight of the wealth possessed by the Banu- N-Nadir whipped up a frenzy
of jealousy inside him. In his envious hatred, he devised a diabolical plot to
get rid of the Tribe and rob them of their wealth. The Prophet claimed that
Allah himself had come down and revealed that the Tribe of Banu-N-Nadir
hated him and were hatching a conspiracy to assassinate the Prophet. The
Nadir were amazed when out of the blue a Muslim messenger arrived at
their oasis with the message from the "Holy Apostle of Peace" himself. The
message was worded in the usual brutal manner: "Leave MY city and live
here no longer after the treason which you have plotted against me."

The Nadir were outraged, but being a peace loving people they decided the
best thing to do was to shut themselves up in their fortress and prepare to
defend themselves. Immediately Mohammed surrounded them with his
Army of murderers and sat down outside in the familiar wooden hut
surrounded by his usual bunch of bodyguards. When the Nadir made no
move to fight, the "All Benevolent Angel of Mercy" started cutting down
every single palm tree in the oasis. In a desert environment like Arabia, this
act was equivalent to Mass Murder, considering how hard it was to grow
food. The Nadir could not bear to see their oasis destroyed so mercilessly
and came out to surrender. Mohammed who was still cowering behind his
bodyguards screamed out :

"Leave this place, you have your lives"

The Peace loving Tribe which had carefully tended their land and made it
the oasis that it was, were thrown out at sword point, and stripped of all their
belongings. They had to flee for their lives to Khayber another Jewish
settlement, which in future course would also be destroyed by the "Apostle
of Peace". All the rich booty and land was grabbed by the savage Muslims,
but the largest amount of land and most of the loot went as always to the
"Epitome of Justice" Prophet Mohammed.

As usual a stream of Divine revelations followed.

Koran 59:2-5

"He it is who hath caused those of the People of the Scripture (Jews) who
disbelieved to go forth from their homes unto the first exile. You deemed
not that they would go forth, while they deemed that their strongholds
would protect them from Allah. But Allah reached them from a place
whereof they recked not and cast terror in their hearts so that they ruined
their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers. So learn
a lesson, O you who have eyes!

"And if Allah had not decreed migration for them, he verily would have
punished them in this world and theirs in the hereafter is the punishment
of the Fire!"

"That is because they were opposed to Allah and his Messenger; and
whoso is opposed to Allah (for him) verily Allah is stern in reprisal."

"Whatsoever palm-trees you cut down or left standing on their roots, it

was by Allah's leave, in order that He might confound the Evil-Livers."

Here the Great Allah again comes to Mohammed's rescue and declares that
ALL the crimes and atrocities that were committed against the innocent
Tribe of Banu-N-Nadir were justified by the Divine word of the "All
Merciful Allah". Not only that but Allah decrees that the Jews DESERVED
to be thrown out of their homeland, simply because:

1. They were not Muslim

2. They were opposed to Mohammed (The fact that he mercilessly
assassinated their innocent Poet for daring to criticize him may have
had something to do with it!)
3. They were on Prime land and had a huge amount of wealth which the
Prophet of Greed wanted.

Over and above this, cutting down Palm Trees was considered a
capital crime by the Arabs, so Mohammed had to have Allah give him
a nice and tidy excuse for having committed this atrocity.

Lastly the Prophet is making it very clear here as to who is the boss. If
anyone opposed Mohammed, it meant he opposed Allah and all
Muslims had to KILL anyone who opposed Allah. So the Final
Equation remained the same

Oppose Mohammed= Oppose Allah ==> Get murdered by


Again we have come a full circle to the fundamental and central

guiding principles of Islam: Intolerance, Hatred, Murder and

Stay tuned for the next elaboration on how Mohammed spread the
"Light of Peace" by murdering, torturing, looting and raping Non-
Muslims in Arabia; A Holy Example which to this day is followed
piously by Devout Muslims all over the World.

The Works "The Glorious Quran" by Mohammed Marmaduke

Pickthall, "The Meaning of the Glorious Quran" by Abdullah
Yusuf Ali, "Mohammed" by Maxime Rodinson, and "Muhammad"
by Martin Lings have been used to compose this article.

Prophet of Terror and the Religion of Peace--Part III

In the Third Part of this series on Mohammed's life, I will be focusing on
three events that define the nature of Islam's foundations. At this stage,
Mohammed had gained power through his assassinations, looting, massacres
and raping. The Jewish Tribes of Medinah had been inhabitants of that city
for centuries before the Prophet decided to make it the headquarters of his
criminal activities. All the Jews were becoming increasingly dissatisfied and
angered at the deeds of the Muslims. The Jewish Tribes were peace-loving,
hard working trades people, whose purpose in life was to earn a decent
living through honest means and hard effort. They were perfectly content
with the religion of their forefathers and had never anticipated that the man
to whom they had given shelter so graciously, would turn into the power
crazed monster who was now turning around to attack them. Mohammed
was in the position to carry out his hidden ambitions, which became clear
soon enough.

With the utmost disregard for all human morality, ethics, or respect for
human life, the Prophet of Islam systematically targeted and slaughtered the
very Jews of Medinah who had helped him when everyone else in Arabia
was kicking him.

The incidents narrated below demonstrate the horrific depth of Mohammed's

atrocities. Keep in mind that Mohammed is the Model of Good Islamic
behaviour and you will realize how Islam advocates genocide in the name of

8) Murder of a Jewish Elder from Khaybar Abu Rafi

Date: Late April 626 A.D.
Place: The Jewish Oasis of Khyber
Victims: Abu Rafi

The Muslims who had murdered Kaab Ibn Al Ashraf the famous poet of the
Banu-N-Nair (See Prophet of Terror & the "Religion of Peace" Part 2) were
considered as heroes by Mohammed and his followers. Murderers were
considered as ideal Muslims. A group of Muslims from the Khazraj Tribe
decided to prove their loyalty to their Prophet by killing off a respectable
member of the Jewish Community. Abu Rafi was an elderly man who had
never done anything against Mohammed or the Muslims. He just happened
to be the unfortunate target of Mohammed's plot to terrorize the Jews. The
Prophet wanted to send out a message to the Jews, which spelt out clearly
that Mohammed was in control of their lives. The "expedition" to kill the
poor old helpless man had the specific blessings of the "Merciful" Prophet.
About Six of them broke into the Old man's house in the middle of the night
and slashed him to ribbons as he slept. The cowardly Muslims always
assassinated people in this way, while the victim slept, obviously because
they had neither the courage nor the strength to fight even a solitary, aged
Jewish Man while he was awake. After their crime, the Muslims fled back
home into the arms of their expectant Prophet. There was a fight among
them as to who had actually killed Abu Rafi. At this, the Prophet smiled
beatifically and started checking their swords. Finally, it was decided that
the person who owned the sword which still had traces of food in it, was the
winner. Apparently Abu Rafi had just finished his dinner before falling
asleep and the sword had slashed through his stomach spilling its contents.
Indeed how Benevolent was the Apostle of Peace!

9) Massacre, Rape and Plunder of Banu-L-Mustaliq ‫غزوة بني‬

Date: December 626 A.D.
Place: The well of Muraysi near Red Sea
Victims: The Tribe of Banu-L-Mustaliq

Mohammed attacked the Banu-L-Mustaliq because of their wealth. In a

surprise raid, the Muslims drove them to the Sea. They slaughtered many
members of the Banu-N-Mustaliq Tribe and looted away a booty of 2000
Camels, 5000 Sheep and 500 Women! 500 women were captured screaming
and crying after they had watched their husbands and sons being
slaughtered. The most beautiful captive was Juwayriyya, daughter of the
chief of the Banu-L-Mustaliq. Mohammed snatched her to satisfy his own
animal lust. The captured women were supposed to be returned by the
Muslims upon payment of a ransom. But the night after the battle itself,
Mohammed and his army raped each and every one of them. One of the men
Abu Sa'id Khudri of Mohammed's army reported :
"We were lusting after women and chastity had become too hard for us,
but we wanted to get the ransom money for our prisoners. So we wanted
to use the "Azl" (Coitus Interruptus- where the man withdraws before
ejaculating)...We asked the Prophet about it and he said: "You are not
under any obligation to stop yourselves from doing it like that.." Later
on the women and children were given for ransom to their envoys. They
all went away to their country and not One wanted to stay although
they had the choice.."

So the Great Prophet of Peace told his men it was perfectly FINE to rape
women as long as you didn't ejaculate inside them (which made them
pregnant). What supreme logic! Any human being with the slightest shred of
morality has to be nauseated by this Man and the religion he preached.
Mohammed, the supreme religious figurehead of Islam sanctions RAPE,
pure and simple. Not only did the Muslims commit this horrifying crime,
they deceived the Tribesmen into paying Ransom for their womenfolk, who
only paid the money in a desperate attempt to save their women's honor. To
call such a Prophet and his followers the epitome of Evil is probably an
10) Massacre of the Banu –Qurayza ‫غزوة بني قريظة‬
Date: April-May 627 A.D.
Place: Medinah
Victims: The Last Jewish Tribe left in Medinah The Banu-Qurayza.

By this time, Mohammed had murdered or driven out all of the Jewish
Tribes of Medinah, except the Banu Qurayza. It was time to eliminate this
last thorn in his flesh. The Banu Qurayza had been reluctant in helping
Mohammed against the Quraysh. Conveniently once again, Mohammed
claimed that he had divine knowledge about a conspiracy by the Banu-
Qurayza to kill him. He besieged their fortress for Twenty-Five days. When
the starving Tribe surrendered, Mohammed forced an old man from their
own Tribe to pronounce Mohammed's sentence. The sentence was death to
every male member of the Tribe, Slavery for every woman and child and
Plunder of all their property.
The Prophet had an immense trench dug around the main market of
Medinah. The men of the Banu Qurayza were rounded up & their hands
twisted tightly behind them. Then one by one, they were shoved to the edge
of the trench and forced to kneel. They were offered a last chance to convert
to "The True Faith" and if they refused, had their heads chopped off. As
soon as one head would roll off, the corpse would be kicked into the ditch,
and so it went. By the time Dawn had colored the sky red in Medinah,
hundreds of corpses piled up in a heap in a tangled cesspool of blood, hair
and shreds of flesh. Despite the horrific end in front of their eyes, none of
the Jews chose to convert to Islam and faced death valiantly. The blood of
900 innocent Jews stained Mohammed's hands on that black day.

That history, tells the story of the massacre of the entire male
population of Banu Quraiza believed to number between 600 and 700,
soon after the Battle of the Trench in the year 627 AD/ 5 AH. There
have been differences of opinion on the circumstances of the
massacre, but the magnitude of the blood bath has never been in

‫غزوة بني قريظة هي غزوة شنها رسول ال في السنة الخامسة للهجرة على يهود من بني قريظة في‬
‫المدينة المنورة إنتهت بإستسلم بني قريظة بشرط التحكيم فحكم عليهم سعد بن معاذ بقتل المقاتلة‬
.‫وسبي الذراري والنساء وتقسيم الموال بسبب الخيانة‬
Their only crime was that they chose to retain their fundamental human
right, of choosing their own God and the religion of their ancestors.
Hysterical women & children screamed as they watched their fathers,
husbands & sons die. The majority of them were raped savagely and then
bundled off to be sold as "used goods". The Prophet had the husband of the
Jewess Raihana Bint Amr hacked to pieces before her very eyes, hours after
he had murdered her father. No doubt this was the Prophet's perverted
version of a wedding present, because after these atrocities he raped the
mortified girl and tried to force her to convert to Islam.

Muslim historians still describe the savage rape of Raihana Bint Amr as her
"willing submission to Islam and wifehood to the Prophet"

Apparently according to them it is very natural to imagine that a woman who

has just seen her husband, father, brothers and Tribe slaughtered violently
before her very eyes, would CHOOSE to convert to the religion of the
murderer and marry him! In actual fact Raihana REFUSED to convert to
Islam and also refused to marry Mohammed the murderer of her family. He
kept her as a lowly concubine all his life. So much for the "Apostle of
Peace" and his unbounded RESPECT for women. Mohammed was nothing
but a serial rapist, who acquired his victims by killing their families first.

Allah as usual has provided yet another timeless Divine revelation which
gives his Prophet the Right to rape and torture women of other religions.

Koran 4:24

"And all married women are forbidden unto you EXCEPT those captives
whom your right hand possesses. It is a decree of Allah for you. Lawful
unto you are all beyond those mentioned, so that you seek them with your
wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery..."

In short Allah the All Merciful is saying "Hey Muslims, it's a crime to go
after married women, but IF they happen to be your captives (which
obviously all the non-Muslim women were) feel free to indulge yourself
in rape and sexual torture of them.” lawful unto you are all beyond
those mentioned" Allah is making it LEGAL for Muslims to go ahead and
rape Non-Muslim women by Divine Law!

One shudders to imagine what kind of minds invented such utterly sadistic
and disgusting ideas.

Mohammed justified all his crimes against the Jews with more of Allah's
revelations. Although the following Surahs were not revealed at the same
time as the Massacre of Banu Quraizyah, they nevertheless give a general
idea of the Prophet's views on Jews and why it is perfectly fine to kill, loot
and rape them.

Koran 5:51
O you who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are
friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is one
of them. Lo Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.

Koran 5:64
The Jews say: "Allah's hand is fettered." It is THEIR hands that are
fettered and they are ACCURSED for saying so. Nay, but both his
(Allah's) hands are spread in bounty. He bestoweth as he will. That which
hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord is certain to increase the
contumacy and belief of many of them, And We have cast among them
(The Jews) Enmity and Hatred till the day of Resurrection. As often as
they light a fire for war, Allah extinguishes it!

The above verses clearly demonstrate the Muslim's hatred of Jews as

prescribed by their Prophet. They also expose the hollow claims of Muslims,
about Islam being a peaceful religion that always co-existed with Judaism
and Christianity. The innumerable, unwarranted massacres of Jews by
Mohammed, tell this story in the clearest terms. These historical events form
the basis of the Islamic code of behaviour. Therefore the recent genocide of
Hindus, Christians and Jews by Muslims all over the world should come as
no surprise whatsoever.

Prophet of Terror and the Religion of Peace--Part IV

11) Massacre of Jewish Tribesmen Banu Sa'd Tribe

Date: February 628 A.D
Place: Outskirts of Medinah
Victims: Banu Sa'd Tribe, Thirty Jews from Khaybar

Mohammed was forcing all the tribes around Medinah to make alliances
with him and consider him as the primary power in the area. Any tribe who
refused to bow down to the Muslim's terrorist tactics, was immediately
subjected to extreme torture and death. Banu Sa'd was a peaceful tribe which
was allied with the Jewish Tribesmen of the prosperous oasis of Khaybar.
Mohammed was pathological in his fear of opposition. Having murdered all
the Jews in and around Medinah, who could pose a potential threat to his
rabid bid for power, the Prophet of Islam now was turning his attention to
the only possible threat in the area, Khaybar. The Jews of Khaybar had
remained neutral when the Meccans had planned a counterattack on
Medinah. This enraged Mohammed all the more and fuelled his savage
desire to destroy them and tribes like the Banu Sa'd that was linked to them.
He sent out a terrorist group of assassins led by Ali. The expedition
massacred hundreds of innocent Banu Sa'd tribespeople. They raped all the
women and children and stole 500 camels and 2000 goats and sheep. A unit
of thirty murderous assassins were hand-picked by the Epitome of Mercy, to
infiltrate the surrounding areas of Khaybar as well. They disguised
themselves as Emissaries of PEACE from Mohammed. The Jewish Leader,
Usayr Ibn Razim agreed in the interest of peace to accompany them back to
the Prophet. He set out with thirty of his men, following the Muslims. As
soon as they were out of sight of Khaybar, the Muslims fell upon the
innocent and hapless Jews and chopped them into pieces. Upon returning
Mohammed himself came out to greet his assassins. He embraced the leader
of the expedition and exclaimed “It was Allah surely, who saved you from
the company of the oppressive non-believers". The above example should
amply demonstrate what a man of honour, the great Mohammed was. Indeed
it can only be a truly pious person who would trick people with an offer of
peace and cold-bloodedly MURDER them. Mohammed's intense hatred for
the thorns in his flesh, namely the Jews, began manifesting itself in the spate
of vitriolic Revelations, that he conjured up to justify his atrocities on the

Koran 5:64

"The Jews say: "Allah's hand is tied up". Be their hands tied up and be
they ACCURSED for the blasphemy that they utter. Nay, Both his hands
(Allah's) are widely outstretched: He giveth and Spendeth as he Pleaseth.
But the revelation that cometh to Thee (Mohammed) from Allah
increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy.
Amongst them we have placed ENMITY and HATRED till the Day of
Judgment. Every time they kindle the fire of War, Allah doth extinguish it;
But they ever strive to do mischief on earth. And Allah loveth not people
who do mischief."

The bit about Jews saying "Allah's hand is tied up" is referring to their
protest at the fact that Mohammed and the Muslims had taken control of all
the wealth. The Jews who had initially helped the Muslims, when they had
nothing, now had every morsel of food snatched from them. The sarcastic
comment therefore referred to the fact that it seemed like Allah's hands were
tied when it came to providing even a meager sustenance for the starving,
oppressed Jews, at the mercy of the pious band of criminals of Allah. But
even more pathetic is Mohammed's claim that the reason the Jews were
acting so damned rebellious and obstinately opposing the Muslims, was that
they were JEALOUS that Allah had hand-picked Mohammed to get his
murderous revelations. This is laughably incredulous and mortifying
considering the fact that Mohammed pieced together so many of his Koranic
revelations, by distorting and twisting parts of the Jewish and Christian
scriptures. Even more repugnant is the fact that a Prophet claiming to be the
Messenger of a supposedly all beneficient and Merciful God, wishes nothing
but ENMITY, HATRED, EVIL and CURSES on the Jews. Do such
emotions sound like the wishes of a religious figure that preaches
PEACE??? The Prophet of Islam was nothing but a wellspring of malice,
hatred and blind poisonous jealousy.

12) Murder of Bedouins in and Meccans on the road to Syria

Date: January- February 628 A.D.
Place: Dumat-Al-Jandal, a trading center enroute to Syria, The Well of
Qarda at Nejed
Victims: Bedouin women, Meccan Caravan

Zayd Ibn Haritha, the adopted son of the Prophet who divorced his wife, so
that his Good Old Dad could have the pleasure, was sent to attack traders in
Syria. The Bedouins who were also trading at the outpost, got wind of the
Muslims nefarious plans, took up arms and drove away the would-be raiders.
Zayd was furious that his plans had been foiled so successfully. He targeted
an elderly woman of the same Bedouin Tribe, because she exerted
considerable influence and wealth. On a dark moonless night, the aged 90
year old woman was grabbed ruthlessly from her tent. She was tied up and
trussed like a chicken and brought back to the Muslim camp. Upon arrival
she was gang raped and molested by the pious followers of Allah. She was
whipped and beaten to an almost lifeless pulp. The sadistic impulses of the
Muslims however did not end there, the night's entertainment was not done
yet. The eerie desert night, suddenly resounded with the cheers and throaty
cries of bloodlust as the Bedouin matron's arms and legs were tied to four
camels. Zayd and three others of Mohammed's select group, then climbed
onto each camel and drove each one into opposite directions. As the
wrinkled body was ripped apart in a blur of torn and bloodied flesh, cries of
delight echoed all around. Such were the entertainment activities of the
Peace loving followers of Allah.

Soon after at the Well of Qarda in Nejed, Zayd along with 170 men attacked
a hapless trade caravan of Meccans who were returning from Syria. They
massacred most of the traders and took two of the men prisoner. But most
important of all, the Muslims grabbed a sizeable booty from this cold
blooded massacre. They plundered more than a hundred thousand dirhems
from this raid. It is no wonder then, that Zayd Ibn Haritha was an "Exalted
Martyr". According to Mohammed himself "And Zayd, the Freedman of
Muhammad, counted his freedom as naught compared with the service of
Muhammad and Islam."

All of these activities, were of course, motivated by the divine words of

Wisdom, spoken by the Messenger of Allah.

Koran 5:33

"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His
Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land
Is: Execution, or Crucifixion, or the Cutting and Removing Off of hands
and feet from OPPOSITE sides, or exile from the land: That is their
disgrace in this world and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter."

The gruesome spectacle of the Bedouin woman being torn apart, now makes
sense. The act was DIRECTLY sanctioned by Allah himself in this
Revelation. The plunder and massacre of the Meccans too, were completely
pious Islamic acts as the following verse evidences:

Koran 5:33

" And many gains will they (Pious Muslims) acquire besides, and Allah is
Exalted in Power, full of Wisdom. Allah has promised you many gains
that ye shall Acquire and he has given you these beforehand; and he has
restrained the hands of Men from you; so that it may be a sign for the
Believers and that he may guide you to a Straight Path. And other gains
there are, which are not within your power now, but which Allah has
compassed for you and Allah has Power over all things."

Allah is giving his kind blessings to the merciful and pure Muslims, to go
out and PLUNDER and acquire as many "Gains" as their hearts desire. But
Allah's bribes are far more quantitative, he is generous to a fault and will not
stop there. Allah is giving his beloved Muslims assurance, that there will be
Far more Wealth to plunder in the future. Not only that, Allah will "restrain
the hands" of Men from harming the Muslims, so that they can keep on
raping, pillaging and murdering throughout the land. Allah surely knows
how to give Muslims a good deal in exchange for all the blood that they will
shed for him and the messenger of Peace.

13) Slaughter of all Jews in Khaybar ‫خيبر‬ ‫غزوة‬

Date: September 628 A.D
Place: Khaybar and surrounding areas
Victims: Over 500 Jews of Khaybar
Khaybar was the wealthiest Oasis in the Hejaz. The settlement of neutral
Jews who inhabited the Oasis were known for their business acumen. Over
the years, they had by their own efforts, sweat and toil converted the small
Oasis into a flourishing Trade Center of agricultural goods. They were
renowned for their extreme generosity, good naturedness and peacability. In
other words, the small jewel of a town was like the juiciest piece of meat,
which a Vulture like Mohammed could never resist. Mohammed could no
longer control his slavering desire to attack Khaybar. His immense greed for
the fabulous wealth of the Oasis had overwhelmed him. He had been
systematically eradicating all the potential tribes that could support Khaybar.
Allies of the Khaybar Jews, like the Bedouin Tribe of Ghatafan and the
Jewish Tribe of Banu S'ad had been cold bloodedly eliminated and exhorted
so that Khaybar would be without friends. The Prophet set out with 1600
men and laid siege to the Oasis.

‫صـفي حسابه‬ ّ ُ ‫ أراد أن ي‬،‫ح الحديبية‬

ِ ‫ل الله من صل‬ ُ ‫وبعد أن َفرغ رسو‬
‫ن لغزو خيبر في محرم من السنة‬ َ ‫ فاستنفر المسلمي‬،‫مع اليهود‬
،‫ بينهم مائتا فارس‬،‫دته ألف وأربُعمئة مجاهد‬ ّ ‫ وجّهز جيشا ً ع‬،‫السابعة‬
‫بقيادة الرسول‬.

‫ وكان أّول حصونهم قد افتتح هو حصن‬، ‫فحاصرهم بضع عشرة ليلة‬

‫م الوطيح‬ّ ‫ ث‬، ‫م حصن الصعب بن معاذ‬ ّ ‫ ث‬، ‫م القموص‬
ّ ‫ ث‬، ‫ناعم‬
‫خي َْبر‬
َ ‫صن‬ ِ ً ‫ وكان آخر الحصون فتحا‬، ‫والسللم‬.
ْ ‫ح‬
‫ قتيل‬93 ‫ شهيد‬16

Although greatly outnumbered, the brave Jews fought bravely for over 14
days. In the end the sheer disadvantage of numbers and the starving state of
their children forced the Jews to surrender. They emerged with all their,
weapons, foodstuffs and wealth, pleading only for the lives of themselves
and their families. Instead the Exalted Messenger of Peace, instructed his
army to do exactly as they pleased. The frenzied Muslims pounced upon the
helpless Jews and murdered every man they could lay their hands on.

Women and children were raped brutally and repeatedly . The Prophet led
the way as usual. His eye had fallen upon the most beautiful captive in
Khaybar, a Jewess called Safia Bint Huyay. As she stood there traumatized
and anguished at having just witnessed her father and fiancée being hacked
to pieces, the Prophet threw his cloak on her to claim as his booty. Minutes
later he savagely consummated his "marriage" to her in a sand dune with the
blood and gore of Jihad still covering him, even Safiya’s father's blood, no
doubt. There was no time for a sponsor, dowry, sending out invitations, or a
wedding feast, in fact, Muhammed forgot his own law of waiting until her
next monthly period had passed. Today we call that rape, but according to
the Prophet of Allah, he was just securing her with the bonds of "holy
Matrimony". Indeed the Prophet had committed himself to saving widows in
need by marrying them! The remaining women and children who were
rounded up were traded in the slave market or retained to be brought up as
brainwashed sex slaves, professing Islam.

Ibn Ishaq (pronounced Isaac), the first biographer of Muhammad narrates

the story of the conquest of Kheibar. He reports that Muhammad, without
warning, raided this fortress town, inhabited by Jews and killed many
unarmed people as they were fleeing. Among those captured was Kinana. He

Kinana al-Rabi, who had the custody of the treasure of Banu Nadir, was
brought to the apostle who asked him about it. He denied that he knew
where it was. A Jew came (Tabari says “was brought”) to the apostle and
said that he had seen Kinana going to a certain ruin every morning early.
When the apostle said to Kinana, “Do you know that if we find you have it
(the treasure) I shall kill you?” He said, “Yes.” The apostle gave orders that
the ruin was to be excavated and some of the treasure was found. When he
asked him about the rest (of the treasure?) he refused to produce it, so the
apostle gave orders to al-Zubayr Al-Awwam, “Torture him until you extract
what he has.” So he kindled a fire with flint and steel on his chest until he
was nearly dead. Then the apostle delivered him to Muhammad b. Maslama
and he struck off his head, in revenge for his brother Mahmud.1[1] [1]

On the same day that Muhammad tortured to death the youthful Kinana, he
took his seventeen year old wife Safiya to a tent for sexual intercourse.

Allah's Divine Injunctions had naturally preceded the carnage at Khaybar.

As usual the Merciful Allah condoned the slaughter, plunder and raping
committed by Mohammed and his band :

Koran 33:26

"And those of the People of the Book (Jews) who Aided Them (Meccans) -
Allah did take them from their strongholds and cast terror into their
hearts, so that Some Ye Slew and Some Ye made Prisoners. And he made
you heirs of their Lands, their Houses, and their Goods. And of a Land,
which Ye had not frequented before (Khaybar) and Allah has Power over
all things."

Koran 2:222

"They ask Thee concerning Women's courses. Say to them: "They are a
Hurt and a Pollution: So keep away from women in their courses
(menstrual periods) and do not approach them until they are clean. But
when they are purified, Ye may approach them in any manner, time or
place. Ordained for you by Allah, for Allah loves those who turn to him
constantly and he loves those who keep themselves Pure and Clean."

As mentioned above, Mohammed himself had received this "Revelation"

that Muslims shouldn't be having sex with women whose monthly period
had not passed.

Mohammed of course had outright violated the above rule himself, when he
raped Safiya in a beautiful Islamic Wedding ceremony at Khaybar. The

1[1] [4] Sirat Rasul Allâh, p. 515

Prophet of Wisdom was in a fix. He had no justification for violation of a
rule that he himself had claimed was set by Allah. The only solution was of
course, the timely production of some Revelation that would save his ass.
Allah in his typical meek and patient manner, was only too happy to oblige.
Out spewed two Verses, directly from the quivering Holy Messenger's

Koran 66:1-2

"O Prophet! Why holdest Thou to be forbidden That which Allah has
made Lawful to Thee? Thou seekest to Please Thy consorts. But Allah is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Allah has already ORDAINED for you
(Mohammed), the DISSOLUTION OF YOUR OATHS, in some cases and
Allah is your Protector; and he is full of Knowledge and Wisdom."

Not to mention Allah exhibits an unhealthy pattern of complying with

Mohammed's wishes and providing verses that bail him out each time.

With the Conquest of Khaybar, Mohammed was now in exactly the position
he desired. He had subjugated all the Tribes around Medinah. He had
massacred any significant opposition that may have threatened him, and he
had plundered enough wealth to win him hosts of converts willing to kill
anything for Booty. He was poised at the threshold of carrying out his heart's
dearest desire; that of attacking and conquering Mecca.

‫فتح مكة و يسمى أيضا ُ الفتح العظم هو حدث تاريخي تم فيه‬

‫ هـ‬8 ‫ رمضان‬20 ‫فتح مدينة مكة على يد محمد بن عبد الله في‬
‫ كانت هجرته للمدينة نواة لتأسيس دولته‬، ‫بعد أن هاجر منها‬
‫والعمل على العودة لمكة مجددا‬

The truth is that Muslims were never attacked by anyone. They were
always the aggressors. In fact Muhammad’s wars are called
Ghazwah and that means: raid, sudden attack, ambush. Muhammad
was not in the habit of declaring wars. This would have given his
victims time to prepare and would have reduced his chances of
victory. He always attacked his victims with no warning and took them
by surprise, when people had gone to the fields after their daily
business, the gates of their fortresses were open and they were

It is as if Muslim thinking has shelved itself in a cocoon, from

which it is unable to extricate in order to have a better look
at Islam in a changed world.

Source: Satyamevajayate site is sponsored by Jai Maharaj

Arabic paragraphs from Wikipedia

Posted by viviansteven (read my publications in Scribd)

Jesus raised three from death, choose one answer of the following:

a- Muhammad raised four from death

b- Muhammad killed and decapitated thousand men.

Jesus made 34 miracles (more not written), the prophet Elisha ‫ اليشع‬made 15
miracles, but Muhammad (choose one answer):

a- Muhammad made 35 miracles

b- Muhammad was a prophet without miracles
c- Muhammad is not a prophet but mafia leader
‫منتدي مصر < المنتدى السلمي ‪Source‬‬

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