Letter To The Times Editor

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Letter to the Times editor


Suggestions that I am not faithfully loyal to the King of

Thailand are simply not true.

I was extremely disappointed by the misleading and damaging

way in which my interview with the Times was reported by
Richard Lloyd Parry. In particular the headline, "Ousted Thai
leader Thaksin Shinawatra calls for 'shining' new age after
King's death", was distorted and unfair.

As I made clear, it is the King who holds the key to Thailand's

happiness. In the interview I asked the King, who is above
politics, to lead a reconciliation process to heal Thailand's
divisions. This would ensure a smooth transition to a new age
of prosperity.

Since being ousted in a coup three years ago I have remained

committed to peaceful reconciliation rather than confrontation.
My democratic legitimacy means I do not need to resort to the
low level of political meddling the article implies I am engaging

Accusations that I am against the monarchy have been used by

my political enemies in Thailand many times in attempts to
discredit me. They will not succeed for I am and always will be
a faithful and loyal servant to the King and the royal family.

Thaksin Shinawatra

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