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Employer-Employee Relations

(Lecture 2)
Main Types of Trade Unions
1. Craft Unions
2. Industrial Unions
3. General Unions
4. White-collar unions
Main Issues of Labor Unions
1. Better working conditions
2. Increased pay and benefits
3. Legal assistance
4. Financial support
5. Training and development
6. Health and safety concerns
Methods used to achieve labor objectives
1. Negotiations
2. Go-slows
3. Work-to-rule
4. Overtime bans
5. Strike action / walk-outs
Objectives of employers
Maximization of profits
Minimization of costs
Increased productivity
Decreased absenteeism and staff turnover
Methods used by employers to achieve objectives
1. Negotiations
2. Public relations
3. Threat of redundancies
4. Contract changes
5. Closure
6. Lock-outs

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