IPA & Phonics Handouts)

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語音學(Phonetics)是學習英文和通往國際資訊世界的重要知識工具之一, 我們




國際音標 ─ 循序漸進地教授 44 個國際音標 (IPA) 的讀法、口形和舌位擺放的

全腦學習法 ─ 包括分段法、分節法、聯想法、關係法、圖像記憶法等。
活動學習法 ─ 透過簡單的遊戲活動如「謎語」、「估歌詞」、「字中有字」、「百變組

堂數 主題
1 20 Vowels

2 24 Consonants
Digraph & Blends
Pronunciation of Past Tenses
4 IPA - Practice and Applications (1)

5 Phonics

6 IPA - Practice and Applications (2)

主 講:葉錦熙先生 (MA, BSW, RSW)

綱 址:www.yipsir.com.hk
International Phonetic Symbols (IPS)

English Vowels (響音)

Front: [iː] [ɪ] [æ] [e]
Mid: [зː] [ə] [ʌ]
Back: [uː] [ʊ] [ɔː] [ɒ] [ɑː]

Diphthongs (二合響音)
[eɪ] [əʊ] [aɪ] [aʊ] [ɔɪ]
[ɪə] [eə] [ʊə]

English Consonants (啞音)

[p] [t] [k] [f] [θ] [ʃ] [ʧ] [s] [h]

[b] [d] [g] [v] [ð] [ʒ] [ʤ] [z]
[l] [r] [j] [ w]
[m] [n] [ŋ]

速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 1

速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 2
速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 3
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English Vowels (響音) Exercises
Exercise 1 Front vowels [ i ː] [ ɪ ] [ æ] [e]

題號 英文生字 音標 改正
1. tap [t╴ p]
2. fish [f╴ ʃ]
3. head [h╴ d]
4. see [s╴ ]
5. heat [h╴ t]
6. pet [p╴ t]

Exercise 2 Central vowels [ зː] [ə] [ ʌ ]

題號 英文生字 音標 改正

1. early [ ╴ l ɪ]

2. doctor [dɒkt╴ r ]

3. learn [l╴ n]

4. butter [ b ʌ t ╴ r]

5. her [h╴ ]

6. bun [b╴ n]

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Exercise 3 Back vowels [uː] [ʊ] [ɔː] [ɒ] [ɑː]

題號 英文生字 音標 改正

1. hot [h╴ t]
2. door [ d ╴ r]
3. foot [f╴ t]
4. saw [s╴ ]
5. pork [p╴ k ]
6. glass [gl╴ s]
7. shop [ʃ╴ p]
8. book [b╴ k]
9. four [ f ╴ r]
10. school [sk╴ l]
11. good [g╴ d]
12. god [g╴ d]
13. moon [m╴ n]
14. farm [f╴ m]
15. cook [k╴ k]
16. goose [g╴ s]
17. dog [d╴ g]
18. food [f╴ d]

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International Phonetic Symbol

[ i ː] [ ɪ] [e] [ æ] [ зː] [ə] [ʌ]

[uː] [ʊ] [ɔː] [ɒ] [ɑː]
[eɪ] [əʊ] [a ɪ ] [aʊ] [ɔɪ] [ɪə] [eə] [ʊə]

Exercise 4 Listening test – write down the correct IPS in the

following boxes

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20.

Exercise 5 Fill in the correct IPS

題號 英文生字 音標 題號 英文生字 音標

1. cat [k╴ t] 11 . heat [h╴ t]

2. fit [f╴ t] 12. girl [g╴ l]
3. food [f╴ d] 13. air [___ r ]
4. wall [w╴ l] 14. boy [b __ ]
5. head [h╴ d] 15. mark [m╴ k]
6. dog [d╴ g] 16. sure [ʃ __ ]
7. book [b╴ k] 17. here [h__ r ]
8. boil [b╴ l ] 18. ear [ ___ r ]
9. put [p╴ t] 19. poor [p__ r ]
10. shop [ʃ╴ p] 20. how [h╴ ]

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Long Vowel Sounds

Long vowel sounds say the NAMES of the letters as in

May meat pie toe use
a e i o u
[eɪ ] [iː] [aɪ ] [əʊ] [ju:]

Short vowel sounds say the SOUNDS of the letters as in

An egg is on us
a e i o u
[ æ] [e] [ɪ ] [ɒ ] [ʌ ]

Sound Tongue Position / Spelling

Vowels Examples
Length Lip Shape Patterns
口形:中 → 合 ai mail sail snail
[eɪ ] 唇形:中 → 平
中 → 長 舌位:前 → 前 ay bay day hay
字母 A
的發音 ae bake cake lake
[e] → [ɪ ]
e me, we, these
[iː] 扁口
長 ee bee beef peel
字母 E
的發音 ea tea meat seat

ie lie pie tie

口形:開 → 合
唇形:中 → 平 igh High light thigh
[aɪ ] 舌位:前 → 前
字母 I 中 → 長 ie five hide ride
[a ] → [ɪ ] y buy bye cry

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Sound Tongue Position / Spelling
Vowels Examples
Length Lip Shape Patterns

o so go no
口形:中 → 合
唇形:中 → 圓
oa coat boat soap
舌位:中 → 後
[əʊ] 長
ow arrow low row
字母 O
[ə] → [ʊ]
oe bone hole nose

u use university

ew new few chew

字母 U ue blue fuel queue
的發音 長

[j] → [uː] ui tuition suitable

ue rule huge

1. Write the International Phonetic Symbol (國際音標)

字母 音 標 邊寫邊讀

a [eɪ ]

e [ iː]

i [aɪ ]

o [əʊ]

u [juː]

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2. 練習 ─ 請把正確音標 [ eɪ ], [ iː ], [ aɪ ], [ ə ʊ ] 或 [ juː ] 填在格內

題號 英文生字 音標 答案

1. sky [sk ╴ ]
2. bowl [b ╴l]
3. bay [b ╴]
4. pie [p╴ ]
5. heat [h╴ t]
6. out [╴ t ]
7. light [l╴ t]
8. use [╴ s]
9. late [l ╴ t]
10. boat [b ╴t]
11. cute [k╴ t]
12. sail [s ╴l]

Revision Exercises
1. why / w ___ / a) aJ b) CI c) aI d) JE
2. bear / b ___ / a) JE b) eE c) aI d) IE
3. late / l ___ t / a) aI b) aJ c) EJ d) eI
4. hold / h ___ d / a) EJ b) CI c) aI d) JE
5. near / n ___ / a) iE b) CI c) aI d) JE
6. now / n ___ / a) EJ b) A c) aJ d) aI
7. point / p ___ nt / a) ɒ b) aJ c) C: d) CI
8. poor / p ___ / a) JE b) CI c) u: d) IE
9. kite / k ___ t / a) I b) eI c) IE d) aI
10. flat / fl ___ t / a) A b) aI c) eI d) B:
11. sure / F___ / a) u: b) JE c) EJ d) Q
12. shout / F___ t / a) aJ b) Q c) CI d) B:
13. church / tF___ tF / a) JE b) EJ c) J d) Q
14. joy / dV___ / a) C: b) eE c) EJ d) CI
15. tape / t ___ p / a) eI b) B: c) aI d) A

速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 13

International Phonetic Symbols (IPS)
Consonants (啞音)

Voiceless Voiced Voiced

聲帶不震 聲帶震 聲帶震

[p] [b]

[t] [d]

[k] [g]
[r] [l]
[f] [v]
[m] [n]
[ F] (sh) [V]
[ tF] (ch) [ dV ] (dg)

[s] [z]

[ W ] (th) [ T ] (th)

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English Consonants (啞音)

啞音字母 音標 例子

d [t] Dark
t [d] Target
th Mother
n [n] Narcotic
m [m] March
r [r] Ray
l [l] Large

j Jar
sh [ʧ] Sharp
soft ch [ʃ] Charge
dg [ʤ]
soft g Gentle,German
tch [ʤ] Match,catch

k Karate
hard ch [g] Chemistry
hard c [k] Coal,call
hard g [g] Garden,girl
ng Sleeping
qu [ŋ] Queen,queue
[kw] [kjuː]

F [f] Fast
v [v] Vase
ph Phone

b [p] Bath
p [b] Path,pass

s [s] Salute
z [z] Zoo
soft c Cell,ceiling

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1. Listening test - write down the correct IPS in the following boxes.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

2. Put the correct IPS in the boxes

題號 英文生字 音標 題號 英文生字 音標

1. girl 2. reach
3. large 4. teeth
5. mother 6. leisure
7. telephone 8. chemistry
9. helicopter 10. magic
11. crayon 12. cloudy
13. rabbit 14. leather
15. snoopy 16. bridge
17. zebra 18. decision

Accurate Prounciation

1. Mother [5mQTE(r)]
2. Market [5mB:kIt]
3. Police [ pE5li:s ]
4. Pineapple [5paInAp(E)l]
5. Cupboard [5kQbEd]
6. Colleague [5kRli:^]
7. Costume [5kRstju:m]
8. Coupon [5ku:pRn]
9. Triangle [5traIAN^(E)l]
10. Rectangle [5rektAN^(E)l]

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A digraph is where two letters make a
New sound, not the usual sound of the letters
Sh, ch, th, wh, ph,

【sh】 shop ship shell shock shot

/ ʃ/ fish dish rush brush fresh

【ch】 chair chat chin chips chest

/ ʧ / lunch witch catch bench church
Voiced【th】 / ð/ there this father feather
Voiceless【th】 / θ / thumb three moth panther

【wh】 / w / whistle wheel wheat where

【ph】 / f / phone photo dolphin elephant

Exercise: Fill in the missing letters.

No. IPA English words Corrections
1. [fɪʃ] fi___
2. [lʌnʧ] lun___
3. [ m ʌðə ( r ) ] mo___er
4. [ f əʊn] ___one
5. [wi ːt] ___eat
6. [ b r ʌʃ ] bru___
7. [ ʧ eə] ___air
8. [brʌðə ( r ) ] bro___er
9. [weə] ___ere
10. [wɪʧ] wit___

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When letters are put together in a pattern and we say the sounds
of the letters in order, the letter patterns are ‘blended’ together.

L Blends
【bl】 blue black blank blood
/bl/ The blind man blew the balloon.
There is blood on my finger

【cl】 cloud clap clean clock

/kl/ Her clothes are clean.
Class, clap your hands.

【fl】 floor flag fresh fly

/fl/ There is a butterfly on the flower.
Flora lives in that flat.

【gl】 glad glass glue glove

/gl/ The globe is round.
The snake is gliding on the floor.

【pl】 play plant please plan

/pl/ There is no place for us to play.
There is plenty of plums on the plate.

【sl】 slow sleep slide slippers

/sl/ She wears a pair of slippers.
She slept on the bed.

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3 letter blends

[ scr ] scream screen scratch

[ str ] straw string stream

[ spl ] splash split splendid

[ spr ] spring spread sprout

[ squ ] squid square squirrel

字中有字(Words within words)

練習 ─ 請從下列每一個生字內,找出所有較短的生字

e.g. monkey policeman today


beef scarf pork

goat train pink

flower favourite pear

slow window Cantonese


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Vowel + Consonant – Practice and Application (邊讀邊寫練習)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
i: I A e зː E Q u: J C: ɒ ɑː eI EJ aI aJ CI IE eE JE
1. p pi: pI pA pe pзː pE pQ pu: pJ peI pEJ pɑː peI pEJ paI paJ pCI pIE peE pJE
2. b bi:
3. t ti:
4. d di:
5. k ki:
6. g gi:
7. f fi:
8. v vi:
9. W Wi:

10. T Ti:
11. F Fi:
12. V Vi:
13. tF tFi:
14. dV dVi:
15. s si:
16. z zi:
17. l li:
18. m mi:
19. n ni:
20. N Ni:
21. j ji:
22. h hi:
23. r ri:
24. w wi:
音節 (Syllables) 辨認練習

A. 請把音節的數目填在( )內

1. holiday ( ) 2. return ( )
3. about ( ) 4. primary ( )
5. dictation ( ) 6. film ( )
7. biscuit ( ) 8. association ( )

B. 請把下列英文生字,按照其音節的組成用間線顯示出來

Vending Machines sell many different things. Some of them

sell cold drinks like Cola or hot drinks like coffee or tea. Others
sell snacks like chocolate,biscuits and so on. The customer puts
a coin into the machine and then pushes a button for the thing he
wants. Some machines can return change to the customers.
Example: Ven ding

1. m a c h i n e s 2. c h o c o l a t e

3. b i s c u i t s 4. r e t u r n

5. c h a n g e 6. c u s t o m e r s

2. 國際音標拼讀技巧
2.1 先找出響音音節內的響音 → 讀出響音,例子:park / pɑːk / → / ɑː /
2.2 與響音前之啞音一起拼讀 →例子:park / pɑːk / → / pɑː /
2.3 最後再連同響音後之啞音一起拼讀出來 →例子:park /pɑːk / → / pɑːk /

速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 21

1. 單音節拼讀練習 (音標轉文字)

1. /hi:/ 11. / r I tF /

2. /fQn/ 12. / n IE /

3. /red/ 13. / dV C I /

4. /sIt/ 14. / eI d V /

5. /lJk/ 15. / h IE /

6. /stB:/ 16. / w aI /

7. /fзːr/ 17. / s t ɒ p /

8. / k aI t / 18. / s u : p /

9. / b EJ t / 19. / tF i : p /

10. /hIl/ 20. / s eI /

速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 22

2. 單音節拼讀練習 (文字轉音標)

1. bad 11. h e a d
2. feet 12. m e a t
3. cup 13. k i s s
4. bird 14. w e l l
5. dawn 15. p a n
6. room 16. s e n d
7. what 17. t r e e
8. tea 18. d o o r
9. need 19. u s
10. fish 20. t a l l

3. 雙音節拼讀練習(音標轉文字) (1)

題號 音標 英文生字 題號 音標 英文生字

1. /5sItI/ 11. / 5 d зː t I /
2. /5bɒdI/ 12. / 5 f ɒ l EJ /
3. /5betE/ 13. / 5 f eI m E s /
4. /5kArI/ 14. / 5 aI t E m /
5. /5enI/ 15. /5hIstrI/
6. /5C:WE/ 16. / 5 l C: j E /
7. / 5 b eI s I k / 17. /5lItl/
8. /5tFIkIn/ 18. /5pɒkIt/
9. / 5 зː l I / 19. /5wIntE/
10. / 5 s aI k l / 20. /5stQdI/
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4. 雙音節拼讀練習(音標轉文字) (2)

1. /dU:/ 11. / b\:n /

2. / TeEr / 12. / a:m /

3. / letEr / 13. / rAt /

4. / ti:/ 14. / faIv /

5. / kQp/ 15. / hIEr/

6. / skaI / 16. / keIk /

7. / mu:n / 17. / pB:k /

8. / reJd / 18. / heEr /

9. / naJ / 19. / haI /

10. / r Q F / 20. / FIp /

5. 雙音節拼讀練習 (文字轉音標)

1. absent 11. f u t u r e
2. busy 12. F r i d a y
3. bottle 13. h a r b o u r
4. button 14. h o n e y
5. candle 15. j o u r n e y
6. centre 16. j o c k e y
7. detail 17. l a d y
8. dinner 18. l i g h t e r
9. either 19. m a d a m
10. easy 20. m o n k e y
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6. 雙音節拼讀練習(音標轉文字) 2 syllables 2nd stress

1. /E5baJt/ 11. / d I 5 g r i : /
2. /E5kaJnt/ 12. / d I 5 l e I /
3. /E5dres/ 13. / I 5 n Q f /
4. /bE5lu:n/ 14. / I k 5 s p e k t /
5. /bI5kQm/ 15. / I k 5 s k j u : s /
6. /bI5fC:/ 16. / f E 5 g e t /
7. /kEm5pleIn/ 17. / a I 5 d I E /

8. /kE5set/ 18. / I m 5 p r u : v /
9. /kem5baIn/ 19. / I n 5 s t e d /
10. / d I 5 s aI d / 20. / m E 5 F i : n /

7. 雙音節拼讀練習 (文字轉音標) 2 syllables 2nd stress

1. mature 11. alone

2. obey 12. arrive
3. patro 13. begin
4. perform 14. beware
5. police 15. collect
6. recall 16. control
7. remain 17. display
8. repair 18. expense
9. typhoon 19. intend
10. upset 20. obey

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8. 三音節拼讀練習(音標轉文字) 3 syllables 1st stress

1. / 5enIWIN / 11. / 5fAktErI /

2. / 5bB:bIkjU:/ 12. / 5fC:mjJlE /
3. / 5bAtErI / 13. / 5dVenErEs /
4. / 5bju:tIfl / 14. / 5hɒspItl/
5. / 5benIfIt / 15. / 5IntEvjU: /
6. / 5bQtEflaI / 16. / 5memErI /
7. / 5kAmErE / 17. / 5nEJbEdI /

8. / 5sInEmE / 18. / 5mAnIdVE /

9. / 5kQmpEnI / 19. / 5C:dInrI /
10. / 5enEdVI / 20. / 5fIzIkl/

9. 三音節拼讀練習 (文字轉音標) 3 syllables 1st stress

1. voluntary 11. suitable
2. victory 12. somebody
3. vegetable 13. sociable
4. universe 14. singular
5. uniform 15. signature
6. typical 16. sensible
7. terrible 17. satisfy
8. telephone 18. quantity
9. technical 19. quality
10. summary 20. property

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10. 三音節拼讀練習(音標轉文字) 3 syllables 2nd stress

1. /C:l5redI/ 11. /kE5rQpFn/

2. /E5ttenFn/ 12. /dI5sIFn/

3. /bE5nB:nE/ 13. /dI5velEp/

4. /kE5lekFn/ 14. /dI5vIVn/

5. /kEm5pju:tE/ 15. /I5levn/

6. /ken5dIFn/ 16. /I5mEJFn/

7. /kEn5sIdE/ 17. /fC:5meIFn/

8. /kE5set/ 18. /I5li:gl/

9. /kEn5sju:mE/ 19. /I5mAdVIn/

10. /kEn5tInju:/ 20. /Im5preFn/

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The Prounciation of ‘ed’ ending verbs
5 個規則
1. / -tId / when ‘ed’ is after t

Examples: rooted / 5rU:tId /

united / ju:5naItId /
heated / 5hi:tId /

2. / -dId / when ‘ed’ is after d

Examples: needed / 5ni:dId /

ended / 5endId /
intended / In5tendId/

3. / -t / when ‘ed’ is after voiceless consonants (except t)

Examples: stopped / stɒpt /

asked / B:skt /
kissed / kIst /
washed / wɒFt /

4. / -d / when ‘ed’ is after voiced consonants (except d)

Examples: robbed / rɒbd /

begged / begd /
loved / lQvd /
smiled / smaIld /

5. / -Id / when ‘ed’ ending word are used as adjectives

Examples: aged / 5eIdVId /

learned / lз :nId /
wicked / 5wIkId /
naked / 5neIkId /

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Read aloud the following ‘ed’ ending verbs

1. mend mended 16. polish polished

2. miss missed 17. post posted
3. move moved 18. queue queued
4. need needed 19. recycle recycled
5. number numbered 20. remember remembered

6. open opened 21. return returned

7. pack packed 22. save saved
8. park parked 23. show showed
9. pay paid 24. sniff sniffed
10. plant planted 25. collect collected

11. stop stopped 26. glide glided

12. start started 27. like liked
13. talk talked 28. marry married
14. touch touched 29. cross crossed
15. treat treated 30. enjoy enjoyed

速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 29

英文是拼音文字,根據研究統計,大約至少有 80%的英文單字的發音都是有規
則可循的。Phonics 就功能上來說,可以稱為「字母拼讀法」或「字面拼音」,任何
英文有 26 個字母,用來組成單字。每個字母的唸法都不同,而英文字母又分成
a e i o u
法 (common)、非慣常性讀法 (less common)及例外讀法 (exception)。

字母 A 組合的讀法
串連記憶法:Ah! 柯小妹妹扮到蝴蝶咁靚。
/ B: / / C: / /A/
字母組合 音標符號 例子
a_e cave cage cake gate
ai / eI / rain mail rail sail
ay day pay play stay
/A/ hand bat man van
a / C: / ball tall call fall
/ B: / plant dance chance grass

字母 E 組合的讀法
串連記憶法:E 先生說話時 e e 聲
字母組合 音標符號 例子

e eve scene these me

ee / i: / bee see tree peel

ea eat meal team seat

e bed net hen nest

ea bread dead head sweat

速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 30

字母 I 組合的讀法
串連記憶法:I eat an apple
字母組合 音標符號 例子

i nine ride mile tile

/ aI /
ie tie lie die pie

i /I/ fish fist hill milk

字母 O 組合的讀法
串連記憶法:Oh, 食/ ɒ / 時,/ J /一聲吞咗落吐

字母組合 音標符號 例子

o hole joke bone rope

oa / EJ / boat coat goat road

ow bowl arrow bow low

oo cook foot stood good

ou could should would

o /ɒ/ log box fox pond

速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 31

字母 U 組合的讀法
串連記憶法:You / Q / 爛個 u: 字

字母組合 音標符號 例子

u june rule flute truth

oo boot moon pool room

ew / u: / blew drew flew grew

ue clue true blue glue

ou group route you soup

u /Q/ duck mud nut sun

u_e tube cube cute huge

ew / ju: / few new dew stew

ue argue cue due rescue

字母 Y 發響音的字母組合
字母組合 音標符號 例子

y / aI / fly buy dry shy

y /I/ city easy party story

速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 32

字母組合 音標符號 例子

oy boy toy joy oyster

/ CI /
oi coin boil soil voice

ow cow owl bow now

/ aJ /
ou mouse house sound shout

au caught taught saucer daughter

aw paw lawn straw claw

or / C: / sport sword short fork

oa roar broad board oar

ou bought brought sought

ar bark farm card hard

/ B: /
al half calf palm calm

er herd term serve ferry

ir shirt bird girl birthday

/ з: /
or word work world worm

ur burn turn hurt curl

速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 33

Soft c: ci, ce, cy

字母組合 音標符號 例子

ci city circus circle cinema

ce /s/ cell cent centre cereal

cy cycle cyclist cyber cylinder

Hard c: ca, cl, co, cr, cu

字母組合 音標符號 例子

ca canal cake calf cabbage

cl cloud clock clown clay

co /k/ cook cock coffee cobweb

cr crab crime crowd crayon

cu cut cute curtain cuttlefish

Soft g: gi, ge, gy

字母組合 音標符號 例子 例外

gi ginger giraffe giant girl, give, gift

get, gear,
ge / dV / genius gem germany

gy gym gypsy

Hard g: ga, gi, gl, go, gr, gu

速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 34

字母組合 音標符號 例子

ga game gate garden garlic

gl glass glad globe gloves

go /g/ God gold golf goose

gr green grapes graph grammar

gu gun guest guitar guard

字母組合 音標符號 例子

ch / tF / chair chicken cheek chocolate

ch /k/ choir chemist Christmas mechanic

th /W/ thin thorn thunder thumb

th /T/ this that these those

sh /F/ shark shirt shadow cushion

ph /f/ photo phone graph elephant

qu / kju: / queue

qu / kwi: / queen quick question quiz


速學英語拼音班 Yipsir (葉錦熙) 35

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