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Back in the Playground Blues by Adrian Mitchell

Themes = War (The Killing Ground), School, Sadness, Bullying, hildhood,

Key Points = This "oe! is about the !isery that the "oet #elt $hile he $as
at school% To hi!, the "layground $as a !iserable, horrible "lace $here
the bullies "ic&ed on e'eryone including hi!% The Killing Ground tells us
that to the children, the "layground $as li&e a $ar area $here no one $as
sa#e #ro! the bullies% The "oet also tells us that the bullies $ere so cruel
that they e'en used to "ic& the $ings o## beetles and insects%
Important Quotes = (rea!ed ) $as in a school "layground, ) $as about
#our #eet high, And it has a s"ecial na!e to it, they called it the Killing
Ground, The *ulers o# the Killing Ground are co!ing out to "lay
e'eryone thin&ing+ $ho are they going to "lay $ith today,, Those $ho
get it get it get it #or any da!n thing at all, But a beetle cant beg #or
!ercy, a beetle-s not hal# the #un, but ) ha'e ne'er #ound any "lace in
!y li#e that-s $orse than the Killing Ground%
The Lake Isle of Innisfree by W%B% .eats
Themes= /ature, 0o'e, Me!ories, 1reedo!
Key Points = )n this "oe! W%B% .eats is !issing his ho!e 2
)nnis#ree% 3e is li'ing in 0ondon and !isses the #reedo! and
nature o# )nnis#ree% 3e longs to go ho!e and esca"e gloo!y
0ondon% 3e describes the nature o# the area in detail and
co!"ares it to dar&, grey 0ondon $hich he hates%
Important Quotes = ) $ill arise and go no$, and go to
)nnis#ree, ) hear it in the dee" heart-s core
Poetic Techniques= The i!agery in this "oe! lea'es a
beauti#ul "icture in our !inds and hel"s us i!agine 4ust $hy
W%B% .eats longs so !uch to be in )nnis#ree%
*e'ision o# Bac& in the 5layground Blues
Who is the "oet,
Who is the s"ea&er o# the "oe!,
What are the the!es o# the "oe!,
What is the "oe! about,
Gi'e t$o reasons $hy you li&ed the "oe!%
Are there "oetic techni6ues in the "oe!,
*e'ision o# The 0a&e )sle o# )nnis#ree
Who is the "oet,
Who is the s"ea&er o# the "oe!,
What are the the!es o# the "oe!,
What is the "oe! about,
Gi'e t$o reasons $hy you li&ed the "oe!,
Are there any "oetic techni6ues in the "oe!,

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