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Revision of Base Details by Siegfried Sassoon

Base Details by Siegfried Sassoon

Themes = War, Anger, Death, Sadness, Memories
Key Points =In this oem Siegfried Sassoon shares !ith the
reader his anger to!ards the Ma"ors !ho !ere in #harge d$ring
Wor%d War &' Siegfried !as a so%dier in Wor%d War & and sa!
himse%f ho! bad%y the Ma"ors treated the so%diers' The Ma"ors
$sed to stay in fan#y hote%s !hi%e the yo$ng so%diers fo$ght the
!ar o$t on the batt%efie%d' The oet is ese#ia%%y angry that
the Ma"ors $sed to die #omfortab%y in their o!n beds, after
the !ar'
Imortant ($otes = !ith my $ffy et$%ant fa#e, g$))%ing and
g$%ing in the best hote%', g$))%ing and g$%ing, And !hen
the !ar is done and yo$th stone dead, I*d todd%e safe%y home
and die+in bed'
Revision of It Makes Me Furious! by Teresa De ,es$s
It Makes Me Furious! by Teresa De ,es$s
Themes = Anger, In"$sti#e, An -vent, Sadness
Key Point = In this oem the oet Teresa de ,es$s is e.treme%y
angry abo$t a%% the in"$sti#es that she #an see in the !or%d'
The in"$sti#es that she ta%/s abo$t in#%$de #hi%d neg%e#t,
home%essness, overty and the mistreatment of o%d eo%e' The
oet is so angry that she reeats the %ine It ma/es me
f$rio$s0 five times thro$gho$t the oem'
Imortant ($otes = It ma/es me f$rio$s0
Revision of 1ase Detai%s
Who is the oet2
Who is the sea/er of the oem2
What are the themes of the oem2
What is the oem abo$t2
3ive t!o reasons !hy yo$ %i/ed the oem'
Are there oeti# te#hni4$es in the oem2
Revision of It ma/es me 5$rio$s0
Who is the oet2
Who is the sea/er of the oem2
What are the themes of the oem2
What is the oem abo$t2
3ive t!o reasons !hy yo$ %i/ed the oem2
Are there any oeti# te#hni4$es in the oem2

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