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Political Theory and Indian Politics:
1. Political Theory: meaning and approaches.
2. Theories of the State: Liberal, Neoliberal, Marxist, Plralist, Post!colonial and
". #stice: $onceptions of %stice &ith special reference to 'a&l(s theory of %stice and
its commnitarian criti)es.
*. +)ality: Social, political and economic, relationship bet&een e)ality and freedom,
-ffirmati.e action.
/. 'ights: Meaning and theories, different 0inds of rights, concept of 1man 'ights.
2. 3emocracy: $lassical and contemporary theories, different models of democracy 4
representati.e, participatory and deliberati.e.
5. $oncept of po&er, hegemony, ideology and legitimacy.
6. Political 7deologies: Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism, 8ascism, 9andhism and
:. 7ndian Political Thoght : 3haramshastra, -rthashastra and ;ddhist traditions, Sir
Syed -hmed <han, Sri -robindo, M.<. 9andhi, ;.'. -mbed0ar, M.N. 'oy.
1=. >estern Political Thoght: Plato, -ristotle, Machia.elli, 1obbes, Loc0e, #ohn S. Mill,
Marx, 9ramsci,1annah -rendt.
Indian Government and Politics:
1. 7ndian Nationalism:
?a@ Political Strategies of 7ndia(s 8reedom Strggle: $onstittionalism to mass
Satyagraha, Non!cooperation,$ 3isobedience, Militant and re.oltionary
mo.ements, Peasant and &or0ers( mo.ements.
?b@ on 7ndian National Mo.ement: Liberal, Socialist and Marxist, 'adical
hmanist and 3alit.
2. Ma0ing of the 7ndian $onstittion: Legacies of the ;ritish rle, different social
and political
". Salient 8eatres of the 7ndian $onstittion: The Preamble, 8ndamental 'ights and
3ties, 3irecti.e Principles, Parliamentary System and -mendment Procedres, #dicial
' and ;asic Strctre doctrine.
*. ?a@ Principal Argans of the Bnion 9o.ernment: +n.isaged role and actal &or0ing
of the +xecti.e, Legislatre and Spreme $ort.
?b@ Principal Argans of the State 9o.ernment: +n.isaged role and actal &or0ing of the
+xecti.e,Legislatre and 1igh $orts.
/. 9rassroots 3emocracy: Panchayati 'a% and Mnicipal 9o.ernment, significance of
5"rd and 5*
-mendments, 9rassroot mo.ements.
2. Stattory 7nstittionsC$ommissions: +lection $ommission, $omptroller and
-ditor 9eneral, 8inance $ommission, Bnion Pblic $ommission,
National $ommission for Schedled $astes, National $ommission for Schedled
Tribes, National $ommission for >omen, National 1man 'ights $ommission,
National $ommission for Minorities, National ;ac0&ard $lasses $ommission.
5. 8ederalism: $onstittional pro.isions, changing natre of centre!state relations,
integrationist tendencies and regional aspirations, inter!state disptes.
6. Planning and +conomic 3e.elopment : Nehr.ian and 9andhian, role of
planning and pblic sector, 9reen 'e.oltion, land reforms and agrarian relations,
liberalilDation and economic reforms.
:. $aste, 'eligion and +thnicity in 7ndian Politics.
1=. Party System: National and regional political parties, ideological and social bases of
parties, patterns of coalition politics, Pressre grops, trends in electoral beha.ior,
changing socio! economic profile of Legislators.
11. Social Mo.ements: $ liberties and hman rights mo.ements, &omen(s
mo.ements, en.ironmentalist mo.ements.
Com!arative Politics and International Relations
Com!arative Political Analysis and International Politics:
1. Com!arative Politics : Natre and ma%or approaches, political economy and political
sociology, limitations of the comparati.e method.
2. State in comparati.e perspecti.e: $haracteristics and changing natre of the State in
capitalist and socialist economies, and, ad.anced indstrial and de.eloping societies.
". Politics of 'epresentation and Participation: Political parties, pressre grops and
social mo.ements in ad.anced indstrial and de.eloping societies.
*. 9lobalisation: 'esponses from de.eloped and de.eloping societies.
/. A!!roaches to the St"dy o# International Relations : 7dealist, 'ealist, Marxist,
8nctionalist and Systems theory.
2. <ey concepts in 7nternational 'elations: National interest, Secrity and po&er,
;alance of po&er and deterrence, Transnational actors and collecti.e secrity, >orld
capitalist economy and globalisation.
5. $hanging 7nternational Political Arder:?a@ 'ise of sper po&ers, strategic and
ideological ;ipolarity, arms race and $old >ar, nclear threat,
?b@ Non!aligned mo.ement: -ims and achie.ements,
?c@ $ollapse of the So.iet Bnion, Bnipolarity and -merican hegemony, rele.ance of
non!alignment in the contemporary &orld.
6. +.oltion of the 7nternational +conomic System: 8rom ;retton&oods to >TA,
Socialist economies and the $M+- ?$oncil for Mtal +conomic -ssistance@, Third
>orld demand for ne& international economic order, 9lobalisation of the &orld
:. Bnited Nations: +n.isaged role and actal record, specialiDed BN agencies!aims and
fnctioning, need for BN reforms.
1=. 'egionalisation of >orld Politics: +B, -S+-N, -P+$, S--'$, N-8T-.
11. $ontemporary 9lobal $oncerns: 3emocracy, hman rights, en.ironment, gender
%stice, terrorism, nclear proliferation.
India and the $orld:
1. 7ndian 8oreign Policy: 3eterminants of foreign policy, instittions of policy!ma0ing,
continity and change.
2. 7ndia(s $ontribtion to the Non!-lignment Mo.ement: 3ifferent phases, crrent role.
". 7ndia and Soth -sia:
?a@ 'egional $o!operation: S--'$ 4 past performance and ftre prospects.
?b@ Soth -sia as a 8ree Trade -rea.
?c@ 7ndia(s ELoo0 +astF policy.
?d@ 7mpediments to regional co!operation: &ater disptes, illegal cross!border
migration, ethnic conflicts and insrgencies, border disptes.
*. 7ndia and the 9lobal Soth: 'elations &ith -frica and Latin -merica, leadership role
in the demand for N7+A and >TA negotiations.
/. 7ndia and the 9lobal $entres of Po&er: BS-, +B, #apan, $hina and 'ssia.
2. 7ndia and the BN System: 'ole in BN Peace!0eeping, demand for Permanent Seat in
the Secrity $oncil.
5. 7ndia and the Nclear Gestion: $hanging perceptions and policy.
6. 'ecent de.elopments in 7ndian 8oreign policy: 7ndia(s position on the recent crisis in
-fghanistan, 7ra) and >est -sia, gro&ing relations &ith BS and 7srael, .ision of a ne&
&orld order.

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