Release Log - Autoship For Windows: 8.2.0 Release Feb 27, 2003 Nurbs Version 198

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Release Log -- Autoship for Windows

8.2.0 Release
Feb 27, 2003
Nurbs Version !8
1. Fixed problem rotating grouped curves in main screen 3D view.
2. Changed body view split contour view to be properly centred.
3. Fixed several problems associated with need to hit "Enter" ater moving vertex with
arrow !eys.
". Fixed problem editing collection name in #avigator.
$. Fixed bug in new surace properties dialogue which could cause table initiali%ation o
unchanged suraces.
8.2.0 "eta !
#an 2$, 2003
Nurbs Version !7
1. Fixed bug in Deopable surace creation with extrapolate start curvature.
2. &emoved &elax Curve unction
3. Curve and 'urace air now preserve one coordinate when in a principal view.
8.2.0 "eta 8
#an 7, 2003
Nurbs Version !%
1. &emoved surace match capability rom 'td version
8.2.0 "eta 7
#an 3, 2003
Nurbs Version !%
1. &esi%ed onts on some main orm buttons to ma!e text it better
2. 'mall improvements in type 2 curve pro(ection
3. )dded relax acility or curves.
". Colour setting now wor!s in Curve Editor dialogue.
$. Fixed several bugs in positioning points embedded on curves.
8.2.0 "eta %
#an 2, 2003
Nurbs Version !3
1. Curve points dialogue has option or hori%ontal vs vertical display.
2. *here is a new properties dialogue called rom the #avigator to deal with curve and
surace collection contents.
3. Fixed new bug due to point + in ,eta $- which caused destruction o illets.
". Fixed bug reading .ctr ile.
$. .orcupine length actors no longer reset when starting.
/. 0ore rearrangement o let side tools. *hree new lettered buttons1
. to bring up curve points dialogue
C to bring up curvature display 2edit mode only3
E to bring up curve editor dialogue 2edit mode only3
4. ,ehaviour o the lettered buttons and resulting tool windows made consistent.
5. 6ser choice o presence o trailing %eros in contour name generation.
+. Fixed new bug in editing embedded curves.
8.2.0 "eta &
'e( !, 2002
Nurbs Version !0
1. )dded provision or user to supply preix to contour name.
2. Fixed bug in group editor inish apply to all.
3. &emoved the automatic setting o bac! inish to same value as ront inish in all places
it occurred.
". Changed Curve .oints tool window to hori%ontal layout
$. )dded option or Ep interpolation to new curve dialogue 7ot tab.
$. &enamed Curve 8nterpolator to Curve Editor
/. )dded Cp9Ep icon button to Curve Editor and added control point mode
/. Fixed curve editor to recogni%e changed name
4. Fixed point index column in curve editor
5. Fixed inappropriate mirroring in 2D D:F export.
+. Changed dynamic draw editing. .ressing the enter !ey now necessary to retain
1;. 8mplemented porcupine display o contour curvature.
11. Fixed bug updating contours ater surace row or col degree change.
8.2.0 "eta $
No) 28, 2002
Nurbs Version 8!
1. Fixed new bug in select9unselect individual contours in Contours dialogue.
2. *he mouse wheel %oom actor is now user<settable in the .reerences dialogue
3. #ew Curve .oints tool window
". &evised old Curve .oints dialogue to ma!e new Curve 8nterpolator tool window.
$. #ew curve interpolation method used in interpolator.
8.2.0 "eta 3
No) 22, 2002
Nurbs Version 88
1. Cancel button now unctions or D:F import.
2. During D:F import ob(ect names are appended with ob(ect index and not chec!ed or
3. )7*<F3- F"- F$- F/ now do pan to new edit point.
". Fixed scaling problem in D:F spline export.
$. Fixed apply all unctions in >roup editor.
/. Fixed bug in regenerating ruled suraces.
4. 6ser supplied names or contours now supported.
5. Fixed bugs in trim to centre plane.
+. Fixed angle calculation in measurement tool
1;. )dded help topic access to button in measurement tool window.
11. Fixed colouring o curves in groups.
8.2.0 "eta 2
No) 2, 2002
Nurbs Version 87
1. Fixed sever bug in !not redistribution. )lso made curve unction wor! across sections.
2. ?aterline- buttoc! and curve end locations are now in oset tables.
3. Fixed navigator context menu or applying color9properties to selected ob(ects.
8.2.0 "eta
No) &, 2002
Nurbs Version 8&
1. #ew context menu on drawing windows when in edit mode.
2. #ew curve and surace airing unctions
3. #ew curve and surace !not redistribution unctions
". .reerences are saved in the .pr3.
$. *he number o characters permitted in part names is now unlimited
/. #ames can contain non<ascii characters
4. #ew curve generation method1 along !nuc!les on developable suraces
5. ?heel mouse %oom
+. 0iddle mouse button double clic! does %oom out
1;. 0iddle mouse button and drag panning
11. 'urace thic!ness in included in weight and area reports.
12. Context menu additions or Curves and 'uraces nodes < apply colour- material- inish
to all selected
13. )dded command buttons to group editor to apply a colour to all curves in the group-
material and inish to all suraces.
1". &earranged main screen by moving controls rom bottom two rows to side.
1$. )dded option to show station contours in body plan window split let<right.
1/. )dded chec!s to prevent multiple occurences o the same ob(ect in a group.
14. )dded 6ngroup command to >roup node in #avigator.
8.. *aintenan(e Release
+(t 2!, 2002
Nurbs Version 8&
1. Fixed bug preventing curve end attachment to selected points in new curve dialogue
2. Fixed two bugs in curve pro(ection onto surace with chine
3. Fixed bug in intersection o suraces with chines.
8.. "eta 2
#ul, 30, 2002
Nurbs Version 8
1. 'urace and polyob(ect thic!ness are now included in weight and area report.
2. 'ource curve corner points are now guaranteed to be control points o developable
3. Fixed very old bugs in mathematics or degree ive curves and suraces.
8.. "eta
#ul, 0, 2002
Nurbs Version 80
1. )dded to sur intersection code to better handle chines.
2. Fixed bugs in surace trim
3. Fixed problem in trimmed developable surace regeneration
". D:F export o contours now labels in correct units.
$. .ut in trap to alert users to over long D:F ile names.
/. Fixed bug in loating number conversion that caused problems with some locales.
4. Fixed crash<producing bug in 8>E' import.
5. Fixed problem with opening and then saving pro(ect iles across the networ!.
+. Fixed bug in curve spiral generation which limited it to integer number o turns.
1;. ?hen creating a geometry ile- the program now always =ueries whether to use user
deined sections- i any are deined.
8..0 -rodu(tion Release
'e( 3, 200
Nurbs Version 7%
1. Fixed comments in pro(ect ino to handle @apanese characters
8..0 "eta !
No) 2!, 200
Nurbs Version 7$
13 Fixed two problems in behaviour associated with the view buttons.
23 Fixed incorrect display o templates in 3D view
33 Fixed 8>E' import o trimmed suraces.
8..0 "eta 8
No) %, 200
Nurbs Version 73
13 Fixed bug in >0 calculation in 8nstant Aydrostatics
23 8mproved ability o surace trim to handle partially coincident curves
33 Fixed bug in g export that caused array overlow with large number o sections.
"3 Fixed g export to handle suraces with seams at the bottom
$3 Fixed template D&) attachment
/3 Fixed recent bug which prevented reading new .pr3 into 5.;
43 )dded comments to pro(ect ino
53 Bset report now handles curves properly 2bug introduced in beta 23
+3 0ade group drag show bounding box.
1;3 Aelp ile now covers new eatures. Change to A*07 help.
113 'mall ixes in 8nstant Aydro dialogue.
123 Fix to )ttributes Dialogue- >roup Edit button behaviour.
8..0 "eta 7
+(t , 200
Nurbs Version 72
13 Fixed bug in geodesic oset curve generation.
23 8mplemented 3d view synchroni%ation.
8..0 "eta %
.e/te0ber 2$, 200
Nurbs Version 7
13 Fixed newly introduced edit mode bug which caused edit mode controls to malunction.
8..0 "eta &
.e/te0ber $, 200
Nurbs Version 7
13 Fixed bug in C code hydrostatics. ?as producing incorrect waterplane data.
23 Changed instant hydrostatics "8mm" parameter or '8 to 0*9m.
33 Changed instant hydrostatics parameter calculation to be based on largest submerged
transverse section. .reviously it was based on mid section.
"3 Fixed bug in geodesic oset calculation.
$3 Fixed bug in trim to centre plane 2incorrect domain identiication due to cp trim curves not
being identically on the cp3.
/3 Fixed 8>E' input to ignore trimming o entity 122 surace.
43 Fixed bug in Fillet surace generation.
53 )dded point and surace collections in #avigator.
+3 .rogram version and loc! chec!ing increased to 5.1.;.
8.0. "eta $
August !, 200
Nurbs Version %!
13 Ceep dialogue when trimming copy o surace now appears at screen top.
23 Bset curves now wor! with units other than m.
33 Corrected problem with beta 11- point +.
"3 8mproved sur<sur intersection to handle diicult case with badly distorted parameter space.
$3 8mproved 7*D editing o point embedded on curve.
/3 &estored use o Common colour dialogue or rendering bac!ground.
43 Fixed ocus problem when editing with control points.
8.0. "eta 3
#ul, 3, 200
Nurbs Version %8
13 Fixed new bug that prevented creation and regeneration o developable suraces.
23 Fixed bug in control point weight slider orm.
33 &emoved automatic %oom out when restoring main window ater minimi%ing it.
"3 Fixed bug in 8>E' import o unclamped #6&,' surace with unusual !not vector.
8.0. "eta 2
#ul, 2%, 200
Nurbs Version %8
13 0ade curves sorted within collections in navigator
23 8mproved type 2 curve pro(ection at chine crossings.
33 #ew mechanism to recover extra space in dependency table.
8.0. "eta
#ul, 3, 200
Nurbs Version %7
13 &ow.Col curvature o surace now dynamic during control point editing.
23 .ro(ect iles written by beta 11 can be read by 5.;.
33 Fixed bug in regen o ruled surace when curve n changed.
"3 Fixed bug in text entry o cp weight
$3 &estored ability to cancel most editing operations by E'C !ey
/3 Fixed bug in D:F in o polyline by arcs and segments
43 8mproved the process o setting a control point o a curve embedded in a curve by entering into
the 7*D text boxes.
53 Fixed bug in creation o planar<embedded curves.
+3 0ax number o contours in each plane increased to 1$;;.
1;3 Fixed bug that orced %oom out when creating embedded points.
113 &endering bac!ground colour now retained.
8.0. "eta 0
#une 22, 200
Nurbs Version %%
13 Bset curve added
23 #ew curve regeneration unctions
33 6ser interace or pro(ect regeneration
"3 Fixed another bug in surace trim
$3 Fixed bug in switching rom one single view to another
8.0. "eta !
#une 8, 200
Nurbs Version %&
13 Fixed rendering o suraces- which were being lit on the wrong side.
23 Fixed bug in curve to curve trim.
8.0. "eta 8
#une 3, 200
Nurbs Version %$
13 Fixed bug in surace trim.
23 Decreased tolerance or curve (oin < ,eta 4 was too loose.
33 Fixed Diewer clipping problem.
"3 Fixed new problem reading .pr2 iles.
8.0. "eta 7
#une , 200
Nurbs Version %3
13 'everal changes to navigator.
23 Curve colour setting dialogue presented when old pro(ect read.
33 Colour setting at all curve creation.
"3 &ecursive delete bugs ixed.
$3 'urace (oin unction
/3 &elaxed tolerance or curve (oin
43 'urace row9col curvature dynamic update during editing
53 Esc to cancel arrow !ey editing
+3 ,utton beside ? text box to bring up weight slider.
1;3 Fixed problem rendering transormed bloc!s
113 Fixed instant hyro problem
123 7ights in viewer changed to have no ambient component.
133 Fixed non<compatibility o .pr3 iles with older versions o program
1"3 #ew curve collection acility in #avigator.
8.0. "eta %
*a, 28, 200
13 Fixed positioning o viewer over 3d view window.
23 Fixed transormation matrix input to viewer
33 Changed rom Ctrl to )lt as !ey or pan
8.0. "eta &
*a, 2$, 200
13 0any bug ixes and improvements in navigator
23 Curves can be assigned colour inside groups.
33 #ew slider tool or editing control point weight.
8.0. "eta $
*a, !, 200
13 #avigator tool implemented.
23 Bpen>7 Diewer rom )utostructure now used or rendering and surace curvature display
33 Dynamic surace rendering and curvature during editing
"3 #ew surace absolute curvature colour map
$3 Curves appear in rendering
/3 >rid and snap are now separate buttons and both can be o
43 #ew ortho button and unction
53 Curves can be assigned colour 2via navigator3. 'elected curves drawn as short<dash lines.
+3 Camera motion controls removed.
8,0. "eta 3
*a, , 200
13 Fixed several problems in generation o developable surace
23 #ew option to spread an base control points o developable surace.
33 8n 8>E' export o developable surace a new surace is generated or each an edge.
"3 ?hen creating curve by draw and points as control points selected- !not vector is now uniorm.
$3 Dynamic updating o curves- sur mesh and sur contours during editing.
8.0. "eta 2
Feb 27, 200
13 6nlimited stations- wls- buts in oset report
23 Bset report can contain multiple intersections or each butt- wl.
33 Bset report correctly handles curves in assembly tree.
"3 ?hen entering coords or loted curve- last cell value is now used correctly
$3 8n @oin Curves dialogue name editing is now correct
/3 ,ugs ixed in 8>E' export o trimmed surace
8.0. "eta
13 Fixed several bugs in arc itting and arc output in 2d dx.
8.0.0 -rodu(tion Release
Feb 2, 2000
Nurbs Release &$
13 Forced return to select mode when ma!ing a group using the )rrange menu
23 8mplemented auto regenerate o type 2 pro(ected curves on developable suraces when
surace regenerated.
33 Contour dialogue add button now inserts present value rather than next one.
"3 Fixed bug in which importing an 8>E' ile containing incorrect trimmed suraces could cause
program crash.
$3 Fixed bug in 8>E' output o assembly containing trimmed suraces.
/3 Changed new curve dialogue so that i a single point is in pro(ect- the new curve end points are
not automatically set to its location.
43 Fixed a couple o places where retrieval o loating point numbers rom the registry wasnEt
correctly compensating or a change o locale.
53 Fixed bug in generating layer names in D:F output.
+3 Changed type 2 pro(ection on developable surace to always create degree 1 curve.
1;3 Changed dx output to label rames with rame number instead o location
113 Fixed bug that caused crash when untrimming a certain surace.
7..0 "eta 3&
#an 2, 2000
Nurbs Release &3
13 Fixed a couple o bugs in dx input o lightweight polylines with bulges.
23 Fixed bug in dx input o arcs < wrong scaling
33 Fixed a very old bug in hydro report calculation o 7?7.
"3 Fixed occurences o "F" character instead o "G" in hydro report o centroids.
$3 Fixed H2C bug in 8>E' ile header date9time stamp.
/3 Fixed incorrect display o embedded degenerate curve in select mode.
43 Fixed 8>E' header problem due to too long ile name.
53 Fixed problem o new mesh generation at chines.
17..0 "eta 33
No) 2%, !!!
Nurbs Release &2
13 Changed instant hydro so orm saves data when closed and reopened
23 Fixed problem in rendering two<sided- several instances groups
33 Fixed bug in the new oset table report. 8t was causing bad results or buttoc! crossings
"3 Fixed bug that caused buttoc! and waterline contour settings to change when saving them to a
$3 Fixed alignment problems in the new curve and new surace dialogues.
/3 Fixed bug that caused omission o last segment in D:F input o polylines.
43 8mproved instant hydro depth9trim solve.
53 Fixed bug in surace trim that caused problems when one trim curve (oined two ad(acent
surace corners.
+3 Fixed several bugs in dx input o lightweight polylines with bulges.
7..0 "eta 32
.e/t 7, !!!
13 Fixed a couple o problems with special<case surace trims.
23 8n the case o a pro(ect containing (ust one point- made the new curve dialog initiali%e the curve
end locations to the point location and correctly display the point name in the drop<down list.
33 Changed program behaviour so that i a surace is trimmed- doing a row or col reverse
automatically untrims it
"3 Changed baseline dialogue to ma!e single clic! serve to toggle web setting.
$3 Fixed bug in instant hydrostatics which caused problem with cloned ob(ects.
/3 Fixed bug in new oset table report.
7..0 "eta 3
#ul, 27, !!!
Nurbs Release &0
13 'everal ixes and changes in 8nstant Aydrostatics.
23 Fixed problem with geometry ile generation on oshore rigs- where contour ell on surace
33 Fixed bug reading in 8>E' ile with parametric surace entities which are trimmed 2still donEt
read parametric suaces- but no longer crashes3.
"3 Fixed bug in surace<surace intersection o small suraces.
$3 Fixed title bar display so pro(ect name appears ater File9'ave.
/3 Fixed problem with a particular blend surace creation.
43 0ade several changes to Bset table generation. #ow produces separate tables or heights
and hal<breadths.
53 Changed '*D version surace number limit to ";.
+3 Fixed oset table incorrect behaviour when no waterlines or no buttoc!s speciied.
7.0.2 +12 Release
#une 22, !!!
Nurbs Release $!
13 'everal ixes and changes in 8nstant Aydrostatics
7.0.2 "eta 30
#une 7, !!!
Nurbs Release $!
13 8mplemented export o B&C 80' osets.
23 Changed oset report to new ormat.
33 Fixed bugs in 8nstant Aydrostatics
7.0.2 "eta 2!
#une 8, !!!
Nurbs Release $8
13 Fixed bug which produced "'ubscript But B &ange" messages when generating .g1 export
with surace parallel to x I ; plane
23 Changed loating point input text boxes to accept "." or "-" as irst character
33 Fixed bug in using 7*D boxes to reposition embedded control points
7.0.2 "eta 28
A/ril 2%, !!!
Nurbs Release $%
13 Fixed bug which prevented opening pro(ect iles on a networ!ed computer.
23 Fixed lic!ering on control9edit point selection due to extra draws.
33 Fixed surace reinement bug which caused some cases to ta!e an extremely long time to
"3 Fixed set base point dialog to show values in correct units.
$3 Fix in surace trim code to handle problem when trim curve lies along surace edge.
/3 Fixed bug in 8>E' input which caused trouble when imported surace name was blan!.
43 Fixed problem o dropping last vertex in D:F input o lightweight polyline.
53 8mplemented new 8nstant Aydrostatics acility.
+3 Changed geometry ile export so that top level group is bro!en into one component or each
ob(ect in the group.
7.0.2 "eta 27
*ar !, !!!
Nurbs Release $&
13 Further bug ixes and improvements in surace blend. #ew interative solution or illets
7.0.2 "eta 2%
*ar %, !!!
Nurbs Release $$
13 #ew surace edge match to curve eature. )ccess through attach surace dialog
23 Further bug ixes in surace blend.
33 'urace blend now allows %ero radii.
"3 Enabled user to change locale ater running the program.
$3 Fix to bug in surace trim with two trim curves.
/3 8nstant hydro dialog present but not wor!ing.
7.0.2 "eta 2&
*ar , !!!
Nurbs Release $3
13 Fixed bug in new surace mesh which caused some suraces to "go to origin".
23 Further reinements to surace blend- including orcing blend surace to host surace end.
33 ,ug ix in surace blend when included angle large.
7.0.2 "eta 2$
Feb 7, !!!
Nurbs Release $2
13 Fixed bug in oset table or vertical suraces.
23 Fixed bug in importing a pro(ect containing any trimmed surace.
33 Fixed bug in untrim o trimmed surace where the trim was o a copy.
"3 'everal ixes and improvements in surace blending.
7.0.2 "eta 23
Feb 0, !!!
Nurbs Release $
13 Fixed problems o no chine display and incorrect spline rendering in new mesh.
23 &emoved extra redraw when selecting edit9control point.
33 Fixed problem with some surace vertices (umping to origin.
"3 First release o surace blending capability.
7.0.2 "eta 22
#an 20, !!!
Nurbs Release $0
13 8mplemented new surace mesh generation and trimming methods.
23 Fixed bug in pro(ect merge.
7.0.2 "eta 2
'e( 2!, !!8
Nurbs Release 3!
13 Fixed problem in creating geometry ile rom group not mirrored at centre plane.
23 Fixed problem in surace<surace intersection in particular case with chine spray rails.
33 Fixed bug in group deletion code which caused incorrect movement o ob(ects to retained
"3 Fixed bug in surace trim which ailed to handle the case o a degenerate surace edge.
7.0.2 "eta 20
'e( , !!8
Nurbs Release 38
13 Fixed problem in cutting embedded curves at crossings.
23 Fixed several problems in new surace trim.
7.0.2 "eta !
No) %, !!8
Nurbs Release 37
13 Fixes and improvements in 8>E' input- including status reports throughout.
7.0.2 "eta 8
No) $, !!8
Nurbs Release 3%
13 Fixed bug in surace trim where surace edge has %ero length.
23 )dded depend insert to process o trimming copy o surace.
7.0.2 "eta 7
No) 2, !!8
Nurbs Release 3&
13 Fixed bug in which surace attachments werenEt updated when pro(ect read in.
23 Fixed bug in pro(ect load order which caused problems in surace trim o cloned suraces.
33 0ade slight improvements to the lattening procedure or deveopable suraces. *hese ix
problems with some particular cases reported by users.
"3 Fixed dx input o spline curves to accept any !not value range.
$3 Fixed bug in reading 8>E' >lobal section.
/3 Fixed improper labelling o contours in dx output when not in metric units.
7.0.2 "eta %
+(t 27, !!8
Nurbs Release 3$
13 Fixed surace trim so that editing trim curve causes retrimming
23 8mplemented grouping o control9edit points.
33 Fixed bug in getting ree handle or 2;1Est curve.
"3 Fixed bug in getting centre plane trim curves.
$3 &eplaced grid in contour dialog.
7.0.2 "eta &
+(t 22, !!8
Nurbs Release 33
13 Fixed problem reading some entity 1"2 ob(ects in 8>E'.
23 'urace trim now has option to ma!e a copy o selected surace and then trim the copy.
33 Bther surace trim bugs ixed.
7.0.2 "eta $
.e/t 7, !!8
Nurbs Release 3
13 D&) now wor!ing with new surace trim.
23 'uace trim now prompts or trim to centre plane
33 Aydrostatics ixed to wor! with new trim.
"3 Bther surace trim bugs ixed.
7.0.2 "eta 3
.e/t &, !!8
Nurbs Release 30
13 Fixed several bugs in surace trim.
7.0.2 "eta 2
.e/t $, !!8
Nurbs Release 2!
13 8mplemented the new trimmed nurbs surace acility.
7.0.2 "eta
#ul, 7, !!8
Nurbs Release 27
13 Fixed bug which prevented 'ave )s
23 8n Create 'urace dialog- Extrude tab- now lists curves in sorted order.
7.0.2 "eta 0
#une 30, !!8
Nurbs Release 27
13 Fixed a bug in reading a pro(ect with surace edge attachment. 'imilar to point 2 in ,eta +.
7.0.2 "eta !
#une 7, !!8
Nurbs Release 2%
13 Fixed a recently introduced bug that sometimes caused a crash when rendering a surace.
23 Fixed a bug which caused a crash when reading in a pro(ect in which there was a curve
embedded on a surace which had an edge attached to a curve where the latter curve had
been created later.
33 Changed developable surace expanded dx to go through the new D:F output dialog.
7.0.2 "eta 8
#une , !!8
Nurbs Release 2&
13 )dded entity 11; 2line3 to 8>E' read.
23 Fixed several bugs in 8>E' input.
33 0ade 8>E' input ail i the ile contains entity 12; 2'urace o revolution3. *his prevents later
"3 Fixed recently introduced bug in normal vector calculation during surace trim < resulted in bad
7.0.2 "eta 7
#une , !!8
Nurbs Release 2$
13 )dded entity 1;2 2composite curve3 to 8>E' read.
23 &emoved multithreading rom #urb3;;.dll and made normal vector calculations be done at the
same time as vertex location.
33 Fixed a bug in the code to ma!e an untrimmed surace into a polyob(ect.
"3 Fixed a bug in several locations1 had to do with testing i point and curve handles were within
legal range.
$3 Fixed bug in copying curves made by splitting a curve.
/3 Fixed bug in regenerating type 2 pro(ected curve on a surace with an attached edge.
7.0.2 "eta %
*a, , !!8
Nurbs Release 22
13 0ade tube<sweep surace regeneration wor! or the case o general changes in the source
23 Developable surace dx output now puts curves on the same layer as surace and has
separate layers or contours and rulings.
33 Fixed bug in curve arc generation < it had ailed when one sector was very small.
"3 0ade #urbs3;;.dll multithreaded. 8t now calculates surace normal vectors in separate
7.0.2 "eta &
A/r 7, !!8
Nurbs Release 20
13 )dded a row number column to the lot dialog grid.
23 0ade paste in lot dialog wor! with multiple rows.
33 )dded curve length to the measurement tools.
7.0.2 "eta $
A/r &, !!8
Nurbs Release 20
13 Fixed several problems in curve lot dialog. *his included adding a vertical scroll bar.
23 Changed the curve lot dialog so that the Copy and .aste buttons wor! on x- y- % values
together. )lso added the ability to paste x- y- % values rom Excel.
33 Changed the ob(ect delete operations so they all wor! correctly or ob(ects which are in groups.
7.0.2 "eta 3
A/r 2, !!8
Nurbs Release 20
13 Fixed a problem in template input which resulted in reverest templates.
23 Embedded curve cutting at crossing points in implemented.
33 8n creating geometry ile output- the end sections- i not user deined- are now at most 1 cm
rom the vessel ends.
7.0.2 "eta 2
*ar 27, !!8
Nurbs Release 20
13 Fixed a bug in geometry ile creation which omitted a section at one end o vessel.
23 Fixed a bug in measurement system which caused crash when curve end points coincide.
33 )dded more automatic undo ile saves < particularly right ater ob(ect creation and ater
changes to curves.
7.0.2 "eta
*ar 2$, !!8
Nurbs Release !
13 8mplemented measurement tool
23 Fixed bugs in curve creation by loting
33 *rapped a condition which could cause error in geometry ile creation or stbdJport models.
"3 Fixed bug in .oly,oolean operations which caused problem at very small tolerances.
$3 Fixed several problems in *ype 2 pro(ected curve.
/3 Fixed a bug which caused loating point overlow in evaluating one particular developable
*ar , !!8
Nurbs Release 7
13 Changed to 32 bit report engine
7.0. "eta 7
*ar %, !!8
Nurbs Release 7
13 8ncreased number o porcupine =uills in surace edit point curvature display to $;;.
23 Changed curve (oin dialog to show only (oinable curves in list.
33 Fixed bug in (oin o curves embedded on a curve.
"3 Fixed many bugs in dx input.
$3 )dded ability to import spline itted curves and suraces in dx.
/3 Fixed recently introduced problem in dx output o expanded developable suraces.
7.0. "eta %
*ar 2, !!8
Nurbs Release 7
13 Fixed 8ges import to correctly handle trimmed suraces
23 Fixed bug in identiying loc!ed chines.
33 8nternal revision o vertex storage.
"3 Fixed underlow problem in reading one particular pro(ect.
$3 8nternal change to using Drtx&ec or surace vertices.
7.0. "eta &
Feb 2&, !!8
Nurbs Release %
13 Fixed incorrect ace index oset in dx output.
23 Fixed improper layer name in ace dx output- layer by ob(ect.
33 &emoved '6K and .BK preixes rom layer names.
"3 8mplemented new dx input
$3 Fixed problem where dx output labels were not respecting units setting.
7.0. "eta $
Feb 3, !!8
Nurbs Release &
13 Fixed problem where 2d dx output osets were not respecting units setting.
23 Fixed bug in dx output o groups containing (ust one ob(ect.
33 Fixed new bug in dx output o 2d polylines.
"3 Fixed problem which prevented dx input
7.0. "eta 3
Feb , !!8
Nurbs Release &
13 Loom and pan now wor! in rendered view
23 Fixed bug in original curve deletion in curve (oin operation.
33 Fixed bug in merging pro(ect containing polyob(ect.
"3 )dded #6&,' curve and 7ightweight .olyline to dx output.
$3 )dded user control o label si%e and 2d layout spacing to dx output.
/3 &emoved "F8#K" preix to layer<by<inish layer names.
43 Fixed bug in dx output where surace oulines were placed in layer ;.
53 Fixed old bug in which chines were duplicated in outlines.
+3 Fixed bug in surace count in '*D version.
7.0. "eta 2
Feb 2, !!8
Nurbs Release $
13 8mplements new D:F output dialog and eatures.
#an &, !!8
Nurbs Release $
13 Fixed underlow problem in some cases o geodesic oset curve generation.
23 Fixed reentrancy bug in drawing surace normals.
33 Fixed old bug in polygon triangulation routine as used in surace trim.
"3 )dded ability- through shit<toggle corner button- to ma!e a chine by reinement.
7.0.0 "eta !
#an %, !!8
Nurbs Release 2
13 Fixed problem in retaining path inormation or )utopower program.
23 Changed library path search.
33 >roups can now be created rom one or more ob(ects.
"3 Fixed some problems in calculation o geodesic oset curves.
7.0.0 "eta 8
'e( 2!, !!7
Nurbs Release 2
13 Fixed Edit9Copy 8mage to Clipboard.
23 0inor cleanup o some dialogs.
33 &emoved incorrect %oom<out when canceling rom creation dialogs.
"3 Fixed cursor display when regenerating a surace.
7.0.0 "eta 7
'e( 23, !!7
Nurbs Release 2
13 Fixed problem o no red ambient component in sample window o Finish editor.
23 Fixed scaling problem in 8>E' #6&,' curve import.
33 Fixed dependency update or surace edge attachment to surace.
"3 Fixed problem in display o new point dialog < embedded tab.
7.0.0 "eta %
'e( 7, !!7
Nurbs Release
13 Fixed bug in Create Curve- )rc which prevented use o 6 and D with D coordinate.
23 0ade Create Curve dialog remain on screen i error in entering parameters
33 Fixed several problems in *ype 2 curve pro(ection.
"3 Degenerate curves are now drawn as "stars".
$3 Fixed several bugs in 'ur0atch dialog.
/3 Fixed text polyob(ect generation < was missing some characters.
43 Fixed incorrect import o D&) iles or template < coordinates incorrectly reversed.
53 )ssigned deault inish to .ss ile suraces.
+3 Fixed bug in surace edge attach<at<angle.
7.0.0 "eta &
No) 20, !!7
Nurbs Release 0
13 8ncreased the maximum curve resolution rom 3;; to 1;;;.
23 Fixed bug in cancel out o File9Bpen operation.
33 Fixed Curve Edit dialog < had all blac! ields in sheet.
"3 Fixed problem with units deaulting to m and mt in the units dialog- whatever the current
settings were.
7.0.0 "eta $
+(t 2$, !!7
Nurbs Release 0!
13 Changed the way in which a developable surace is created rom an embedded or pro(ected
curve. *he program now irst ma!es a ree curve match to the source curve.
23 Fixed problem which could lead to very long times or curve reinement.
7.0.0 "eta 3
+(t %, !!7
Nurbs Release 0!
13 &estored original method o curve pro(ection. #ow there are two types.
23 Fixed base point problem in 'urace creation.
33 Fixed problem in display o mesh on unselected poly ob(ects.
"3 >eodesic oset curve generation is now a method o producing an embedded curve.
7.0.0 "eta 3
+(t $, !!7
Nurbs Release 08
13 Fixed incorrect extents calculation when creating point rom dialog.
23 Fixed problem with updating o embedded curve it to embedded curve.
33 Fixed base point problems.
"3 Fixed problem reading more than 2$ polyob(ects rom ile 2gave invalid handle error3.
7.0.0 "eta 2
+(t 0, !!7
Nurbs Release 08
13 #ew curve pro(ection method
7.0.0 "eta
.e/t 0, !!7
#urbs &elease 1;4
13 Fixed problem resi%ing " view windows.
23 Fixed problem reading contour ile saved in )utoship /.
33 )dded 'urace match capability.
"3 *his ile and the readme ile changed to ?ordpad .doc iles.
7.0.0 "eta 0
Aug 2, !!7
#urbs &elease 1;/
13 Fixed problem in surace trim which resulted in polyob(ect containing too many vertices.
23 0ade changes to memory allocation procedures.
33 ?hen pro(ecting a curve the system temporarily sets the source table res to at least $;.
"3 Extensive wor! on geometry ile output. 8mproved polyline assembly by using new routines in
#urbs3;;.dll and :orm3;;.dll.
$3 Fixed bug in 8ges curve input.
/3 Fixed bug in 8ges output o entity names.
7.0.0 "eta !
#ul, 2$, !!7
#urbs &elease 1;$
13 Fixed old bug in curve pro(ection. 'hould improve edge meeting and eliminate olding<bac!.
23 Fixed old bug in depend update o pro(ected curves.
7.0.0 "eta 8
#ul, %, !!7
#urbs &elease 1;$
13 Fixed bug in 'urDevelop when one or both curves are pro(ected.
23 Fixed urther bug in 6ndo.
7.0.0 "eta 7
#ul, !, !!7
#urbs &elease 1;$
13 Fixed bugs in 'urCopy and 'ur'plit.
7.0.0 "eta %
#ul, 7, !!7
#urbs &elease 1;$
13 Fixed urther bug in 6ndo.
7.0.0 "eta &
#ul, 2, !!7
#urbs &elease 1;"
13 Fixed 8nvalid Aandle problem in 6ndo.
23 Fixed errors in calculating curvature o attached surace.
7.0.0 "eta $
#une !, !!7
#urbs &elease 1;"
13 Fixed problem introduced in ,eta 3 which prevented generation o suraces rom dimensions.
23 Fixed problems in new surace dialog < controls wouldnEt appear until their location clic!ed.
33 Fixed problem in saving and reading .ss ile.
"3 Fixed problem in deleting point at end o curve.
$3 Fixed problem regenerating poly rom trimmed surace when trim curve deleted.
7.0.0 "eta 2
#une 7, !!7
#urbs &elease 1;"
13 Fixed production o message "Error ";23..." when clic!ing ob(ect button with light selected.
23 Fixed problem exporting surace outline as D:F.
33 Deault inish is now correctly read rom ile.
"3 Fixed new point dialog where "Bption 1" should have been "Curve".
7.0.0 "eta 2
#une 2, !!7
#urbs &elease 1;"
13 Fixed bug in sur<sur intersect which caused multiple use o handles.
7.0.0 "eta
#une %, !!7
#urbs &elease 1;"
13 Converted to 32 bits.
23 0any bug ixes- including divide by %ero error in some geodesic oset curves.
33 .ro(ect ile now has the extension "..&3". 8t contains new eatures to ensure pro(ect integrity.
"3 #o artiicial limits on numbers o ob(ects.
$3 &eplaced 3dr with Bpen>7 or rendering.
Feb 27, !!7
#urbs &elease 4$
13 8mproved 8>E' input to handle corrupted >lobal section and the !not<vector ormulation <3- <2-
<1- ;-...1- 2- 3- ".
23 Fixed problem in weights and areas report 2volume incorrect or some units3.
33 Fixed problem in which loc!ed and chine vertices were not erased when switching to isolate
"3 Fixed error which caused problem in 8>E' export o some trimmed suraces.
%.. "eta !
Feb 20, !!7
13 Fixed incorrect se=uence o operations in generating dra and dx output with reinement.
Contours were being calculated beore reinement.
23 Fixed problem with dx input. Files written in locales which use comma as decimal point were
not handled correctly.
%.. "eta 8
Feb $, !!7
13 Fixed problem o temp iles being let in )utoship directory.
23 8nstalled newest version o report engine.
33 Fixed bug which caused a curve base pt to move when editing in edit point mode and made
base points move with ob(ect move.
"3 .ut ile overwrite chec!s into )uto3d.
$3 Cleaned up weights and areas report and added total area.
/3 Fixed sur intersect code so it doesnEt try to return curves o only one point. )lso made the
program recover graceully rom an error in sur intersection.
%.. "eta 7
#an 28, !!7
13 Fixed bug in 8>E' input 2was unable to handle comma contained in Aollerith string3
23 8mproved speed o selection by mouse clic!.
33 Fixed bug in attaching a surace<embedded curve to a point embedded on another embedded
"3 0ade =uic! hydrostatics correctly handle catamaran hull.
$3 )dded volumetric coeicient and transverse metacentric radius to =uic! hydrostatics.
%.. "eta %
#an 20, !!7
#urbs release 42
13 Fixed baseline dialog to permit reverse<ordered rames
23 Fixed spiral curve creation.
"3 8ncreased deault number o table points on spiral curve and tube sweep
$3 Fixed subscript out<o<range error in group editor
/3 Fixed incorrect transorm application on 8>E' output o port9starboard groups.
43 0ade curve lip operations respect the base point
53 Fixed recently introduced problem in transorm curve evaluation.
+3 Controls now loc!ed out when calculating a rendering.
1;3 Fixed problem where created planar<embedded curve was not immediately visible
113 Fixed non<update o contours when editing surace.
123 Fixed bug in surace trim operation < recently introduced.
%.. "eta &
#an $, !!7
#urbs release 41
13 'everal bug ixes and additions mainly concerned with )utoplate support.
%.. "eta $
'e( !, !!%
#urbs release 4;
13 >irth oset curve type added
23 Curve derived rom surace row9col nowmay be embedded or ree
33 Curve match may be embedded or ree
"3 ,ugs ixed in planar<embedded curves
$3 'ection area curve now can be calculated in 'tandard version.
%.. "eta 3
No) 22, !!%
#urbs release /+
13 6ndo iles now stored in )uto*emp directory
23 Fixed problem with inverse curvature display causing divide by %ero
%.. "eta 2
.e/t 20, !!%
#urbs release //
13 )dded baseline acility.
23 Fixed problem with surace edge attachment to curve.
33 Fixed problem calculating tesselation with large number o table entries.
"3 Fixed problem which caused extreme reinement in D:F export o surace as .F)CE.
%..0 *inor Re)ision
Aug 2, !!%
#urbs release /$
13 Fixed bug in developable surace that resulted in missing triangle at surace end
23 Fixed bug that caused a crash or the ollowing steps1 ma!e a surace which crosses the centre
planeM set trim to Centre .laneM renderM unrenderM contourM render again.
33 Centre<plane trim suraces now trim in rendering.
"3 8mported D&) templates now correct orientation in 8nternational coordinate system.
$3 )dded eature to ma!e a bac!up o pro(ect ile when saving. #ew ile extension ".sb!"
/3 Fixed problem in display o surace curve (oining edit points.
43 Fixed vertex label "out by one" problem in curve edit dialog box.
53 ,lan!ed out mouse position display when viewing parameters.
+3 7oosened tolerance on end points or curve (oin
1;3 Fixed problem with distorted contours on lat dra output o developable suraces
113 7oc! chec! now uses modeless dialog box when doing networ! search
123 Fixed problem with D:F output 2introduced in /.;.13
133 8mproved report oset table generation
1"3 #ew method or locating library directory
1$3 Fixed bug in which control point weights were set to 1 when straightening a row or column.
1/3 Fixed several problems in =uic! hydrostatics report when wor!ing in units other than meters
143 Fixed contour speciication when wor!ing in units other than meters
153 8mproved surace intersection to handle some cases which previously reported no
1+3 Fixed a problem in cancellation o surace trim operation which let partly created poly ob(ect.
2;3 Cleaned up presentation o oset tables in t<in<eights.
213 #ew- spreadsheet<based- report engine
223 Fixed a bug in pro(ect merge which incorrectly set relative handle or curves.
233 )dded ability to speciy "extrapolate curvature" end condition when generating developable
2"3 Fixed a ma(or bug in pro(ect merge which resulted in corrupted pro(ect iles.
2$3 8mproved clipping in some draw operations- particularly templates.
2/3 Fixed bug in D:F input which previously caused program crash when ile contains only line
243 Fixed bug in attributes dialog box when changing an ob(ectEs name.
253 'olved problem in D&) ile import which previously crashed program when ob(ects contained
many points.
2+3 Bset table report now includes !nuc!les.
3;3 7oc! chec! ixed to wor! with Far East ?indows +$.
313 7ocale setting is now honoured.
%.0. *aintenan(e Release
*ar(3 , !!%
#6&,' release /"
13 Fixed several bugs in D&) output o developable surace.
23 Fixed divide by %ero error in trimmed surace generation.
33 Fixed compression problem in )uto3d.
"3 Corrected a problem in scaling oils.
$3 Fixed situation in which export o )utohydro iles was tied to presence o )utobuild loc!.
/3 Fixed several bugs in generation o section<area curve
43 Nuic! hydrostatics is now always based on "1 sections- whatever stations the user has set up
53 Fixed ore9at section display choice or international coordinate system
+3 8ncorporated point culling into dx output
1;3 .ut choice o reinement9culling into dx dialog box
113 0ade dx 2D output really 2D 2had been 3D- with % I ;3
123 0ost list boxes now present their contents in sorted order
133 Fixed problem reading 8>E' iles with missing ields in >lobal section
1"3 Fixed bug in restoring a crashed pro(ect or which poly ob(ect ile is missing.
1$3 Fixed bug in surace trimming which arose when surace had ew table points.
1/3 Fixed bug in triangulation o polygons in D:F 3D output
143 Fixed duplicate name problem in array operation
153 Disabled ob(ect name editing in attributes dialog box grid and made name editing wor! via
properties dialog boxes.
1+3 Fixed wrong side output in geometry ile or European coord system. )lso problem
assembling polylines in producing geometry iles.
2;3 Fixed stac! overlow problem with large number o dependencies.
213 Fixed problem entering data in curve point tables 2two places3
223 0ade some minor improvements in developable surace generation. *his includes a ix to a
bug that caused improper generation in some cases.
233 8ncorporated new loc! chec! system.
2"3 .ut )utobuild output option in preerences dialog.
2$3 Fixed bug in new curve9loted dialog which caused %eroing o entries on selection. )lso added
chec! mar! to corner button.
%.0.0 First Release
'e(e0ber &, !!&
#urbs release /;
13 Complete redesign o user interace.
23 #ow uses our dlls1 xorm2;;.dll- nurbs2;;.dll
33 #ew manual and context<sensitive help system
&.3.8 *aintenan(e Release
.e/te0ber %, !!&
13 Changes to support networ! 'entinel loc!s.
0odules changed1 'E#*8#E7.,)' and >7B,)7.,)'
23 installation changed. #etwor! 'entinel loc!s re=uire two iles1
#C?8#.D77 and #'7,C?.D77
33 Fixed bug. *he were some cleanup eatures in the Form 6nload. *his unction doesnEt always
get called- so moved these eatures to the Form Nuery6nload unction which always gets called.
0odule changed1 0)8#.F&0
#ul, &, !!&
#urbs release $3
Fixes a bug in generating suraces rom curves deined relative to points
Fixes a bug in in=uiry report on curves relative to points
&.3.7 *aintenan(e Release
*a, 2%, !!&
#urbs release $2
Fixes a bug in reading pro(ects containing suraces produced in )utomatch.
Fixes a bug in the curve straightening operation.
Corrects a problem which produced (agged edges on some developable suraces.
Corrects a ault in the rendering code which resulted in improper lighting.
Fixes incorrect ruling between a curve and its pro(ection on a surace.
'weep code is rewritten to produce more consistent results.
&.3.% *aintenan(e Release
*ar 2, !!&
#urbs release "$
&elease $.3.$ introduced a bug which prevented most cases o surace generation by sweeping.
*his is ixed
Fixed a bug which prevented the reading in o pro(ects containing suraces generated by splitting
another surace
Fixed a bug which could cause invalid handle message on saving a ile ater new surace creation
&.3.& *aintenan(e Release
Feb 27, !!&
#urbs release "$
Fixed incorrect labels in D:F output o oset tables
Fixed bad vertices in developable suraces 2on nearly straight sections o a source curve3
)dded a new error trap to developable surace code
Fixed incorrect table setup o transorm curves
&.3.$ *aintenan(e Release
Feb %, !!&
#urbs release ""
Further ix to oset table. Fixed crash problem with loting through O 1; curves
&.3.3 *aintenan(e Release
Feb 0, !!&
Fixed bug in oset table generation.
&.3.2 *aintenan(e Release
Feb 3, !!&
Fixed bug in generation o some dra iles 2output ailed- leaving ile open3
&.3. *aintenan(e Release
&.3 Fourt3 general release
#an 0, !!&
#urbs release 3+
#ew eatures1
< transorm curve type
< true surace loting
< attach by angle
< surace normal display
< selectable coordinate systems
< axis9origin indicators
< icon help display
< >aussian curvature scaled by part o surace visible in %oomed display
< selection o ront9bac!- top9bottom- port9starbord view directions
< 8>E' input o nurbs curves and suraces
< aster drawing
,ug Fixes
< error in oset table when wor!ing in eet
< dependency table corruption
< crash with too many control points
< incorrect number o control points on ruled suraces
&.2 23ird general release
#une 3, !!$
#urbs release 25
#ew eatures1
< .lanar<embedded curves
< 'ense indicator on embedded and pro(ected curves.
< Butput o .c1- and .spw iles or )utobuild
< 'eam and path specs or curves
< 7in! to )utopower
< improved minimum curvature display
< DDE transer o reports to ?ord For ?indows
< D:F input in )uto3d
< )dded to =uic! hydrostatics1
prismatic coe 2assemblies only3
G o ?7 to 7C, and 7CF
< ?ord or ?indows output o reports
,ug ixes
< incorrect reinement o surace edges
< pro(ect merge produced scrambled dependency table
< no recovery rom out<o<memory when merging pro(ects
< incorrect "invalid handle" messages
< ininite loop when deleting some ob(ects
< incorrect edges with trim to centre plane
< occasional incorrect end on developed surace
< crashes when doing cutouts with small tolerances
< incorrect pagination in report printing
< improper handling o "cancel" when doing D:F and D&) output or rendering
< incomplete B,@EC*90BDE9)77 operation
< incorrect curve split or some conditions
< inaccuracy o rotation angles
< incorrect calculation o some pro(ected curves
< DE7 and arrow !eys didnEt wor! when editing location displays
< problem with 8>E' output o mixed degree suraces
< unnecessary screen redraws with several operations
&.0 .e(ond general release
Feb 2&, !!$
#urbs release 2$
#ew eatures1
< built in D:F output- including lattening o developed suraces
< dynamic resi%ing o editor windows
< $ level oops and unoops 2shit<BB.'3
< $ level %oom- with %oom previous button
< pro(ect merging
< input o single and multiple curves
< regeneration o swept 2as well as developed and ruled3 suraces rom their deining
< visibility control or contours
< curvature plot in separate window or curves and row9col on surace
< printer and plotter output rom )uto3D with on screen preview
< D:F output o oset tables or inclusion in drawings
< developed suraces much improved
< surace<surace intersection much improved
< pro(ected curves aster and more reliable
< porcupine plot o curvature is changed so that each editing view shows only the
curvature in its plane
< 0ean and >aussian curvature shading improved
< 8>E' output now in wor!ing units 2was only meters3
< the user interace o )uto0atch is improved
No) 30, !!3
Fixed various bugs. 'urace development is improved.
No). !,!!3
*a4or i0/ro)e0ents5
Fixed bug which sometimes caused missing sections in >eometry iles.
Changed )ttribute editing o suraces- curves and points to a spreadsheed ormat.
*his ma!es it more convenient to use the Disiblity attribute and set the resolution o suraces and
Control .oint ?eighting is moved to a separate menu selection.
8ncreased maximum surace resolution settings to allow up to +;;;; aces on a particular surace
23;;:3;; or +;;;:1; or any combination that multiplies to +;-;;; or less3. *he limit or either
dimension is 3;-;;;.
*his is particularly advantageous with developed and ruled suraces where it is desirable to have
high resolution in only one direction 21;;;:13.
Aint1 For developed suraces- we have achieved the best reults in testing by1
1 < Developing at a relatively large tolerance 2O1;003
2 < )ttaching edges to the source curves 2no longer crashes3.
3 < 'etting resolution high in the ruling direction as described above. *he resulting surace will be
much higher in accuracy than the speciied tolerance.
'imilarly it can be advantageous- where high precision is needed to increase the resolution in the
direction o greatest dimension 2i.e. 3$; longitudinally : 2$; vertically3. )s long as the total is
less than +;-;;; it should wor!. #ote that each surace- subdivided at that resolution- re=uires
about $0, o memory. 'o i you create assemblies with many suraces and you really need this
!ind o resolution- you will need a lot o memory 232 0b or more3.
8mproved pro(ected curves. )dded tolerance to developed suraces.
Fixed problem which caused (agged edges on lattened D&) iles.
*he ollowing are !nown bugs which will be ixed in the next release1
Curve splitting does not wor! i the curve to be split has dependents.
&everse Ends crashes on some embedded curves.
Developed suraces re=uire that the parent curves both go the same direction 2Dertex ; is at the
same end3- otherwise wild results occur.
)ttaching the edges o developed suraces causes the program to crash.
Fixed a bug which caused some assemblies with cutouts not to cut- even though no error
message was given.
+(tober 2$, !!3
#urbs release 2;
Fixed a ew bugs- notably crash when splitting suraces.
)dded plate development D&) ile. *his wor!s or both ruled or devlopable suraces- but only
developable suraces are guaranteed to have no compound curvature. 0any ruled suraces will
also be developable. 8 the >aussian curvature display is completely white- then a ruled surace
should be "near enough" to be treated as developable.
Fixed crash when printing reports.
+(tober &, !!3
#urbs release 1+
Changed geometry ile output to allow the same station selection as displayed on screenM i no
sections are deined- the program automatically deines "; stations. *he prompt 2which only
appears i more than 1; sections are deined3 is "6se Deined 'ections" HE'9#B. 8 the user
replies #B then automatic deinition is used.
Fixed bug in pro(ected curves on developed suraces.
&.0 *inor bug fi6es
+(tober 8, !!3
Bn new installation Deault colors were not set<<ixed.
'ometimes pressing a control while rendering or redrawing produced unexpected results.
Bn low screen resolutions icons overlapped<<ixed.
0ade "&eine to tolerance" an option on generating dra iles.
F5 !ey now toggles between views in 1 view mode.
&.00 First general release
+(tober , !!3
#urbs release 15

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