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I am From Hicks and Hillbillies

Mackenna Clark
I am from hicks and hillbillies.
From late nights at the lake
To the red, white, and blue lights on the porch
and being way down in gallala where you can hoot and holla!"
I am from the tire swing I built all by myself
#t $reat #unt %etty!s old house
#lways walking in smelling all kinds of pie and coffee
%ecause that!s &ust how she was.
'he was a western princess
I am from (rattlers
#nd being taught to shoot (em by an old lady
From wishing #unt %etty and %ingo were still here
#ll I ha)e left are the photos on the fridge and my necklace.
I am from dri)ing late at night
%ut staying awake to chant Colorado" until we cross into *ebraska
Then screaming *ebraska" at the border
From that being a landmark that meant were almost home.
I am from mashed gra)y+less potatoes, turkey, and of course, pie
From losing relati)es one by one each year
%ut, ne)er adding any.
I am from Clark and Harris.
I am from laughter as the boat flies off a wa)e
From Cinnamon" my boat ,-)en though the boat!s green.
From at the end of the week putting it up
%ut &ust till ne/t time.
I am from 0ans 1ake)iew
The gas station and small grocery store
#nd his insanely high prices
%ut, his kindness around e)ery turn.
From worrying about old %ill and 1ois
'ince, they!)e gotten so old.
#nd with %ill always falling
#lso the sadness that they are in a rest home now
I am from #pril!s ranch
2ulling up and always ha)ing dogs run up and &ump on the car
From behind her house where %ingo permanently rests
From remembering the day he died.
From a Taste of 2aradise 3onut 'hop
#lways out of pinecones ,-)en though there my fa)orite.
From missing the beach at the lake
#nd the fun times there
4hen I am stuck here in Colorado.
I am from a small trailer
1ate nights when you hear the thunder scream
#nd the lightning that makes the sky glow late at night
#nd ha)ing to eat outside on the ugly red picnic table
4ishing the flies would go away.
From begging to find a snapping or bo/ turtle that week
%ut ne)er ha)ing any luck.
I am from wishing for Ha, ha" to once again fill my home
From a lo)ing family who has its own problems
From begging that things will get better.
h, I forgot to mention
I am from who I want to be
From no one will break me
#nd from sticking up in what I belie)e in
#lso from wishing things will &ust simply get better.
Hicks and hillbillies is where I am from.

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