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Color Purple Assignment 3: Letters 36-60

1. When he sees her at Harpos, what does Mr. tell Sofia about his children?

2. What evidence is there that there is still love between Sofia and Harpo?

3. Would their marriage work out if they were to reconcile? Make a case for or against it based on their
interactions in this chapter.
4. Who is Squeak? How does she lose her teeth?
5. How does Sofias arrival affect Squeak? Explain.
6. Describe how Sofia ends up in jail.
7. Describe how jail changes Sofia. Use specific examples to support your answer.
8. Who takes care of Sofias children now that she is in jail? What is the irony in this?
9. What is the actual plan for getting Sofia out of jail (not the outlandish ones)? What is ironic about
the suggestion?
10. Why is Squeak sent to talk to the warden? What happens to her when she is with him? (FYI, its
hard to understand exactly, BUT Squeaks mom has children with the Wardens brother which is how he
is her uncle.)

11. For whom does Sofia work when she gets out of jail? The irony is
12. How long does Sofia get to see her family when she finally gets to visit them after five years?
13. What about Shugs Christmas visit surprises Albert and Celie?
14. What does Shug want Mary Agnes to do? Predict how this might change Mary Agness character.
15. What does Shug discover Albert has been keeping from Celie?
16. What does Celie want to do when she discovers this?
17. Why didnt Albert marry Shug after she had his three children? What does this say about his
character? How is this repeated in Harpo? In what ways is Harpo different?
18. How did Albert used to be different?
19. Where does Nettie live ? How did this come about?
20. Where does Nettie go with the Reverent and his family? Why?
21. What does Nettie thank her old school teacher for?
22. What does Celie discover about the two children she had with her father?
23. What surprises Nettie about slavery?
24. Why does Shug suggest making pants for Celie? One is literal and one is symbolic.
25. How do the letters change Celie?

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