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Families and Children for Empowerment and Development Foundation, Inc.

Case Summary

Name of CCF Child : Rona Vanessa Aquino

Age :5
Grade : Kinder
Case No. : 938 Child Number: 022818
Brgy. : 853
Rona Vanessa Aquino is one of the ChildFund Philippines assisted child. She is presently
enrolled as a Kinder a pre- school nearby their village. She is doing his best to gain good
grades and to finish his study. Her regular attendance made her maintain good academic

Mr.and Mrs.Aquino is blessed to have 2 children where all of them are in school. To
support their needs, the father works as a security guard and he earns Php. 4000 per
month. It is very hard for the family to support their basic needs considering that other
children are in school and the high cost of living. Their eagerness to send their children in
school was seen to them for their better future.

The mother has average participation in attending Project’s activities like general
assembly meeting and values session.

The family is requesting for educational assistance intended for the child due to other
projects that she needs to comply. But because of their living condition, it is hard for the
family to support her educational needs like school books and daily allowance. With the
above situation, the child is recommended to avail educational assistance from the project
amounting P500 to lessen the burden of the family on the child’s education.

Family’s status on socialized assistance for this FY.

Category & points Earned points
Economic 40 20
Academic performance 30 30
Participation 30 20
total 70=P1700 P770 for school
Prepared by:

Mae Jcnym Meridian O. Estacio RSW

Community Mobilizer

Checked by:

Melita Marquez, RSW

Community Mobilizer- Educ. Coor

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