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St Francis of Assisi THE MADE UP SAINT

While the holiness of some Catholic Saints may be questionable
particularly Popes of the Roman Cultone saint stands out
above all others as a beacon of sanctity- St Francis of Assisi. He
is without question the most popular saint of the Middle Ages
and arguably the most revered for the past 1,000 years. In fact,
it is believed by hundreds of millions that St Francis is most like
Jesus Christ in his denial of wealth and status, his devotion to
the poor and his miraculous stigmatathe bestowing of the
physical wounds of Christ (holes through the hands and pierced
side)the Roman Christ.
So what could be suspicious about the accuracy of these stories
concerning the life of the founder of the 13th Century Catholic
Order of Priests known as the Friars Minor, the Friari, or simply
the Franciscans?
Putting aside the fact that from the 13th to the 16th centuries the
Franciscans were one of the wealthiest, most powerful and
success entities in the known worldwith offices in all major
ports, education facilities in major cities, factories and land
holdings across the world, particularly the new world and
thousands of priests serving as navigators and military
chaplains in Catholic armies.
Putting aside the fact that the first landholdings owned by the
Franciscans was some of the most prime real estate in all of
Venice such as part of St Marks Squarein the lifetime of
Francisequivalent to owning a big chunk of Manhattan Island
Putting aside the incredible connections to Francis and the
Venetians, including the very fabric that brought the Vatican
closer together with the Venetian Doge (Chief) and the
foundation of the English Merchant-Military Navy.
The truth is that the Vatican has been in charge of the PR of its
greatest saint for 800 years. Therefore, isnt it remotely
possible, that some of the stories have been embellished over
time, like any eager group seeking to make their hero look even
greaterthe stigmata perhaps? The true origins of the birth and
family of Francis himself perhaps.
Listed below then is a brief revised history researched into
Francis of Assisi that reveals why he remains so important in
the history and founding of the Roman Cultthe people that
control us today as the Vatican led New World Order. So long as
people believe the stories of St Francis, another part of the truth
and real history of the world remains hidden.

Francis of Assisi
* founder of the Holy See
* founder of the Frari
* 1st Christian Doge of Venice (1249-1253)
* Rosicrucian of canon law
* originator of the slave trade known as "Admiralty Law"
Key Facts
Other names... Giovanni Bernardone Morosini (Moriconi)
Born... 1181 Paris, France
Bloodline... Morosini
Married... Yes
Children... Unknown
Died... January 1253 (Aged 72)

Giovanni Bernadone Morosini (Moriconi) (aka Francis of Assisi
and aka Marino Morosini) was born in Paris as one of several
children to powerful Jewish Sephardic Venetian trader/banker
Pietro Bernadone Moriconi and Pica de Bourlemont from France.
The name Francis is a nickname and was never his proper
namesimply meaning Frenchman on account of his birth in
Paris. Similarly, Assisi is a deliberate corruption of the ancient
word for the location Ascesi meaning (he) has ascended.
Therefore the fuller nickname Francis of Assisi properly
translates to the Ascended Frenchman.
Contrary to revised history, the Venetians had not yet seen any
compelling reason to convert to Christianity until this period, so
Giovanni's father, Pietro was almost certainly a Kabbalist Jew. By
the end of the 12th century, the Morosini family banking and
trading empire in wool, fine cloth, salt and grain stretched from
England to Constantinople. However, events leading up to the
Treaty of Venice and the expulsion of Venetians from France in
1182 and Byzantium in the same year ruined the family fortunes.
His father Pietro Bernadone Morosini placed his infant son and
family under protection in Pisa, while he returned to Venice to
confront the disastrous reign of Doge Vital II Michiel. For
unknown reasons, the family felt compelled to leave Pisa and head
inland to the region of Ascesi (now called Assisi) where they lived
for a few short years.
By 1187, the Beneventian AntiPope Gregory VIII had been thrown
from power into exile and the Morosini family moved to a newly
commissioned Palazzo Morosini (Moriconi) at Lucca, which
remained a seat of power for the family for the next two hundred
years. There, Giovanni and the family were tutored in languages,
finance and Venetian treaties law (the basis of modern maritime
and commercial law).
Yet from an early age it is consistently reported that Giovanni
desired to be a troubadour, a military knight rather than follow in
the footsteps of his ancient Jewish Sephardic ancestors as traders
and financiers. The Venetian longhi prided themselves in being
above the war and misery they funded and for any son of a
Morosini to seek such a lowly profession would have been a
bitter disappointment to Pietro Bernadone Morosini.
Upon Pierleoni descendent AntiPope Innocent III coming to power
in 1198, Giovanni was resolved to join the call to arms by Innocent
III and pursue his military career which would necessarily
require him to convert (at least nominally) to christianity. This
event is almost certainly the true historic context of the famous
curse of disinheritance uttered by his father to Giovanni.
Giovanni left Lucca no later than 1201 and headed north-east
towards the lands of famous Italian general Boniface I, Marquess
of Montferrat. While it it not known if he ever got to Montferrat, it
is clear that his noble and powerful heritage was recognized and
he was captured, imprisoned (presumably for ransom) and
released within a year, suffering some kind of sickness.
Undeterred, no sooner had Giovanni returned to Lucca and
recovered than he set off again by 1204, this time south with
escort towards Rome. There, he met AntiPope Innocent III for the
first time- a descendent of the Jewish Urseoli/Pierlioni meeting a
descendent of his sworn enemy the Jewish Morosini.
While nothing concrete emerged from this first meeting, it is clear
(given Giovanni was not executed) that Innocent III believed the
conviction of this ancient enemy of his ancestors and it is probably
Innocent that baptized Giovanni as a Christian. Giovanni left with
new found conviction that he would find a way to become a great
military general and avenge the disgrace of his family at the
hands of the French and Byzantines. In the same year, the
Venetians co-operated with the Roman Cult and the English to
transport their troops safely by sea to succeed in the naval assault
of Constantinople in April 1204 to the forces of Innocent.
Four years later in 1209, 28 year old Giovanni Bernadone Morosini
(Moriconi) returned to see Innocent III with his supporters and a
plan. He (Giovanni) would do what no one else had done he
would convert Venice to christianity and bind its loyalty to the
Rome (Roman Cult). While Innocent almost certainly didnt believe
such an audacious plan was possible, he gave Giovanni his
Giovanni then set out to Venice by 1210 to meet with Doge Pietro
Ziani (1205-1229). As a Morosini, Giovanni probably resided at the
family Palazzo Morosini whilst in Venice and met with Pietro Zani.
The proposition to his fellow Venetian was simpleso long as
Venice attempted to be neutral between the wars of Christians vs
Christian and Christian vs Muslim, Venice would continue to face
imminent danger. But if Venice supported the Urseoli (Pierleoni)
descendents and their Roman Cult in holding power from Rome,
its future could be assured, so long as the Roman Cult held control
of the Catholic Church.
Giovanni then proposed that the Doge and the longhi grant
permission to found a christian academy of priest-navigators both
loyal to Venice and to Rome that the Roman Cult would then
enforce as a religious edict for all Christian nations. Thus, the
church would help enforce the monopoly of Venice in controlling
of shipping and navigation, in exchange for the loyalty and profit
share with Venice.
While Doge Pietro Zani probably did not believe such an
audacious plan was possible, he agreed to grant him the future
site of St Marks Basilica next to the Doges Palace as well as the
site of San Francesco della Vigna, near St Marks Square as the
first Franciscan Monastery and Finance/Navigators school.
Using his newly replenished family fortune (thanks in large part
to the raid on Constantinople), construction began almost
immediately on the immense Basilica as the future site for the
remains of St Mark, stolen from Alexandria.
Giovanni then left Venice to Spain and England to recruit the best
navigators he could find for his new school and religious order in
In 1215, Giovanni returned to Rome to attend the Fourth Lateran
Council. In 1216 Innocent III died and was succeeded by his son
Honorius III who took a keen interest in the plans of Giovanni. By
no later than 1219, he assigned some of his top advisors as
protectors and oversight on the progress of the Friars Minor.
Similarly, the Venetians contined their keen interest in the success
of their joint-venture with the Roman Cult, the creation of the
Holy See a monopoly of trade across the known world, by
controlling the very tools of trade, navigation knowledge, maps,
charts as well as ships.
The first partnership between the Venetian Friars Minor Order
was with England, the Venetians and the Papacy which saw huge
knowledge of all manner of technology such as ship building,
metals, education and military skills to England thanks to Francis
of Assisi.
Such was the success of the actions of Giovanni (Francis) that in
1249 he became the first Christian Doge of Venice (1249-1253). It is
why later forgers of the Roman Cult saw it important to sever all
possibility of St Francis the Moroconi/Morisini also being the
Doge Marino (Mariner, or of the sea) Morosini in 1249-1253.
The Legal formation of the Holy See - *Sedes
Sacrorum* (SS) Merchant Corporation
In his first year in office, works on St Marks Basilica was
expanded and the very first Bucentaur (state galley) was
constructed. Doge Giovanni then called upon AntiPope Innocent
IV (1243-1254) to give him his papal ring his symbol of authority.
Then in 1250 upon the Bucentaur, Doge Giovanni (St Francis) and
Innocent IV went off into the sea near St Marks Squares square
and Doge St Francis threw the Papal Ring into the sea during a
formal Roman Cult religious ceremony at which point St Francis
was the first to ever utter Desponsamus te, mare, in signum veri
perpetuique domini We wed thee, sea, in the sign of the true and
everlasting Lord) declared Venice and the (Holy) sea to be
indissolubly onethus the Holy See was first born as the first fully
christian joint business venture between the Roman Cult, the
Venetians and the Crown of England.
With the aid of the Venetian trained Franciscans, Pope Innocent
IV promoted new centres of learning in Rome attracting the very
best and most talented such as Thomas Acquinas. It was under
Thomas Acquinas that the Roman Cult developed its most potent
weapons for fighting to dominate the world in the form of legal
words, legal forgeries and the concepts of law and justice.
The Venetians had the most sophisticated of all legal systems in its
maritime edicts, passed down from Doge to Doge into a
consolidated codex since the end of the 10th century. This was
consolidated into Admiralty Law, the law of ownership and debt
the law of money, land, sea and property. Thus using the Venetian
maritime laws as the skeleton, Aquinas weaved a new set of laws
given to the Crown Corporation of England called the Admiralty
laws which considered all non titled living men and women to be
human (animals) represented by an upper case persona (fictional
character) which deemed them the legal property of the crown to
be treated in the same manner as vessels.
By the time of the death of Giovanni Bernadone Morosini
(Moriconi) in 1253, he had indeed fulfilled his audacious promise.
The Holy See was bornthe joint venture between Venice, England
and the Roman Cult. The name of his family and their fortune
restored and forever remembered as a great generalthe greatest
saint of the Roman Cult.
To protect the memory of this most important and revered servant
of both Venice and the Roman Cult, Giovanni renamed Francis
(the Frenchman) was promoted as a saint soon after his death.
Then during the 15th and 16th Century, the Roman Cult went to
the extraordinary length of claiming that he underwent the same
miraculous signs of Jesus Christ himself in the form of the
In spite of the science and logic defying nature of such myths, the
fairy tales created over two hundred years after his death about
Giovanni (aka Francis of Assisi) persist today.

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