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Student Name: Nikita Bendre Period: 7


Signature of Person
On Other Page ate of Interview: 10/3/13
!" #or someone wor$ing in %our fie&d' (&ease des)ri*e t+e fantasies versus rea&ities of t+e ,o*.
(Fantasy vs. reality)
Most people think its all !"n# and everyone respe$ts yo" and yo" earn a lot o! %oney# &"t in
reality# its a lot o! 'ork# and yo"re p"t in lots o! "n$o%!orta&le sit"ations# espe$ially &eing an
OB/()N. )o" have to 'ork aro"nd yo"r patients# so in the end# yo"re the one that al'ays has to
sa$ri!i$e# &e$a"se "lti%ately# its all a&o"t the patient.
-" W+at is %our )urrent edu)ationa& &eve&. W+at )ontinuing edu)ation and training are re/uired.
(*d"$ational level and re+"ire%ents)
,he -%eri$an Board o! .o$tors $erti!ies %e and / have %y M...# in order to 'ork as a do$tor#
yo" %"st have yo"r M... and $onstantly reading "p on ne' develop%ents in the !ields.
0" P&ease des)ri*e t+e t%(i)a& da%-to-da% a)tivities of someone wor$ing in %our fie&d"
(.ay0to0day a$tivities)
1s"ally %y 'eekdays start o!! aro"nd 2 -M. 3ots o! 'ell 'o%an $he$k "ps# pap s%ears# and
o!ten at least one or t'o deliveries a day.
Revised #a&& -1!0
Printed Name of Person
.r. 4a$hna Bhala
P&a)e of 2usiness: Me%orial 5er%ann
2usiness 3ddress: 7777 6. 7. Free'ay 879:# 5o"ston# ,; 77079
P+one Num*er: 7130<710<70:
T%(e of Interview: ==;= /n Person === ,elephone> ===*%ail>
>.o$"%entation 4e+"ired (-tta$h *0%ail)
4" 5ow se)ure are %ou in %our )urrent (osition. W+at do %ou t+in$ is t+e future of %our fie&d.
(?o& se$"rity)
/% very se$"re in %y $"rrent position &e$a"se O&stetri$s is an e@$ellent !ield to &e in. Ba&ies
are al'ays going to &e &orn and 'o%en are al'ays going to need their 'o%an $he$k "ps. ,here are lots
o! ne' develop%ents that have to do 'ith repairing 'o%en a!ter they give &irth# so it see%s very &right.
6" W+at is a t%(i)a& 7average or &owest to +ig+est8 sa&ar% of someone wor$ing in %our fie&d.
-ny'here &et'een A1:0#000 to AB00#000 a year.
9" W+at (otentia& for growt+ is t+ere in %our fie&d.
((ro'th potential)
,here is lots o! roo% !or gro'th. ,here are tons o! ne' pro$ed"res that are $o%ing o"t that are
i%proving the !ield and %aking things easier and sa!er !or &oth do$tors and patients.
:" W+at was %our Undergraduate ma,or.
Biology# it really prepared %e !or %ed s$hool.
;" W+ere did %ou go to medi)a& s)+oo&.
/ndia. / 'as in s$hool there !or C years# a&o"t.
<" Residen)%.
/ initially did %y residen$y in /ndia# &"t on$e / $a%e to the 6tates# / had to do it again and / did it
'ith 1,MB.
!1" 5ow=d %ou )+oose %ou )areer.
/n!ertility really !as$inated %e# as 'ell as &eing a&le to deliver &a&ies. / 'anted to &ring Doy to
people# and 'hats &etter than handing the% a &ea"ti!"l &a&yE
Revised #a&& -1!0
Revised #a&& -1!0
Question to t+e Student:
7hat in!or%ation !ro% this intervie' 'ill yo" sele$t !or yo"r F page typed#
&"lleted list o! resear$h in!or%ationGto &e "sed in yo"r presentationE

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