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Environments in inner city schools
have revolved around crimes. With
this environment it makes it hard for
students to focus on school. They
think that since they live in a crime
filled area there best bet would be to
have a life of crime. Most schools
invest more m0ney in protection
against crime then their own
education. Many students who are
actually trying and want to succeed
are distracted by all the violence
created at the schools. Also, a major
contributor to the Issue in Inner City
Schools is the students home life.
These are things like lack of
encouragement, abusive situations,
and drug and alcohol abuse.

Inner City
By Haley, Jenna, Luke, Jordan

The fact that a whole 36%
of the teachers being
hired for inner city schools
are not qualified for the
position is where the
problem begins. The
problem is that over the
United States there is no
teacher qualifications, so
if there is a need for
teachers in one area they
will just lower the
qualifications and
standards. This is leaving
the students at inner city
schools with a
disadvantage. Most
teachers at inner city
school dont get paid as
much as teachers in
suburban schools.
The major problem is that most
students in school don't look at
the pros and cons of staying in
school versus dropping out of
school. They think that their
lives would be a lot better
because they don't have to go
to school and they can get jobs
and support themselves but
what they don't know is that
they won't get. Some students
also don't understand how
important an education is and
how it will impact their lives in
the future.


leveland only 38% of inner city
freshman ended up graduating
within the four years of high
school, meanwhile in the
suburbs 80% graduated. In
addition, in New York only 54%
of inner city students graduate,
but if you look at the suburbs of
New York 83% of students
graduate. If you look at
Baltimore you will see a rate of
41% of inner city students
graduate. In the suburbs of
Baltimore 81% of students
graduate on time. It only gets
worse when you see
Indianapolis statistics only 30%
of freshman graduated in 2005.
On average 53% of inner city
students graduate, but in the
suburbs 71% graduate. This is
an overwhelming difference
between the two types of school.

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