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Ad tag documentation

General guidelines
Tags are valid HTML/JS that wil be put inside the <body> of a webview on the device
The HTML must be designed to accommodate different resolution and density screens. The tags will be
displayed in a web view, with the aspect ratio maintained. See webview specifications below.
Images are normally created larger (typically double) than the size they will be displayed at, to make the
image look crisp on high density screens.
Ads are rotated every 15 seconds. So if you do animations, keep that in mind. This does not apply to
interstitial or app open ads as they do not rotate.
Ad types and specifications
Ad type Webview dimensions (In pixels - W x H)
iPad Leaderboard 728 x 90
iPad Interstitial 1024 x 768
iPad App Open 1024 x 768
iPad Front Page 363 x 303
iPad Rectangle 300 x 250
Mobile Front Page Banner 320 x 50
Mobile Banner 320 x 50
Mobile Interstitial 320 x 385
Mobile App Open 320 x 385

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