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Name:Mikaela Kraft

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!
Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do not copy
from the Internet.
Your job title (be specific): Da care assista!t
"ob o#er#ie$%What the do (&ro#ide a para'raph descriptio! of the job( What $ould a tpical da o! the job
look like)):
&la!!i!' a!d super#isi!' acti#ities that promote the social* me!tal* phsical a!d
emotio!al de#elopme!t of the childre! u!der their care( Depe!di!' o! the a'es of
the childre!* dail acti#ities i!clude so!'s* stories* 'ames* s!acks* crafts* !aps*
platimes* acti#it ce!ters a!d co!#ersatio!( +ome childre! spe!d up to te! hours a
da i! a da care facilit( +taff $orkers $ork to keep the childre! happ* bus* a!d
safe( Dail tasks i!clude arra!'i!' spaces a!d fur!iture for #arious acti#ities
i!cludi!' lu!ch a!d rest periods* sa!iti,i!' tos* assisti!' childre! $ho !eed help
$ith eati!'* dressi!' a!d toilet habits* taki!' care of da-care e.uipme!t* a!d
looki!' after #arious other housekeepi!' duties(
Worki!' co!ditio!s (/ours ou ca! e0pect to $ork) Risk of i!juries) 1ime of da%time of ear)
2!doors%outdoors) Clothi!' re.uired) 3tc4):
1he $ork hours of childcare $orkers is $idel differe!t( Childcare ce!ters usuall are ope! ear rou!d* $ith
lo!' hours so that pare!ts ca! drop off a!d pick up their childre! before a!d after $ork( +ome ce!ters emplo
full-time a!d part-time staff $ith sta''ered shifts to co#er the e!tire da( +ome $orkers are u!able to take
re'ular breaks duri!' the da due to limited staffi!'( &ublic a!d ma! pri#ate preschool pro'rams operate
duri!' the tpical 5- or 67-mo!th school ear* emploi!' both full-time a!d part-time $orkers( 8amil childcare
pro#iders ha#e fle0ible hours a!d dail routi!es* but ma $ork lo!' or u!usual hours to fit pare!ts9 $ork
schedules( :i#e-i! !a!!ies usuall $ork lo!'er hours tha! do those $ho ha#e their o$! homes( /o$e#er* if
the $ork e#e!i!'s or $eeke!ds* the ma 'et other time off(
+ome i!door a!d outdoor acti#ates* a!d comfortable clothi!' that is appetite for a $orker $ith little kids* but
still busi!ess like(
+alar ($hat $a'e ca! ou e0pect to ear!)):
; full time a!d full-ear $orkers i!come is <==*>55(
; past time a!d full ear $orkers i!come is <6?*@A7(
Worki!' i! a primar schools ou are u!emploed duri!' "ul a!d ;u'ust e#er ear(
8uture outlook ($ill this job be i! dema!d i! the future) Wh%$h !ot)):
1he !umber of earl childhood educatio! a!d assista!ts has bee! i!creased sli'htl(
Post-Secondary Institute!rainin" Pro"ram #$
%ocation and name of pro"ram& (Where the school is located( What is the !ame of the pro'ram) ;lso tell us $h this
school appeals to ou)
'ost& (first ear ;ND total cost of pro'ram* i!cludi!' tuitio!* books* a!d supplies)
2f pla!!i!' o! atte!di!' a major u!i#ersit: $$$(ou(ubc(ca to calculate a! appro0imate cost
2f pla!!i!' o! atte!di!' a colle'e: $$$(oka!a'a!(bc(ca%tuitio! to calculate a! appro0imate cost
Pre-re(uisites of pro"ram& (courses ou !eed to be taki!' i! hi'h school i! order to 'et i!* re.uired G&;)
What are > related occupatio!s ou could take if this o!e did!9t $ork out for ou ($hat $ould ou do if ou
do!9t e!d up doi!' this career a!d $h)): 2f 2 do!9t 'et this career the three thi!' 2 $ould do is $ork full time at
m curre!t job at 2llichm!!9s because if 29m i! school 2 $ill probabl $ork part time( "ust i! case it does!9t $ork
Do photo'raph as a hobb a!d do just frie!ds* famil(
:astl just do some #olu!teer $ork(
;!d most importa!tl4
Wh are ou i!terested i! this career) (/o$ lo!' ha#e ou bee! i!terested i! it) What led ou to $a!ti!' this
job) /o$ does it suit%fit our perso!alit* i!terests* characteristics* stre!'ths* etc4)): 2 ha#e al$as lo#e
$atchi!' little kids* helpi!' them a!d plai!' $ith them because the smallest thi!' makes them happ( 1he
church 2 'o to has a lot of little kids from 6= ears to a fe$ mo!ths( ;lso $e hold a Bacatio! Cible +chool i! the
first $eek of "ul $here ether a teacher* a helper* i! the preschool* or !urser a!d o#er all $atchi!' the kids
from a'es 6> to a ear(

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