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An Exhibition Featuring Long Beach as a Destination

The Historical Society of Long Beach is planning a thrilling new exhibition for June, 2014 that celebrates the City as a
tourist destination. The HSLBs outstanding historical collections will be used to mount a new exhibition entitled Queen of
the Beaches. The show explores the nostalgia and mythology of Long Beach as a seaside resort and convention center.
Whether historically accurate or not, the general belief about early Long Beach is that of a beachside resort. This exhibit
will capitalize on this romantic notion and will be illustrated by photographs of the bathhouse, Pike, piers, and more. We
seek to dazzle local residents and visitors with imagery used to promote Long Beach as a Destination in a gallery exhibition
that will run through November. A historian will examining the topic and exploring the myths and realities of Long Beach as
a destination in a didactic panel.
Beginning with Methodist encampments in the late 1800s people have been traveling to Long Beach to recreate. In
1902, they began coming here to enjoy the surf and amusements at the Pike. Later they came for aviation meets, Miss
Universe pageants, sailing, Olympic events, the Grand Prix, conventions, the All Western Band Review, to hear jazz music,
and for the Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade and Festival, among other events. Possible exhibition topics and materials include:
Grand Prix China from the grand Virginia Hotel
Queen Mary All Western Band Review
Music Festivals Olympic events
Sailing Regattas Miss Universe
Gaming artifacts from the Pike
Gambling ships during prohibition
The Lesbian & Gay Pride Festival and Parade
And much more

Please join us in this effort. June-October 2014

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