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858/ The Beatles rights are now thought to account ____ two-thirds of the collection's

a. on
b. for
c. of
d. In
account for: chi!
"# B is correct
85$/ %hat was the _____ of inviting the !edia to last wee&'s !eeting'
a. ob(ection
b. ob(ective
c. sub(ective
d. )ub(ect
*b(ective +n,: !-c ti.u/ !-c 01ch
"# B is correct
852/ ____ other belief s3ste!s/ 4ree& culture recogni5ed no single truth or code and
6roduced no sacred/ written te7t li&e the Bible or the 8ur'an.
a. 9ifferent
b. 9isli&e
c. 9issi!ilar
d. :nli&e
9isli&e: &h;ng th1ch
:nli&e: &h;ng gi<ng
9ifferent fro!/to
=7: >e?s ver3 different fro!/to his brother.
)i!ilar to
=7: @3 ideas about writing the re6ort are si!ilar to Aohn?s
"# 9 is correct
855/ The subseBuent si7 victi!s - ____ were 6ositivel3 identified as having the virus - had
close and 6rolonged e76osure to either her or other fa!il3 !e!bers with the disease.
a. all of who!
b. all of who
c. of al who!
d. all of the!
The subseBuent si7 victi!s had close and 6rolonged e76osure to either her or other fa!il3 !e!bers with
the disease.
Cll of the! were 6ositivel3 identified as having the virus.
BD3 giE thF n<i lGi hai cDu nH3 lGi dIng @98> nhJ/
"#C ch1nh 7Kc.
)au giLi tM thN &h;ng thO dIng %>* 0PQc/ !H 6hRi dIng dGng *b(ect cSa nT lH %>*@
85U/ In an effort ______ the needs of students who have both the 6otential and the desire
to co!6lete curriculu! !ore de!anding than that offered in the regular classroo!/ the
Board of =ducation will 6rovide Cdvance Vlace!ent Vrogra!s
a. to !eet
b. !eeting
c. has !et
d. @eets
effort to do so!ething: nW lXc 0O lH! gN
=7: The co!6an3 had laid off Y5Z wor&ers in an effort to save !one3.
"# C is correct
85[/ B3 the ti!e the \9C discovered its illegal 6roduction/ the tobacco co!6an3 _____
several 3ears to develo6 new narcotic tobacco 6roducts.
a. are s6ending
b. will have s6ent
c. s6end
d. had s6ent
] ^T hai cKch 0O ch_n 0`ng 0K6 Kn cho cDu nH3.
^Y: >Hnh 0ang 7R3 ra trPLc !at hHnh 0ang trong BuK &hb -# chia BuK &hb hoHn thHnh
^c: d trPLc cSa cDu 0PQc chia e thN BuK &hb 0fn/ n.n v sau bgt buac 6hRi dIng e BuK &hb/ !H e cR
b<n lXa ch_n chh cT lXa ch_n +9, lH e BuK &hb n.n ch`ng ta loGi ra 0PQc ba 0K6 Kn cin lGi.
"# 9 is correct
85c/ @ost co!6uter users have never received an3 for!al &e3board trainingj _____/ their
&e3board s&ills are inefficient.
a. so that
b. so
c. however
d. conseBuentl3
so that " in order that: dIng 0O chh !-c 01ch k0l giRi th1ch &hK chi tit tGi cDu 8U$#. 4ima ch`ng
&h;ng ngnn cKch bei dou cDu. p;i &hi tM qthatq thPEng 0PQc br 0i trong vnn nTi.
so: csng lH !at con(unction dIng 0O &t n<i hai !tnh 0u 0a lv6 vH csng cT nghwa tPfng tX nhP
therefore. xhPng &hi &t n<i hai !tnh 0u thN cu<i !tnh 0u 0yu ti.n cyn 6hRi cT dou 6hz3 +/,.
=7: I felt stressful/ so I went out rela7ing.
>owever dIng 0O n<i hai cDu cT nghwa tPfng 6hRn nhau. TrPLc >owever lH dou cho! +., ho{c cho!
6hz3 +j,/ sau however lH dou 6hz3 +/,
^onseBuentl3 vH Therefore/ cR hai 0uu cT nghwa tPfng tX nhau | qas a resultq: 9* p}/ ~T 8: .
9ou cDu tPfng tX nhP '>owever'.
Vhyn dch nghwa 7e! c!t cSa bGn xo 4rass *n @ountain.
"# 9 is correct
85Y/ *ver the 3ears we have earned the _____ trust and confidence of hundreds of
students worldwide through our un!atched 6erfor!ance in =nglish education.
a. co!6lete
b. co!6letel3
c. co!6leted
d. ^o!6leting
d tr1 cyn !at ad( bW nghwa cho danh tM qtrustq
BRn thDn qco!6leteq vMa lH 0ang tM/ vMa lH t1nh tM.
"# C is correct
co!6leted chh lH 0ang tM q co!6leteq th.! qedq th;i nha bGn.
dH lPu th.! nu v tr1 cyn t1nh tM. @H 0K6 Kn cT t1nh tM tvn cIng bng 0u;i _ing/ 0u;i _ed vH 0u;i g<c
t1nh tM nhP +_al/ _ive, thN 6hRi : TIx ch_n t1nh tM cT 0u;i g<c t1nh tM nha.
=7: satisfactor3/ satisfied.
^o!6leted is also an ad( which !eans \inished/9one/Ccco!6lished. C co!6leted boo& is one that has
been wrritten co!6letel3 b3 an author. %hile a co!6lete boo& is one that has no !issing 6ages.
e6/ in this case/ co!6lete is correct.
I (ust wanna sa3 that co!6leted is also an ad(/ not (ust a 6ast or 6ast 6artici6le tenses of the verb
85Z/ %e believe that our co!6an3 has a solid record of successj we have shown a 6rofit
ever3 3ear _____ we began this co!6an3.
a. since
b. while
c. when
d. \ro!
] >itn tGi hoHn thHnh since BuK &hb 0fn
] 8uK &hb hoHn thHnh before BuK &hb 0fn kafter ngPQc lGi#
"# C is correct
8U/ )haring Ti!e is a co!!unit3 develo6!ent organi5ation that is co!!itted to
________ 6rivate tutors for local high school students.
a. arranges
b. arranging
c. arrange!ent
d. Crrange!ents
xote: co!!it to sth / to doing sth: hba/ ca! &t lH! gN 0T
"# Cnswer is B
^h`ng ta cT !u qto be co!!itted to doing sthq cT nghwa ca! &t thXc hitn Y & hoGch 0l 0nh trPLc.
e! th.! tGi :htt6://!!!itted'B"co!!itted
8U8/)he beca!e _____ frustrated with the lac& of feedbac& fro! her boss that she
decided to loo& for another (ob.
a. ver3
b. too
c. !ore
d. )o
] ^ou tr`c so......that +BuK .......0n ni,
Y/ ) be so ad( that ........
=7: It was so dar& that I couldn't see an3thing.
c/ ) cKc 0ang tM nhvn thbc tri giKc so ad( that .....
-# ^Kc derb nhvn thbc tri giKc nhP: a66ear/ see!/ feel/ taste/ s!ell/ sound/....
=7: The sou6 tastes so good that ever3one will as& for !ore.
[/ ) d+thPEng, adv that ........
=7: The student had behaved so badl3 that he was dis!issed fro! the class.
U/ xu sau qsoq cT !uch/ !an3/ few/ little thN ta cT cou tr`c:
- ) d so !an3/few noun +0! 0PQc s< nhiuu, that .....
=7: There are so !an3 6eo6le in the roo! that I feel tired.
- ) d so !uch/little noun +&h;ng 0! 0PQc, that ....
=7: >e has invested so !uch !one3 in the 6ro(ect that he can't abandon +tM br, it now.
5/ @at cou tr`c &hKc cSa so.......that
- ) d so ad( a noun +0! 0PQc s< 1t, that .......
=7: It was so hot a da3 that we decided to sta3 indoors.
"# 9 is correct
8U$/ The state 6ension age is to rise to 28 fro! cZUU/ as 6art of govern!ent 6ro6osals to
_____ 6ension 6rovision in the :~.
a. strong
b. strongl3
c. strengthen
d. strength
] ^Kc tM dIng 0O chh !-c 01ch:
to/ so as to/ in order to dY
Tu3 nhi.n nu cDu cT 3u t< 6hS 0nh not. Ta s dIng in order not to ho{c so as not to .
=7: I gave hi! a cheBue in advance T* ease his financial 6roble!s and )* C) x*T T* dela3 the building
TrPLc cKc 0ang tM nhP: &now/ see!/ a66ear/ understand/ have/ ta thPEng sF d-ng in order to
ho{c so as to
=7Y: I tal&ed to the! both for half an hour )* C) T* have a thorough understanding of the 6roble!.
=7c: I followed her around all da3 Ix *9= T* &now whether she had an3 intention of !eeting hi!.
)o that/ in order that clause
=7Y: %e?re going to leave b3 three )* T>CT we don?t get stuc& in the rush-hour traffic.
=7c: Ix *9= T>CT 3ou !a3 6ass the e7a!/ we reco!!end 3ou read through all 3our notes.
"# ^ is correct
8U2/ V>x BIT 'T>I=\'/ '*BB=' d 'B:4C'
~hi tra tM 0iOn/ ta tho3 nghwa cSa cKc tM qthief/ robber vH burglarq 0uu 0PQc dch gi<ng
nhau lH ~ T@/ ~ ^V nhPng ta n.n dIng tM nHo trong trPEng hQ6 nHo. ^h`ng ta
cIng nhau tN! hiOu.
9anh tM thief +s< nhiuu lH thieves,: & tra!/ & cg6
^Kch thbc hoGt 0ang: Jn l`t/ &h;ng gD3 ra bGo lXc. ~hi 6hKt hitn !ot 0/ nGn nhDn
!Li bit cT qthiefq.
ThEi gian hoGt 0ang: @I ^
] C car thief/ a (ewel thief...
9anh tM burglar: & tra!/ & cg6
^Kch thbc hoGt 0ang: pat nhv6 kbrea& into# vHo nhH/ vnn 6hing... !at cKch bot hQ6
6hK6 vH lo3 cg6 0 0Gc.
ThEi gian hoGt 0ang: BCx p@
] 9anh tM qburglar3q: hHnh 0ang nn tra!
9anh tM robber: ~ cPL6
^Kch thbc hoGt 0ang: 9Ing bGo lXc 0O lo3 0/ 0e d_a nGn nhDn vH &h;ng ngyn ngGi
gD3 thPfng t1ch.
ThEi gian hoGt 0ang: @I ^/ tho3 ngon nn thN >T
] a ban& robber: & cPL6 nhH bnng
=7: The robbers attac&ed hi! and disa66eared with the e76ensive 6ainting.
8UU/ ______5 !illion was 6aid for the construction of this office building.
a. @ore
b. *ver
c. >igher
d. \urther
!ore than | over: hfn
further ha3 7uot hitn vLi cKc c-! tM:
- until further notice: cho 0n &hi cT th;ng bKo !Li
- further infor!ation: th;ng tin th.!
"# B is correct
8U[/ Vo6lar @ills Inc. has been 6urchasing !ore arable land/ ho6ing to increase not onl3
6roduction but also its_______ in the nation's grocer3 stores.
a. co!6etitor
b. co!6etitiveness
c. co!6etitive
d. ^o!6etitivel3
] d tr1 cyn Y danh tM
co!6etitor +n,: 0<i thS
co!6etitiveness +n,: t1nh cGnh tranh
"# B is correct
8Uc/ @an3 anal3sts believe that if %agoner were to be re6laced/ 4@ ____ the 6osition
a. will fill
b. would fill
c. had filled
d. would have filled
^Du 0iuu &itn loGi c:
- @ain clause: would/should/could/!ight dY
- If- clause: 8uK &hb 0fn + be -# were ,
"# B is correct
8UY/ The 6ersonnel de6art!ent has had all the references _______
a. chec&
b. chec&ing
c. to be chec&ed
d. ^hec&ed
^x4 T>^ x> d:
- >ave * +ngPEi, dY
=7: I have @ar3 clean !3 house: T;i nhE @ar3 lau nhH.
- >ave * +vvt, d[/ed + b3 *,
=7: I have !3 house cleaned b3 @ar3
k"# c;ng thbc
- get * +ngPEi, to dY
- get * +vvt, d[/ed
"# 9 is correct
8UZ/ =ven though there have been a nu!ber of new 6roducts clai!ing to be si!ilar to
our co!6an3's 6roduct in recent 3ears/ ________ is still rated nu!ber one b3 the
consu!er !aga5ines.
a. its
b. that
c. ours
d. %hich
Ngi Sao Xanh C. ^Du bgt 0yu bng qeven thoughq n.n s cT c v/ nhP vv3 v sau lH Y cDu hoHn chhnh/
qitsq lH chS ngm cSa v nH3 vH nT tha3 th cho cR cSa v trPLc.
V/s: pD3 lH cSa !Nnh/ !ong cKc bGn chia s nhiuu Than&s
Mo thi Toeic _ c my ai bit ? xg;i )ao anh rot hoan ngh.nh c!t nTi l.n &in cSa bGn.
p<i vLi cKc cDu hri dGng nH3/ nhNn lic Bua U 0K6 Kn ta tho3 cT 0Gi tM Buan ht.
- qThatq thN &h;ng bao giE 0bng sau dou 6hz3 ri. Ta cin 7Jt [ 0K6 Kn cin lGi.
- q which/ its ha3 ours q thN bGn n.n dch ra 7e! nT tha3 th cho cKi gN. Ta s ch_n 0PQc 0K6 Kn 0`ng th;i.
Nguyn nh Dng ^. ours " our +co!6an3's, 6roduct
T!an T!ung T!uc @o thi Toeic _ cT !o3 ai bit ' and all/
BGn co!!ent q qThatq thN &h;ng bao giE 0bng sau dou 6hz3 ri.q s cT thO dn 0n nhiuu hiOu nhy!.
dv3 bGn nghw sao vu v1 d- sau:
eg: I'! afraid/ @r Cd!in/ that 3our co!!ent has not been clear 3et/ but we could !a&e it clear now.
^Du nH3 sai vu ngm 6hK6 &h;ng' nu chiu theo co!!ent cSa ad'
+@Nnh chh bHn 0n qthatq vH dou / nhJ,.
>a3 lH !Nnh hiOu sai 0Du 0D3' xhE ad gi`6 vH cR! fn sX chia s
V/s: ^T thO !Nnh hiOu 0`ng cSa bGn trong nhvn 7Jt nH3/ nhPng dI sao theo !Nnh csng n.n 0Pa th.!
!at vHi giRi th1ch nma thN chgc !Nnh vH !_i ngPEi s tr tPEng.
Mo thi Toeic _ c my ai bit ? Tran Trung Truc/
- qthatq cSa bGn e 0D3 !ang nghwa qrngq. I'! afraid that...
BGn chn /@r. Cd!in/ e gima qafraidq vH qthatq vH qthatq 0l 0bng sau dou 6hz3.
- ^in qthatq trPEng hQ6 nH3 !Nnh 0ang nTi vu !tnh 0u Buan ht !H.
Trong !tnh 0u Buan ht qthatq &h;ng bao giE 0bng sau dou 6hz3 ho{c giLi tM.
6/s: chgc lGi chh c ta th;i Tran Trung Truc.
T!an T!ung T!uc @o thi Toeic _ cT !o3 ai bit ' xhP vv3 !Nnh 0l hiOu 0`ng cSa bGn.^R! fn ad!in
Mo thi Toeic _ c my ai bit ? ...
] our co!6an3's 6roduct 0PQc tha3 bng ours
"# Cnswer is ^
8[/ To re!ain ______ for financial aid/ reci6ients are reBuired to show satisfactor3
6rogress toward a degree according to the guidelines.
a. eligible
b. entitled
c. res6onsible
d. ^onsiderate
x*T=: )au cKc 0ang tM nhP re!ain/ beco!e/ sta3... ad( nha.
Trong cDu nH3 cR qeligibleq ln qres6onsibleq 0uu 0i vs giLi tM qforq.
] Jt vu ngm nghwa:
- eligible for: 0S tP cKch/ 0S 0iuu &itn
- res6onsible for: chu trKch nhit!
aid +n,: ngun vitn trQ. @at vHi tM ha3 7uot hitn trong 0u thi
- financial aid: ngun vitn trQ tHi ch1nh
- !ilitar3 aid: ngun vitn trQ BuDn sX
- grant aid: ngun vitn trQ &h;ng hoHn lGi
aid +v,: h trQ | assist
reci6ient +n,: ngPEi nhvn/ nPLc nhvn vitn trQ
"# C is correct
8[8/ *ur co!6an3's head of 9 _______last 3ear after the co!6an3 was 6rosecuted for
co63ing a new idea fro! one of our rivals.
a. fired
b. was fired
c. has been fired
d. will be fired
] fire +v,: sa thRi
] nghwa b 0ang BuK &hb 0fn +last 3ear,
"# B is correct
8[$/ \ift3 dollars !ust be sent in with ______ of the registration for!s/ or the organi5ers
of the convention will not 6rocess the!.
a. all
b. ever3
c. al!ost
d. =ntire
] x*T=:
=ver3 vn 0i 0PQc vLi danh tM s< nhiuu nha.
- =ver3 6erson
- =ver3 6eo6le
^hh nhL !i trPEng hQ6 qever3 6eo6leq lH 0ang tM chia s< nhiuu.
^in tot cR cKc trPEng hQ6 &hKc. Trong cDu cT qeachq ha3 qever3q thN 0ang tM 0uu chia s< 1t ht nha.
- BGn cT thO nTi qeach ofq nhPng &h;ng cT trPEng hQ6 qever3 ofq
q=ver3 6eo6leq cT chb bGn
=7: =ver3 6eo6le >Cd= to co!6lete this e7ercise
- xgoHi trPEng hQ6 tr.n/ trong cDu cT qever3q or qeachq lu;n lu;n chia 0ang tM e s< 1t
=7: =ach bo3 and each girl >C) a boo&
kpD3 lH c v1 d- 0PQc tr1ch trong sKch x4 V>V TIx4 Cx> _ cSa tKc giR @CI Cx >x4# BGn tN! 0_c
nha. @at trong nhmng sKch ngm 6hK6 rot ha3 vH 0PQc nhiuu thy3 c; &hu3.n dIng.
Cl!ost lH trGng tM/ cT nghwa lH nearl3.
Cl!ost thPEng 0i vLi CxB*9/ CxT>Ix4/ x* *x=/ x*B*9 ha3 C/ =d=/ =d=B*9....
x*T=: ~h;ng cT qal!ost ofq nha. ^hh cT q @ost ofq
Cl!ost lH trGng tM/ cT nghwa lH nearl3.
Cl!ost thPEng 0i vLi CxB*9/ CxT>Ix4/ x* *x=/ x*B*9 ha3 C/ =d=/ =d=B*9....
- I'll eat al!ost an3thing. +T;i s nn hyu ht !_i thb,
- Cl!ost no one believed hi!. +>ardl3 an3one believed hi!,. >yu nhP &h;ng ai tin anh ta.
- I li&e al!ost all of the!. +T;i th1ch hyu ht b_n h_,
- It is a !ista&e the3 al!ost alwa3s !a&e. +al!ost bW nghwa cho trGng tM alwa3s,.
- 9inner is al!ost read3. +al!ost bW nghwa cho t1nh tM read3,
xote: ^h`ng ta &h;ng thO sF d-ng al!ost 0i vLi cKc danh tM &hKc nhP al!ost students/ al!ost 6eo6le.
@H ch`ng ta 6hRi dIng @*)T.
] Cll of / so!e of/ !ost of/ none of.... the/ this/ that/ these/ those/ !3/ his/ Cnn's.... noun
] Cll of/ so!e of/ !ost of/ none of.... us/3ou/the!.
=7Y: )o!e of the 6eo6le I wor& with are ver3 friendl3.
=7c: xone of this !one3 is !ine
=7[: @ost of his students........
--# ~>x4 BC* 4I cT cKc trPEng hQ6 nhP q@ost of studentsq/ q)o!e of 6eo6le......q/vv...
--# ^> ^} q@ost students......q ho{c @ost of these students/ q)o!e 6eo6le.......q....vv
"# Cnswer is C +all of the .....,
8[U/ %e are loo&ing for recent graduates with e7ce6tional and _______Buantitative
abilities and language s&ills to (oin our co!6an3.
a. de!onstrate
b. de!onstrable
c. de!onstrating
d. 9e!onstrates
x*T=: d tr1 cyn Y t1nh tM
~hi 0K6 Kn cT cKc t1nh tM 0u;i -ing/ -ed/ vH 0u;i g<c t1nh tM -# thN 6hRi : TIx ch_n 0u;i g<c t1nh tM.
"# B is correct
8[[/ :9C Cirwa3s will no longer 6artici6ate in (oint !ileage 6rogra!s with credit card
co!6anies/ ________ Aanuar3 cZZ2.
a. effected
b. effective
c. effects
d. =ffect
] ^Kc c-! tM !ang nghwa q^} >I: -^q
- ta&e effect
- co!e into effect
- be in effect
- be/beco!e effective
] p<i vLi cDu nH3: T 4x @p8>:
- :9C Cirwa3s will no longer 6artici6ate in (oint !ileage 6rogra!s with credit card co!6anies/ %>I^>
%C) effective Aanuar3 cZZ2.
-# :9C Cirwa3s will no longer 6artici6ate in (oint !ileage 6rogra!s with credit card co!6anies/ effective
Aanuar3 cZZ2.
"# pK6 Kn B
8[c/ C banBuet is being held in honor of the governor_______6olitical career began in
Y8 in an underground student !ove!ent and s6anned al!ost Buarter a centur3.
a. who
b. who!
c. which
d. %hose
] whose 0O chh sX se hmu.
] whose xoun
"# 9 is correct
8[Y/ Cfter a length3 debate/ it was decided that there was _______ need to 6urchase
additional office eBui6!ent.
a. no
b. not
c. none
d. xever
] debate +n,: sX cDn nhgc
] need +n,: nhu cyu
] cyn Y t1nh tM bW nghwa cho danh tM need
"# C is correct
Jt v1 d- nH3 nhJ:
T;i nTi: q I do not have an3 !one3q
dH cDu: q I have no !one3q
-# c cKch nTi &hKc nhau nhPng nghwa lGi tPfng 0Pfng nhau.
qxoq trong trPEng hQ6 nH3 0PQc dIng nhP !at deter!iner +chh 0nh tM/hGn 0nh tM, 0O din tR s< lPQng
nhP 'all'/ 'ever3'/ '!an3'/ 'so!e'/ 'an3'/ 'each'/ 'either'/ 'one'/ 'another' vH nT 0PQc dIng trPLc cKc danh tM
s< 1t vH s< nhiuu.
xT csng cT nghwa tPfng tX nhP 'not a' ho{c 'not an3' vH thPEng 0PQc dIng nu ch`ng ta !u<n nhon
!Gnh vHo nhmng gN !Nnh 0ang nTi. >l3 so sKnh cKc cDu sau:
'I have no idea what he is referring to.' +nhon !Gnh hfn,
'I don't have an3 idea what he is referring to.' +1t nhon !Gnh hfn,
8c/ )he would li&e to !eet_______ who have done business in )outh Cfrica.
a. another 6eo6le
b. other 6eo6le
c. another 6erson
d. other 6erson
] Trong cDu nH3 Cnother danh tM s< 1t -# loGi cDu C
] pang tM 6h1a sau lH qhaveq -# danh tM s< nhiuu
"# B is correct
8c8/ The !anage!ent has agreed not to ta&e futher action/ _______ 3ou do not co!!it
an3 further violations of co!6an3 6olic3.
a. granted
b. therefore
c. 6rovided
d. @oreover
] 6rovided " 6rovided that " 6roviding that " as long as: !in lH
"# Cnswer is ^
8c$/ Best wishes to 3ou in the 3ear_______.
a. co!e
b. co!ing
c. to co!e
d. ^a!e
] the 3ear to co!e " the co!ing 3ear " nn! tLi
"# Cnswer is ^
8c2/ ________ he studied hard/ he would have 6assed his e7a!.
a. If
b. )hould
c. >ad
d. %hen
] xu lH cDu p~ loGi [ thN !tnh 0u If 6hRi chia BuK &hb hoHn thHnh. Trong &hi 0T e 0D3 lH q...he studied
hard...q &h;ng cT qhadq
--# xhP vv3 0<i vLi cDu p~ loGi [ ngPEi ta s dIng q>adq vH 0Ro chS tM ra sau ngm.
] If he had studied hard/ she would have 6assed the e7a!
--# >ad he studied hard/ she would have 6assed the e7a!.
"# Cnswer is ^
8cU/ C66licants are advised to fill out an a66lication for! concisel3 to i!6ress 6otential
e!6lo3ers/ without being too_______ or boring.
a. re6eating
b. re6etitive
c. re6etition
d. e6eat
] pD3 lH cou tr`c song song.
)au qorq lH t1nh tM qboringq n.n v tr1 cin thiu csng lH !at t1nh tM.
"# B is correct
8c[/ _______ to focus resources and invest!ent on this ra6idl3 growing business/ we have
to !a&e a strategic decision.
a. %hether
b. Cccording
c. In order
d. >ow
] In order to dY
] Cccording to noun/ noun 6harse
"# ^ is correct
8cc/ %hen the _______ for this new safet3 6olic3 was under consideration b3 the
!anagers/ a nu!ber of e76erts were as&ed for their co!!ents.
a. 6ro6osing
b. 6ro6ose
c. 6ro6oses
d. Vro6osal
"# 9 is correct
8cY/ The article 6rovides readers with ti6s on how to get _______ out of debt b3 setting
financial goals and eli!inating unnecessar3 s6ending.
a. totall3
b. total
c. totaled
d. Totaling
] out of debt +ad(, thoKt nQ -# v tr1 cyn Y adv
"# C is correct
8cZ/ )*.......T>CT d ):^>....T>CT k=-V*)T#
] ^ou tr`c so......that +BuK .......0n ni,
Y/ ) be so ad( that ........
=7: It was so dar& that I couldn't see an3thing.
c/ ) cKc 0ang tM nhvn thbc tri giKc so ad( that .....
-# ^Kc derb nhvn thbc tri giKc nhP: a66ear/ see!/ feel/ taste/ s!ell/ sound/....
=7: The sou6 tastes so good that ever3one will as& for !ore.
[/ ) d+thPEng, adv that ........
=7: The student had behaved so badl3 that he was dis!issed fro! the class.
U/ xu sau qsoq cT !uch/ !an3/ few/ little thN ta cT cou tr`c:
- ) d so !an3/few noun +0! 0PQc s< nhiuu, that .....
=7: There are so !an3 6eo6le in the roo! that I feel tired.
- ) d so !uch/little noun +&h;ng 0! 0PQc, that ....
=7: >e has invested so !uch !one3 in the 6ro(ect that he can't abandon +tM br, it now.
5/ @at cou tr`c &hKc cSa so.......that
- ) d so ad( a noun +0! 0PQc s< 1t, that .......
=7: It was so hot a da3 that we decided to sta3 indoors.
] ^ou tr`c such........that
- ) d such +a/an, ad( noun that .......
=7: It was such a hot da3 that we decided to sta3 at ho!e.
=7: This is such difficult ho!ewor& that I will never finish it.
8Y8/ This new software would _________ the accounting fir! to 6rocess accounts !ore
a. inhibit
b. 6refer
c. enable
d. ~ee6
] enable sb to do sth | allow sb to do sth: cho 6hJ6 ai lH! gN
] 6refer sth to sth: th1ch cKi gN hfn cKi gN
=7: >e 6refers beer to wine
] 6refer ding to ding
=7: I 6refer going out to sta3ing at ho!e.
"# ^ is correct
8Y$/ Aohn recentl3 _________ his friends to the 6art3.
a. ta&e
b. too&
c. ta&en
d. has ta&en
]^T nhiuu bGn nhy! ln cDu nH3 lH thN hitn tGi hoHn thHnh vH ch_n 0K6 Kn d. pD3 &h;ng 6hRi lH cou tr`c
cSa thN >T>T.
^ou tr`c cSa thN hitn tGi hoHn thHnh: khas/have recentl3 d[/ed #
] xhP vv3 &hi ch`ng ta tho3 qrecentl3q !H trPLc &h;ng cT have/has thN hl3 ch_n dc/ed nhJ kpD3 lH
Ting anh cSa ngPEi @#
"# Cnswer is B
8Y2/*nl3 _________ with a renewed !e!bershi6 card !a3 attend the concert/
a. this
b. the!
c. whose
d. Those
] *nl3 those: ^hh nhmng ai
"# 9 is correct
8Y5/ Intended vacation ti!es reBuire a notification 6eriod of at least two wee&s________.
a. in advance
b. intiall3
c. behind
d. Cgo
] in advance " ahead of ti!e: !ang nghwa trPLc +before,.
4iR sF bGn !u<n tW chbc !at buWi titc tGi nhH hHng. ditc 0yu ti.n lH bGn 6hRi 0{t trPLc ch.
=7: If 3ou want to have a nice 6lace/ 3ou reall3 should boo& a cou6le of hours ahead of ti!e +in advance,
and the3?ll arrange things.
"# C is correct
8Y[/ :nauthori5ed entr3 into the building is not 6er!itted/ _________ to guests who have
obtained a s6ecial securit3 6ass.
a. while
b. so
c. e7ce6t
d. Cs
] e7ce6t to: ngoGi trM.
] ^T sX tPfng 0ng gima e7ce6t vH but ch`ng 0uu cT nghwa lH ngoGi trM
- Th;ng thPEng But 0PQc 0{t nga3 sau nobod3/ none/ nothing/ nowhere
=7: xobod3 but To! &new the wa3
---# ~h;ng ai ngoHi To! bit 0PEng cR.
- =7ce6t thPEng 0PQc dIng sau !at cDu ho{c sau all/ ever3bod3/ ever3one/ ever3thing/ ever3where
=7: xobod3 &new the wa3 e7ce6t To!
---# ~h;ng ai bit 0PEng trM To!.
- ~hi dIng But sau an3bod3/an3thing/an3where thN cT nhon !Gnh hfn lH =7ce6t.
=7:ou can 6ar& an3where but/e7ce6t here.
Cnh cT thO 0vu 7e bot cb ch nHo trM ch nH3.
"# ^ is correct
8Z/ The co!6uter lab will undergo ________ renovations to !eet the needs of our
school?s growing student bod3.
a. !atured
b. 6roducing
c. substantial
d. ^onsu!able
] d tr1 cyn !at ad( bW nghwa cho danh tM qrenovationsq
- substantial | signigicant: 0Kng &O
] @at s< c-! tM ha3 sKnh 0;i vLi nhau.
- significantl3 reduce #k significantl3 increase
- dra!aticall3 reduce #k dra!aticall3 increase
"# ^ is correct
8Z8/ The 6ri!ar3 _________ concern a!ong our !anufacturers is acBuiring the necessar3
resources at reasonable 6rice.
a. finances
b. financed
c. financial
d. \inanciall3
] d tr1 cyn !at ad( bW nghwa cho danh tM qconcernq
] ^h` c-! tM ha3 dNu nhau 7uot hitn trong 0u thi:
- reasonable 6rice +giK cR hQ6 l, #k unreasonable 6rice
"# ^ is correct
8Z$/ @r. \isher 6refers to do his s!all co!6an3?s boo&&ee6ing ________ instead of hiring
an accountant.
a. he
b. his
c. hi!
d. >i!self
] )F d-ng 0Gi tM 6hRn thDn +efle7ive 6ronouns,
- ~hi chS ngm tKc 0ang vHo ch1nh !Nnh.
=7:)he usuall3 loo&s at herself in the !irror
- pO nhon !Gnh chS thO.
=7: >e hi!self told !e the news.
"# 9 is correct
8Z2/ The secretar3 in the cnd floor office ________e-!ails between 8 a.!. and noon.
a. answers
b. tal&s
c. res6onds
d. e6lies
^b tho3 qe!ailq lH re6l3q ht. #qk
] x*T=:
- re6l3 to sth
=7: re6l3 to a Buestion/ re6l3 to 3our e!ail...
- res6ond to sth
=7: >e res6onds to !3 e!ail with a 6hone call.
- tal& about sth / tal& to sb
"# C is correct
8Z5/ q>Cd= *: \IxI)>=9 'q * qC= *: \IxI)>=9 'q
Trong hai thoGi thhnh thoRng ch`ng ta cT nghe !at ai 0T nTi:
'Cre 3ou finished...'' vH >ave 3ou finished...'?
Thvt ra cR c cKch nTi nH3 0uu 0`ng.
Cre 3ou finished'? dIng 6hDn tM BuK &hb finished? nhP !at t1nh tM. TPfng tX ch`ng ta cT
thO nTi:
>ave 3ou finished at wor&' or Cre 3ou finished at wor&'
^R hai cDu hri 0uu 0`ng vu ngm 6hK6 vH cho6 nhvn 0PQc trong bot cb hoHn cRnh nHo.
]@at s< ngPEi bRn 7b s nTi vLi bGn rng h_ &h;ng tho3 cT sX &hKc bitt gima hai dGng
cDu hri 0T.
]xhPng !at s< &hKc thN cT thO nTi rng cT 0;i ch`t &hKc bitt vu nghwa gima hai cKch din
0Gt nH3. xT thXc sX 6h- thuac vHo ngm 0itu gi_ng nTi &hi 0{t cDu hri vH vu thKi 0a cSa
ngPEi nghe.
] @at s< ngPEi coi cDu >ave 3ou finished'? lch sX hfn 'Cre 3ou finished'?
] @at s< &hKc lv6 luvn rng dIng thN hitn tGi hoHn thHnh vH tGo ra cDu hri >ave 3ou
finished'? dPEng nhP ngPEi nTi lch sX 0Pa ra &hR nnng cT thO cT th.! thEi gian 0O hoHn
thHnh vitc 0T
] ^in vLi trPEng hQ6 'Cre 3ou finished'? thN ngPEi nTi !u<n ngPEi nghe bit h_ 0l &h;ng
cin thEi gian nma vH csng &h;ng cT th.! thEi gian cho h_.
"# ^T nhiuu giR thu3t 0Pa ra. Tu3 nhi.n !Nnh cho lH ngm 0itu s Buan tr_ng hfn cR.
BGn cT thO din tR vitc &h;ng cin &i.n nhn nma ha3 thKi 0a lch sP tM cKch !Nnh nTi:
BGn nTi:
>ave 3ou finished' Cre 3ou finished' +vLi gi_ng nTi tr s<t ruat,
s &hKc:
>ave 3ou finished' Cre 3ou finished' +vLi gi_ng nTi lch sX,
>3 v_ng bGn s tho3 0PQc sX &hKc bitt trong gi_ng nTi cSa ngPEi nTi vH ch1nh bGn cT thO
hitn 0PQc 0iuu nH3 trong tMng hoHn cRnh cSa !Nnh
8ZU/ _________the two co63 !achines differ in a few of their functions/ 3ou will be soon
accusto!ed to o6erating the!.
a. ather than
b. 9es6ite
c. Clthough
d. In order that
] Clthough clause
] 9es6ite/ in s6ite of noun 6hrase/ gerund
] @tnh 0u so that / in order that ) can/could/will/would d
] accusto!ed to | be fa!iliar with | be/get used to: Buen vLi
"# ^ is correct
8Zc/ The d.) ^enter database will allow 3ou to find the best volunteer o66ortunities
_________ on 3our 6reference.
a. base
b. basing
c. based
d. Base!ent
] Based on: dXa vHo
] Th;ng thPEng qbaseq 0PQc r`t g_n tM !tnh 0u Buan ht b 0ang n.n s tn tGi e dGng qbasedq. 4iRi 0u
thi T*=I^ !H g{6 thN qbased onq lH 0K6 Kn cu<i cIng nhJ.
"# ^ is correct
8ZY/ )oaring fuel 6rices have ________ to !anufacturers see&ing raw !aterials fro! less
re!ote su66liers.
a. contributed
b. contributions
c. contribute
d. ^ontributor
] ThN hitn tGi hoHn hHnh kThe Vresent Verfect Tense#
"# C is correct
8ZZ/ ~hi lH! bHi ch`ng ta ha3 g{6 cKc c-! tM confused word !H ch`ng ta ha3 nhy!
ln. BHi nH3 !Nnh soGn ra 0O gi`6 cKc bGn lPu vH trKnh cKc nhy! ln &h;ng 0Kng cT. ^T
rot nhiuu sX nhy! ln: cT thO lH nhy! ln vu ngm nghwa ho{c nhy! ln vu cKch sF d-ng.
)au 0D3 lH !at s< c{6 tM ha3 ra thi trong T*=I^ lH! ch`ng ta b<i r<i.
] see loo& watch view
- see: nhNn &h;ng cT chS 0nh +tho3,
=7: )he o6ened her e3es and saw a !an a66roaching her.
- loo&: ngg!/ 7e! 7Jt cT chS 0nh
=7: >e is loo&ing at the 6hotogra6h.
- watch " loo& carefull3: nhNn cT chS 0nh vH chn! ch`
+e.g. actions/ shows/ !ovies/ Td 6rogra!s,: Buan sKt/ theo di/ 0O +nhNn vvt gN 0T 0ang
tha3 0Wi ha3 di chu3On,
=7: The3 are watching an interesting re6ort on television.
- view: nhNn cT chS 0nh vH chn! ch` +ngg!,/ thPEng li.n Buan 0n 3u t< thPeng thbc.
=7Y: Thousands of tourists co!e to view the gardens ever3 3ear.
=7c: The !ountain is best viewed fro! the north.
] )a3 tell
- sa3: nTi/ cho &in -# sa3 so!ething +to so!ebod3,
=7: The children said goodb3e +to their 6arents,.
- tell: nTi ra/ &O +tru3un tRi th;ng tin,.
ThPEng g{6 trong cKc cou tr`c :
tell sb sth +nTi vLi ai 0iuu gN 0T,/
tell sb to do sth +bRo ai lH! gN,/
tell sb about sth +cho ai bit vu 0iuu gN,
=7Y: The teacher is telling the class an interesting stor3
=7c: Vlease tell hi! to co!e to the blac&board
=7[: %e tell hi! about the bad news
] Borrow lend
- borrow: va3/ !PQn
borrow so!ething fro! so!ebod3
=7: ^an I borrow this boo& fro! 3ou'
- lend: cho va3/ cho !PQn
to lend so!ebod3 so!ething
to lend so!ething to so!ebod3
=7: The ban& lent her a lot of !one3.
] Bring ta&e
- bring: !ang lGi/ cy! lGi/ 0Pa lGi
bring so!ebod3 so!ething
bring so!ething to so!ebod3
=7Y: Bring !e so!e coffee.
=7c: Bring it to !e.
- ta&e: lo3 0i/ !ang 0i/ 0e! 0i
=7: I?ll ta&e this file to the 6urchasing de6art!ent.
] @a&e let
- !a&e * dY: buac/&hin ai lH! gN
=7: Aust seeing hi! !a&es !e laugh.
- let * dY: 0O ai lH! gN
=7: >er 6arents won?t let her go out.
] rise raise arise
- rise: To go u6/ to !ove u6wards +intransitive,: tnng/ l.n/ nWi l.n
=7: The sun rises in the =ast
- raise: To lift/ to !a&e higher +transitive,: nDng l.n/ lH! tnng l.n
=7: The govern!ent raised ta7es b3 [
- arise: To ha66en/ to occur +intransitive,: nR3 sinh/ 6hKt sinh/ 7uot hitn
=7: The 6roble! arose at the end of Aune
$/ *ur fir! received ________ fro! nu!erous clients for our e7cellent wor& over the
6ast twent3 3ears.
a. co!6li!ent
b. co!6li!ented
c. co!6li!ents
d. ^o!6li!entar3
] d tr1 cyn Y noun.
^T thO cT c cKch giRi th1ch 0O ch_n ra 0K6 Kn 0`ng
- ^Y: dXa vHo nu!erous clients lH s< nhiuu kreceive sth fro! sb#
- ^c: ^h_n danh tM s< nhiuu co!6li!ents vN nu danh tM s< 1t 6hRi cT !Go tM a/an 0ng trPLc.
"# ^ is correct
$8/ *ur ai! is to focus on custo!er?s needs and satisfaction b3_________ introducing
e7ce6tional goods.
a. consist
b. consistentl3
c. consistent
d. ^onsisting
] d tr1 cyn Y adv bW nghwa cho 0ang tM 6h1a sau.
"# B is correct
$$/ Vlease !ar& the a66ro6riate bo7 to indicate if the 6erson na!ed above _________
an3 of the certificates listed below.
a. holding
b. held
c. holds
d. >old
] x*T=: Th;ng thPEng nu trong cDu cT c 0ang tM ch1nh thN bgt buac Y 0ang tM 6hRi 0PQc r`t g_n tM
!tnh 0u Buan ht. pang tM cin lGi chia thN bNnh thPEng.
- Trong cDu nH3 0ang tM na!e 0l 0PQc r`t g_n tM !tnh 0u Buan ht dGng b 0ang -# 0ang tM hold
chia bNnh thPEng.
- dN cDu 0iuu &itn loGi Y chS ngm 6erson s< 1t
"# ^ is correct
$2/ The state law now 6revents co!6anies fro! as&ing Buestions about an a66licant?s
!arital _______ on an a66lication for!.
a. state
b. status
c. statistics
d. )tate!ent
] xu bGn nHo 0l vit ^d +^urriculu! ditae, 7in vitc thN s cT !-c:
- @arital )tatus: TNnh trGng h;n nhDn
"# B is correct
$U/ ou shall be _______ no obligation to acce6t an3 offer and !a3/ at 3our discretion/
discontinue !e!bershi6 after two 3ears.
a. under
b. !a&ing
c. able to
d. used to
$U/ ou shall be _______ no obligation to acce6t an3 offer and !a3/ at 3our discretion/
discontinue !e!bershi6 after two 3ears.
a. under
b. !a&ing
c. able to
d. used to
] under noun
] ^Kc c-! tM ha3 7uot hitn:
- under an3 circu!stance: dPLi bot & hoHn cRnh nHo
- under 6ressure: dPLi K6 lXc
- under guarantee: dPLi sX bRo hHnh
-# ^Kc bGn tha! &hRo th.! lin&. htt6://www.!!/view/'35ncufdn23o$r
"# C is correct
$[/ The !ain goal of the xational Ccade!ic Cdvising Cssociation is to ________ su66ort
Bualit3 acade!ic advising in institutions of higher education to enhance the educational
develo6!ent of students.
a. ver3
b. highl3
c. roughl3
d. \ull3
] x*T=:
- @at 0iO! &hKc bitt nho nhr gima qver3q vH qhighl3q.
qhighl3q csng cT nghwa lH qver3q !ang nghwa qrotq: nhPng thPEng 0PQc dIng !at cKch trang tr_ng/
thPEng 7uot hitn trong vnn vit.
qver3q 0PQc sF d-ng nhiuu trong vnn nTi.
qfull3q +adv,: !at cKch 0y3 0S
"# 9 is correct
$c/ It is i!6erative that ever3 !anager clearl3 ______ to all !e!bers of the organi5ation
what the 6ur6ose of the organi5ation reall3 is.
a. co!!unicate
b. co!!unicates
c. co!!unicated
d. ^o!!unication
] ^>^ @I x4I ^x x> ^x4 T>^ x.
] ) kreco!!end# +that, ) dY +cho tot cR cKc ng;i,
...q... k suggest#
...q....k&hu3.n/ bRo/ 0u ngh nTi chung#
] ^Kc tM thPEng ha3 7uot hitn: reco!!end/ suggest/ advise/ urge/ 6ro6ose/ as&/ desire/ de!and/
reBuire/ reBuest/ insist/ order/ co!!and.... +T>CT, ) + should, dY
] Trong cou tr`c nH3 qshouldq 0PQc r`t g_n 0i/ c;ng thbc cin lGi lH:
] ) kreco!!end# +that, ) dY +cho tot cR cKc ng;i,
] d p @T ^: T^ Cx> =@/ ^} >x> T>^ Tx4 T-.
- It's ad( + that, ) dY kcho tot cR cKc ng;i#
- ^Kc t1nh tM ha3 g{6: i!6erative/ i!6ortant/ essential/ vital/ necessar3...
k x*T=: pD3 lH | cou tr`c ra thi thPEng 7u3.n trong 0u thi T*=I^#
"# C is correct
$Y/ 9e Vaul :niversit3 reBuires all su6ervisors of student e!6lo3ees ________
6erfor!ance a66raisals at least once a 3ear.
a. giving
b. to give
c. gives
d. 4iven
] reBuire sb to do sth
"# B is correct
$Z/ )*/ T**/ =IT>=/ x=IT>=/ x*
] I li&e s6ort
--# )o do I
--# I do/ too
"# ^Du &hng 0nh ta dIng )o/ too
] I don't li&e s6ort
--# xeither do I " xor do I
--# I don't/ either
"# ^Du 6hS 0nh ta dIng neither/ nor ho{c either
~h;ng cT trPEng hQ6 --# qI don't/ neither q Bei vN qxeitherq cT g<c qxotq !H trong cDu
&h;ng thO 6hS 0nh c lyn
$8/ If 3ou ________an3 inconvenience in using the student laborator3 6lease do not
hesitate to tell us so that we can rectif3 the 6roble!.
a. e76erience
b. had e76erienced
c. e76eriencing
d. were e76erienced
] If - t36e Y.
] e76erience +v,: cR! tho3/ trRi nghit!
"# C is correct
$88/ C nu!ber of researchers _______ e76ected to attend the conference.
a. be
b. is
c. are
d. Beco!e
] x*T=:
Y/ The nu!ber of : s< lPQng nhmng
- The nu!ber of 6lural noun -# singular verb
=7: The nu!ber of students in this class is s!all.
c/ C nu!ber of: !at s< nhmng
- C nu!ber of 6lural noun -# 6lural verb
=7: C nu!ber of 6roble!s have arisen
"# ^ is correct
$8$/ It is i!6ortant for the sales force to &now _______ how !an3 6roducts the3 have
sold/ and how !uch !one3 the3 have !ade.
a. details
b. detailed
c. in detail
d. b3 detailing
] in detail: 0PQc sF d-ng nhP !at trGng tM/ bW nghwa cho 0ang tM.
] in detail: !at cKch chi tit
=7: The coach e76lained the rules of the ga!e in detai
-# qin detailq bW nghwa cho 'e76lain'
"# ^ is correct
$82/ %e thin& _______ hi! to have access to the Internet is a bad idea.
a. allow
b. to allow
c. allowing
d. Cllowance
^> ^^> 9x4: dY/ to dY/ d_ing
] dY: 9Ing trong cDu !tnh ltnh/ 0u 7uot &in
=7Y: isten to !e
=7c: 4ive !e a hand
] To dY: pO chh !-c 01ch
=7Y: To 6ass the e7a!/ 3ou have to stud3 hard
=7c: To find a good (ob/ I have to tr3 to learn =nglish
] ding: xhon !Gnh hHnh 0ang/ lH! chS tM cho cDu
=7: istening to !usic !a&es !e ha663
-# ditc nghe nhGc lH! t;i hGnh 6h`c
"# ^ is correct
$85/ ^Kc dGng r`t g_n @p8>:
] `t g_n dGng chS 0ang:
=7: The !an who is sitting ne7t to 3ou is !3 uncle
--# The !an sitting ne7t to 3ou is !3 uncle
=7: 9o 3ou &now the bo3 who bro&e the windows last night'
--# 9o 3ou &now the bo3 brea&ing the windows last night'
] `t g_n dGng b 0ang:
=7: This 6age which was !anaged b3 Tienxgu3en is interesting
--# This 6age !anaged b3 Tienxgu3en is interesting
] `t g_n thN hoHn thHnh:
=7: >e had not finished the tas&/ he couldn't ta&e a vacation.
--# xot having finished the tas&/..........
"# T}@ I:
--# `t g_n thO chS 0ang --# ding
--# `t g_n thO b 0ang -----# d[/ed
--# `t g_n thN hoHn thHnh--# >aving d[/ed
] ~hi !u<n 6hS 0nh chh vitc th.! x*T e trPLc
$8U/ ^an 3ou 6lease tell !e so!e infor!ation that _______ to the (ob'
a. indicated
b. e76ressed
c. interested
d. elated
] elated to " concerning " regarding: li.n Buan tLi
"# 9 is correct
$8[/ If 3ou do not find the acco!!odations here_______/ be sure to let us &now when 3ou
fill out 3our custo!er co!!ent card.
a. satisfactor3
b. satisfied
c. satisfaction
d. )atisfactoril3
] Pu c;ng thbc:
.....find * ad( +^> dT,.... +nhL lH ad( chh vvt nhK,
] T1nh tM cT cKc 0u;i nhP: _ing/ _ed/ ho{c 0u;i g<c t1nh tM nhP _al/ _ive/...
] T1nh tM ^> dT cT 0u;i _ing ho{c 0u;i g<c t1nh tM.
a. satisfactor3--# +ad(, 6erfect+according to the structure ,
b. satisfied +ad(, / but the ending qedq.
c. satisfaction--# +n, because of qtionq
d. satisfactoril3--# +adv, based on q..l3q.
Thus/ the answer is a. satisfactor3 "# C is correct
$8c/ The co!6an3's goal is to reach !a7i!u! 6roduction ca6acit3 _______ the ne7t three
a. into
b. about
c. with
d. %ithin
] for ti!e: ktrong#
-# hHnh 0ang din ra trong su<t &hoRng thEi gian.
=7Y: %e waited for [Z !inutes outside 3our house.
-# ^h`ng t;i 0l chE 0Qi T*x4 [Z 6h`t b.n ngoHi nhH bGn.
"# TI ^> T*x4 ):T [Z V>T
=7c: To! has been slee6ing for 8 hours.
-# To! 0l ngS ):T 8 giE 0ng h.
] within ti!e: ktrong ving#
-# hHnh 0ang cT thO 7R3 ra trPLc ho{c bng &hoRng thEi gian 0T.
=7: Vhone !e again within a wee&.
-# 4_i lGi cho t;i trong ving !at tuyn.
"# Bx ^} T> 4I ^>* TI )@ >x Y T:x.
"# 9 is correct

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