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Suez Canal University Enhanced Oil Recovery

Faculty of Pet. and Min. Eng. Sheet 3

Capillary u!"er
E#a!ple$% Pages &'.
The residual oil saturation of strongly water-wet sandstone core was determined as 0.258 in a
routine laboratory waterflooding. Initial oil saturation was 0.68. The core was waterflood at
constant pressure drop. At the end of the waterflooding the in!ection rate was 0.006" cu in#min
$0.%%& cu cm#s'. (orosity of the core was 0.%8) and the diameter was %.%06 in$2.8% cm'.I*T
between oil and water was 5& dyne#cm$5& m+#m' and the ,iscosity of the oil was 6 cp.$6
mpa.s'. -hat is the probability that the residual oil saturation is representati,e of the ,alue
e.pected in a field flood/
E#a!ple(% Pages )*.
0igh molecular weight polymers in dilute concentration can increase the ,iscosity of water
significantly. *or e.ample a few hundred ppm of certain polymers will raise the ,iscosity of
the polymer from % to %00 cp $% to %00 pa.s'. 1ou are re2uired to in,estigate the possibility of
installing polymer flood in a strongly water wet reser,oir. -hat would the effect of a polymer
flood on the residual oil saturation if3
I. The polymer was in!ected at the beginning of the waterflood or
II. The polymer was in!ected at the end of the waterflood.
The a,erage onterstitial ,elocity in the reser,oir is estimated to be 2 ft#4 $).06 um#s'
(roperties of the reser,oir roc5 and fluids are gi,en below3
(orosity 6 0.25 I*T 6 %5 dyne#cm ,iscosity of oil 6 6 cp (ermeability 6 50 md
E#a!ple3% Pages )$.
+ith ,est +ishes
Eng%Elsayed Raafat

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