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FoxFest Open Flame Performances

Hello Welcome to Foxfest's First organized Fire Conclave Provided By
Delectable Flames, we are pleased !at yo" wis! to Perform yo"r art wit! #s$
Please remember !ese %"les are in Place for t!e &afety of 'o", FoxFest and everyone
attending t!is event so Please read and "nderstand all of t!ese r"les Caref"lly and
realize t!at by (ot signing t!is Waiver yo" will not be allowed to perform any sort of
)pen flame performance w!atsoever at t!is event$
'o"r *"t!orized Delectable Flames %epresentatives are+ ,osep! *ndreas %aven/,
0itty Hyde -Pyro Pixie/, *manda 1o -&irenity/, Danielle Caverly -PanD"!0at/$$$ &o
please get wit! one of "s for any 2"estions or concerns$$$
I the Undersigned Agree to the Following Rules$$$
I understand that an Open flame performance is not under any
circumstances allowed to be performed outside the designated Fire Areas
Without signing this Waiver or without an Authori!ed "potter#"afety
I understand that A%% e&uipment used 'ust (e Inspected and ad)usted as
needed (y an Authori!ed and Approved *electable Flames representative
prior to my performance using +AFAA ,+orth American Fire Artist
Association- guidelines and +FPA ./0 ,+ational Fire Protection Agency-
I understand that an Open flame performance is not to be performed
Without an Authori!ed and approved "potter#"afety Person$$ Authori!ed
spotters will have an adornment Authori!ing them as a "potter$ Absolutly
+O O+1 without prior authori!ation (y *electable Flames or FoxFest may
spot or "afety for you during an Open flame performance at this event$
I understand that I must be Free of any Impairing "ubstance prior to
I understand that I alone am responsible for 'yself my abilities and will in
no way hold *electable Flame FoxFest FoxFest 2olunteers Or anyone
associated with *electable Flames Or FoxFest %iable for any *amages or
In)uries caused by 'y Open flame Performance$$$ I understand that I do this
at 'y OW+ RI"3
I understand that Failure to follow any of these Rules 'ay get 'e 1)ected
and (anned from FoxFest$
By &igning t!is 'o" t!e "ndersigned *gree to Follow all of t!ese r"les and agree to
follow any Direction in relation to open flame performances given to yo" By an
*"t!orized Delectable Flames %epresentative, *"t!orized &afety person )r FoxFest
3mployee$$$ !an4 yo" and Have F"n5
&ignat"re666666666666666666666666666666 Printed
Contact ("mber666666666666666666666666

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