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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Ms. Devyn Curley Date: March 8

, 2014
School: Loveland HS Grade Level: th
Content !rea: "n#l$sh
T$tle: H$tler %outh and Parallel Journeys "&'lorat$on
Lesson (:)2) o* )2) +,or-al Lesson.
Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the
standard) Oral Expression and Listening
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 910 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively! (""##$
Reading for All Purposes
Identify the characteristics that distinguish literary for&s and genres
i! 'naly(e how an author draws on and transfor&s source &aterial in a specific wor)
(e!g!, how #ha)espeare treats a the&e or topic fro& *vid or the +ible or how a later
author draws on a play by #ha)espeare)! (""##$ ,%!9-10!9)
-roduce clear and coherent writing in which the develop&ent, organi(ation, and style are
appropriate to tas), purpose, and audience! (.rade-specific expectations for writing types are
defined in expectations 1 and / above!) (""##$ 0!9-10!1)
Understandings: (Big Ideas)
Students /$ll understand the $-'ortance o* learn$n# a0out H$tler %outh.
Students /$ll understand ho/ /r$t$n# cho$ces dec$ded 0y an author can chan#e a
te&ts -ean$n#.
Students /$ll 0e#$n to understand the cultural s$#n$*$cance o* the Holocaust.
n!uiry "uestions: (Essential uestions relating !no"ledge at end of the unit of instruction#
select a$$lica%le uestions from standard)
1! 2ow does an author use a literary device to de&onstrate deeper &eaning for the
text3 4xplain your thin)ing and cite how you ca&e to this conclusion!
2. 2ow does a spea)ers personal history affect his point of view3
5! 0hy should an author plan with clarity what the reader is expecting in the piece3
E#iden$e Out$o%es: (Learning Targets)
&' E#ery student (ill be able to: ans(er ea$h !uestion or %a)e $o%%ent at e#ery $hal)
tal) station thoroughly by using the %aterials gi#en or using personal
experien$e*)no(ledge' +horoughly %eans beyond yes or no,they %ust ans(er (ith
%eaningful responses that are spe$ifi$ and*or rele#ant'
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STEPP Lesson Plan Form
-' E#ery student (ill be able to: share (ith a partner their ./-/& ti$)et out the door'
$an: )no( that ha#e been su$$essful (hen $an sub%it %y 0./-/&1 ti$)et out the door
ans(ering the follo(ing: . things ha#e learned today2 - !uestions or $on$erns still
ha#e2 and & pie$e of feedba$) for 3s' Curley'
+his %eans: understand (hat learned about today2 and ha#e $o%e up (ith $riti$al
!uestions that need %ore $larity'
List of Assess%ents: (Write the num%er of the learning target associated "ith each
Stat$on Chal1 Tal12 Does everyone 'art$c$'ate and to /hat de#ree do they 'art$c$'ate3
+Learn$n# Tar#et 1. Ma1e sure you are read$n# /hat students /r$te4don5t #et carr$ed
a/ay /$th classroo- -ana#e-ent666
722212 !re there three *acts or three '$eces o* $n*or-at$on they learned3 !re there t/o
8uest$ons or concerns they have a0out Holocaust9:arallel ;ourneys9H$tler %outh3 <s
there one '$ece o* *eed0ac1 *or -e3 +Learn$n# Tar#et 2.
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Planned Lesson A$ti#ities
4a%e and Purpose of Lesson
Should %e a creati&e title for you and the
students to associate "ith the acti&ity' Thin! of
the $ur$ose as the mini(rationale for "hat you
are trying to accom$lish through this lesson'
Hitler Youth Exploration Through Chalk Talk
)s "e %egin reading Parallel Journeys# it is im$ortant for students to ha&e a %asic
understanding of "hat the *itler +outh is# and other information a%out the
*olocaust' It is also im$ortant for students to interact "ith one another and
e,$lore ne" information together through the chal! tal! acti&ity'
Approx' +i%e and 3aterials
*o" long do you e,$ect the acti&ity to last and
"hat materials "ill you need-
./ minutes(0 hr
Stations (uestions for chal! tal!)
Station 1uide%oo! (includes articles# e,cer$ts# $ictures# etc')
)rticles at stations
La$to$3 Pro4ector
5ideo( 6*eil *itler7 *B8 Film9 (htt$s:;;"""'youtu%e'com;"atch-
@(A(0 Sli$s
Anti$ipatory Set
The 6hoo!9 to gra% studentsB attention' These
are actions and statements %y the teacher to
relate the e,$eriences of the students to the
o%4ecti&es of the lesson# To $ut students into a
rece$ti&e frame of mind'
To focus student attention on the lesson'
To create an organiCing frame"or! for
the ideas# $rinci$les# or information that
is to follo" (ad&anced organiCers)
)n antici$atory set is used any time a different
acti&ity or ne" conce$t is to %e introduced'
=!lr$#ht, < a- very e&c$ted to share th$s lesson /$th all o* you. Today, /e are #o$n#
to do an act$v$ty called >Chal1 Tal1.5 Th$s $s a chance *or you to share your $deas
on 'a'er or non2ver0ally and res'ond to one another $n that sa-e /ay.
!s you already 1no/, /e /$ll 0e -ov$n# *or/ard /$th the 0oo1, Parallel Journeys#
and $t touches on the $-'ortant to'$cs o* H$tler %outh, and ?ac$al D$scr$-$nat$on
dur$n# the Holocaust.
@ecause the Holocaust $s st$ll a sens$t$ve su0Aect $n our /orld, 'lease 0e -$nd*ul
o* others and th$s to'$c dur$n# the chal1 tal1 act$v$ty. < 1no/ all o* you /$ll 0e
res'ect*ul, 0ut < /anted to re-$nd you o* the e&'ectat$ons *or th$s lesson and $ts
su0Aect -atter.
(Include a $lay(%y($lay account of "hat students
and teacher "ill do from the minute they arri&e
to the minute they lea&e your classroom'
o !nt$c$'atory Set +2 -$nutes. teacher $n'ut
o @r$e*ly #o over /hat Chal1 Tal1 $s +1 -$nute. teacher $n'ut9-odel$n#
o Go over CH!LB T!LB H!CDDETF Students needed -ore $nstruct$on *or
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Indicate the length of each segment of the
lesson' List actual minutes')
Indicate "hether each is:
(teacher in$ut
(uestioning strategies
("hole(class $ractice
(grou$ $ractice
(indi&idual $ractice
(chec! for understanding
th$s +7 -$nutes.
o Se'arate students $nto #rou's o* ))))+de'ends on ho/ -any students
are 'resent. teacher $n'ut +227 -$nutes.
o D$rect$ons2 Gu$et to S$lent act$v$ty e&'ectat$ons, $* you *$nd yoursel* /$th
e&tra t$-e at a stat$on try res'ond$n# to another co--ent or 8uest$on at
sa-e stat$on, read -ater$al care*ully and thou#ht*ully +2 -$nutes. Teacher
o @e#$n Chal1 Tal1 +8uest$on$n# strate#$es., *$rst stat$ons see ho/ lon# they
are ta1$n# to set t$-e *or each. Start o** /$th -ay0e 4 -$nutes at each
stat$on +4 -$nutes. Grou' :ract$ce un#u$ded, 0ut < /$ll 0e /al1$n# around
the roo- +chec1$n# *or understand$n#
o Go throu#h each Stat$on +H28 stat$ons. +20270 -$nutes. #rou'2un#u$ded
'ract$ce ?eally st$c1 to th$s t$-e l$-$tI.and don5t 0e a*ra$d to #o over $*
#rou's need -ore t$-e
o !lso, really encoura#e students to read other co--ents and res'ond +J2
10 -$nutes.
o Co-e 0ac1 as a class and have students /al1 around roo- to see
res'onses *ro- class-ates +2 -$nutes.
o S$t do/n and do 72221 +2 -$nutes. $nd$v$dual 'ract$ce
o :a$r2Share /$th a 'artner o* the$r choos$n# +2 -$nutes. $nd$v$dual 'ract$ce
/$th 'artner
o Kolunteers to share the$r 722215s +?e-a$nder o* t$-e. /hole2class 'ract$ce
66<* t$-e $s st$ll le*t 0e#$n v$deo
Those actions or statements %y a teacher that
are designed to %ring a lesson $resentation to
an a$$ro$riate conclusion' Dsed to hel$
students %ring things together in their o"n
minds# to ma!e sense out of "hat has 4ust %een
taught' 6)ny Euestions- Fo' 8G# letBs mo&e on9
is not closure' Closure is used:
To cue students to the fact that they
ha&e arri&ed at an im$ortant $oint in the
lesson or the end of a lesson'
To hel$ organiCe student learning
Dsing the @(A(0 Tic!et 8ut the Hoor as my closure# I "ill initiate this acti&ity and
then follo" it u$ "ith a concluding &ideo segment from an *B8 film (see
materials) IF WE *)5E TI2E7 If not# then the @(A(0 "ill "or! $erfectly for closure'
)fter ha&ing them $air(share their @(A(0Bs# I could e&en go around the room#
as!ing for &olunteers to discuss "hat their $artner and themsel&es tal!ed a%out'
(In case there is time left# %ut not enough time to $ull u$ &ideo)
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To hel$ form a coherent $icture and to
To modify: If the acti&ity is too ad&anced for a
child# ho" "ill you modify it so that they can %e
To e,tend: If the acti&ity is too easy for a child#
ho" "ill you e,tend it to de&elo$ their emerging
To modify: There is $lenty of $eer(su$$ort for students# and I ha&e included a
&ariety of te,ts so that the student is %eing e,$osed to multi(le&el te,ts' If students
"ant to read articles a loud together that is fine' I am also going to do my %est to
gi&e clear and coherent directions since this might %e an acti&ity that they ha&e
ne&er done %efore (at least not in this class)' )lso# gi&e more time to Cale% (IEP)
if needed at stations'
To e,tend: Student can res$ond to multi$le chal! tal!sI"atch an additional
&ideo' Perha$s reuest longer res$onses' *a&e student come u$ "ith o"n chal!
tal! uestions'
*o" "ill you !no" if students met the learning
targets- Write a descri$tion of "hat you "ere
loo!ing for in each assessment'
I am mainly loo!ing for $artici$ation for the chal! tal! section of this lesson( are
students on tas!- Hid they "rite meaningful res$onses to their $eers- Hid they
&isit each station-
For the @(A(0# I am loo!ing for those things already mentioned ("hat you learned
today# uestions you still ha&e# and feed%ac! for me)
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STEPP Lesson Plan Form
Post Lesson Refle$tion
1. +o (hat extent (ere lesson ob6e$ti#es a$hie#ed7 (DtiliCe assessment data
to 4ustify your le&el of achie&ement)
(as surprised by ho( %any students hadn8t heard of 9itler :outh' t
%ade %e feel li)e %y lesson (as %eaningful for the students
be$ause sa( that %any of the students learned a great deal (based
off of (hat read fro% ./-/&8s)' Also2 based off of (hat read in the ./
-/&8s2 students (ere able to (rite . pie$es of infor%ation they
learned2 - !uestions they still had2 and & pie$e of feedba$) for %e'
Sin$e this (as an introdu$tory lesson2 did not really gather for%al
for%ati#e assess%ent data' Also2 (as pleased (ith seeing all of the
parti$ipation on the boards2 and the $ollaborati#e thin)ing that (as
hearing %ade %e ex$ited too;
-' <hat $hanges2 o%issions2 or additions to the lesson (ould you %a)e if
you (ere to tea$h again7
(ould $hange the a%ount of ti%e that (as gi#en2 allo(ing students
to ha#e %ore ti%e to $o%plete ea$h station' Also2 (ould probably
in$lude a #ideo station next ti%e2 and shorten the arti$le station had
,this (as the station that too) the longest'
n addition2 really (ould li)e to en$ourage students to respond to
their peers (riting %ore effe$ti#ely' thin) so%e groups did an o)ay
6ob (ith this2 but thin) they also needed %ore %odeling of ho(
Chal) +al) (or)s sin$e they ha#e ne#er done anything li)e it before'
+he last thing (ould ha#e li)ed to ha#e done differently (ould be to
explain (hat (as in the Chal) +al) handout %ore thoroughly' =ust a
fe( extra %inutes spent on instru$tion (ould ha#e %ade a
signifi$ant differen$e in ho( the students approa$hed ea$h
7. <hat do you en#ision for the next lesson7 (Continued $ractice# reteach
content# etc')
really (ould ha#e lo#ed to $ir$le up and engage in so%e dialogi$al
pedagogy (ith students after (e did this a$ti#ity' t (ould ha#e been
ni$e to unpa$) and debrief this $hal) tal),and also for %e to $o%e
up (ith so%e thoughtful dis$ussion !uestions to get students
thin)ing' +hey spend too %u$h ti%e in ro(s listening to le$ture2 and
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STEPP Lesson Plan Form
filling out (or)sheets' +his is (hy en#ision a %ore intera$ti#e
at%osphere (here they $an spea) and share ideas and engage in
$on#ersation (ith their peers'
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