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Alpha Sigma Phi Grand Council Policy Manual

Print and revision date: 9/18/13 1


LINKAGE PLAN (As of 11/11/10)







Alpha Sigma Phi Grand Council Policy Manual
Print and revision date: 9/18/13 2

POLICY TYPE: ENDS ........................................................................................................ 3
POLICY 1.0: To Better the World through Better Men ....................................................................................................... 3
POLICY 1.1 Growth .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
POLICY 1.2 Member Development ..................................................................................................................................... 3
POLICY1.3 Undergraduate Housing .....................................................................................................................................
POLICY TYPE: EXECUTIVE LIMITATIONS .......................................................................... 4
POLICY 2.0 - GLOBAL EXECUTIVE CONSTRAINT ................................................................................................................ 4
POLICY 2.1 - TREATMENT OF BROTHERS .......................................................................................................................... 4
POLICY 2.2 - TREATMENT OF CHAPTERS ........................................................................................................................... 5
POLICY 2.3 - TREATMENT OF STAFF................................................................................................................................... 5
POLICY 2.4 - FINANCIAL PLANNING/BUDGETING ............................................................................................................. 6
POLICY 2.5 - FINANCIAL CONDITION AND ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................... 6
POLICY 2.6 - EMERGENCY CEO SUCCESSION ................................................................................................................... 7
POLICY 2.7 - ASSET PROTECTION & BUSINESS CONTINUITY ........................................................................................... 7
POLICY 2.8 - COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS ................................................................................................................... 8
POLICY 2.9 - COMMUNICATION AND SUPPORT TO THE BOARD ...................................................................................... 9
POLICY 2.10 VALUES AND CEREMONIES .................................................................................................................... 10
POLICY TYPE: GOVERNANCE PROCESS ........................................................................ 10
POLICY 3.0 - GLOBAL GOVERNANCE COMMITMENT ..................................................................................................... 10
POLICY 3.1 - GOVERNING STYLE ..................................................................................................................................... 10
POLICY 3.2 - BOARD JOB DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................... 11
POLICY 3.3 - AGENDA PLANNING .................................................................................................................................... 12
POLICY 3.4 THE GRAND SENIOR PRESIDENTS ROLE ................................................................................................ 12
POLICY 3.5 - BOARD MEMBERS' CODE OF CONDUCT ................................................................................................... 13
POLICY 3.6 - BOARD COMMITTEE PRINCIPLES .............................................................................................................. 14
POLICY 3.7 - BOARD COMMITTEE STRUCTURE .............................................................................................................. 15
POLICY 3.8 - COST OF GOVERNANCE .............................................................................................................................. 15
POLICY TYPE: BOARD-CEO LINKAGE ............................................................................ 16
POLICY 4.0 - GLOBAL GOVERNANCE-MANAGEMENT CONNECTION ............................................................................. 16
POLICY 4.1 - UNITY OF CONTROL .................................................................................................................................... 16
POLICY 4.2 - ACCOUNTABILITY OF THE CEO ................................................................................................................... 16
POLICY 4.3 - DELEGATION TO THE CEO .......................................................................................................................... 17
POLICY 4.4 - MONITORING CEO PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................... 17
GRAND COUNCILOR TERMS ......................................................................................... 18
ANNUAL WORKPLAN ..................................................................................................... 19
OWNERSHIP LINKAGE PLAN ......................................................................................... 21

GRAND COUNCIL CONFLICT OF INTEREST CLAUSE ..................................................... 22


Alpha Sigma Phi Grand Council Policy Manual
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POLICY 1.0: To Better the World through Better Men

POLICY 1:1: Expand chapters and colonies, increase resources, and augment the number of
alumni who are engaged with local chapters.
(Monitored Annually in June)

CEO Interpretation:

1. Expand Fraternity membership through increasing the numbers of chapters and colonies on
college and university campuses.
2. Expand Fraternity membership through increasing the number of individual chapter and
colony members on college and university campuses.
3. Increase non-dues revenue to ensure that all aspects of Fraternity growth are supported by
necessary infrastructure, fiscal and other resources, and staffing.
4. Augment the number of alumni who are engaged with local chapters by enhancing volunteer
opportunities and engage and maintain strong and sustainable connections with local Alpha
Sigma Phi chapters.

POLICY 1:2: Provide relevant and holistic development experiences that align with our Values.
(Monitored Annually in May)

CEO Interpretation:

1. Design and deliver programming that contributes to undergraduate learning, retention and
2. Expand leadership development programs, experiences and positions for undergraduate
and alumni.
3. Encourage regular and intentional service and philanthropic opportunities for all members.

POLICY 1:3: Provide all undergraduate members the opportunity for a safe and positive living
(Monitored Annually in April)

CEO Interpretation:

1. Empower CLVEN to provide undergraduate members and alumni advisors with information
and resources to develop living environments that are safe, healthy, and promote student
engagement and learning.
2. Significantly increase non-dues revenue to better support chapter housing on campus
wherever possible.


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(Monitored Annually in January)

The CEO shall not cause or allow any practice, activity, decision, or organizational circumstance which
is either unlawful, imprudent or in violation of accepted Fraternal policies or commonly accepted
business and professional ethics.

(Monitored Annually in October)

With respect to interactions with members or those applying to be members, the CEO shall not cause
or allow conditions, procedures, or decisions that are unsafe, undignified, or unnecessarily intrusive.

Further, without limiting the scope of the foregoing by this enumeration, the CEO shall not:

1. Use methods of collecting, reviewing, transmitting, or storing member information that fail to
protect against improper access to the material elicited.

2. Fail to provide appropriate accessibility and privacy in national facilities.

3. Fail to establish with members a clear understanding of what services may be expected and
what services may not be expected.

4. Fail to inform members of this policy.

5. Fail to provide a way for members to be heard if he believes that he has not been accorded
a reasonable interpretation of his protections under this policy.

6. Fail to provide a means for a member to submit an appeal to the Grand Council (and/or
Grand Chapter) on the grounds that he has not been offered a reasonable interpretation by
the CEO under this policy.

7. Fail to establish a mechanism to capture member complaints.

8. Fail to have the opportunity for every brother to attend a nationally developed and executed
values-based character development opportunity, within one year of initiation.

(Monitored Annually in October)

With respect to the treatment of chapters or those applying to be chapters, the CEO may not cause or
allow conditions that are unfair or undignified.

Further, without limiting the scope of the foregoing by this enumeration, the CEO shall not:

1. Fail to provide a chapter or those applying to be a chapter its rights provided under the
Constitution and Bylaws of Alpha Sigma Phi and this policy, as well as a list of the services
they should expect to receive.

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2. Fail to acquaint a chapter or those applying to be a chapter with the CEOs interpretation
of the protections under this policy.

3. Prevent a chapter or those applying to be a chapter from grieving to the board when (A)
internal grievance procedures have been exhausted and (B) the chapter or those
applying to be a chapter allege that board policy has been violated to its detriment.

4. Fail to have a mechanism to track complaints from chapters or those applying to be

5. Fail to have chapters/colonies be assigned a Grand Chapter/Colony Advisor (GCA).

6. Fail to have GCA roles and responsibilities properly documented and effectively
communicated to the GCA and the group he is assigned to mentor.

7. Fail to provide an opportunity for GCAs to participate in a specific training on his roles
and responsibilities within one year of assignment as GCA.

8. Fail to provide each GCA with annual feedback on his performance and the performance
of his Chapter Council as measured against an established set of criteria.

9. Fail to provide alumni with regular communications regarding their chapter and/or the
national organization.

10. In Lieu of a Chartering Petition, fail to provide a recommendation from the hosts Greek
Advisor or like professional and a staff recommendation indicating how the petitioning
group met benchmarks established by the CEO at the onset of expansion on the campus
in question when an undergraduate group seeks Chartering approval.

(Monitored Semiannually in October and March)

With respect to the treatment of paid staff and volunteers, the CEO may not cause or allow conditions
that are unfair, undignified, disorganized, or unclear.

Further, without limiting the scope of the foregoing by this enumeration, the CEO shall not:

1. Operate without written personnel policies that clarify personnel rules for staff, provide
for effective handling of grievances, and protect against wrongful conditions, such as
nepotism and unjustified preferential treatment.

2. Discriminate against any staff member for expressing an ethical dissent.

3. Fail to provide protection to those who bring financial mismanagement and other
matters to the attention of the CEO or the Grand Council in accordance with the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended.

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4. Prevent staff from grieving to the board when (A) internal grievance procedures have
been exhausted and (B) the employee alleges that board policy has been violated to his
or her detriment.

5. Fail to acquaint staff with the CEOs interpretation of their protections under this policy.

(Monitored Quarterly in August, November, February and May)

Financial planning for any fiscal year or the remaining part of any fiscal year shall not deviate
materially from boards Ends priorities, risk fiscal jeopardy, or fail to be derived from a multiyear plan.

Further, without limiting the scope of the foregoing by this enumeration, the CEO shall not:

1. Fail to include credible projection of revenues and expenses, separation of capital and
operational items, cash flow, and disclosure of planning assumptions.

2. Plan the expenditure in any fiscal year of more funds than are conservatively projected to
be received in that period

3. Reduce the current assets at any time to less than twice current liabilities, exclusive of
transactions that result from liability insurance billing. For Liability insurance billings, at no
time should the amount due to FRMT exceed the amount due from chapters.

4. Provide less for board prerogatives during the year than is set forth in the Cost of
Governance policy.

(Monitored Quarterly in August, November, February and May)

With respect to the actual, ongoing financial condition and activities, the CEO shall not cause or allow
the development of fiscal jeopardy or a material deviation of actual expenditures from board priorities
established in Ends policies.

Further, without limiting the scope of the foregoing by this enumeration, the CEO shall not:

1. Expend more funds than have been received in the fiscal year to date unless the debt
guideline (below) is met.

2. Indebt the organization in an amount greater than can be repaid by certain, otherwise
unencumbered revenues within 60 days.

3. Fail to maintain funds for three months of operation, exclusive of funds held in trust or
other restricted funds.

4. Conduct inter-fund shifting from restricted funds in amounts greater than can be restored
to a condition of discrete fund balances by certain, otherwise unencumbered revenues
within 60 days.
Alpha Sigma Phi Grand Council Policy Manual
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5. Place at risk neither funds held in reserve nor funds held in trust by investments that are
not liquid in short term, nor by investments that do not guarantee a reasonable rate of
return. Suggested investments include Money Market accounts or mutual funds, short-term
Certificates of Deposit, U.S. Treasury Bills, short term Notes and short term Bonds.

6. Allow tax payments or other government ordered payments or filings to be overdue or
inaccurately filed.

7. Fail to report a single purchase or commitment of greater than $ 10,000. Splitting orders to
avoid this limit is not acceptable. In conjunction with the fiscal year-end reports, vendor
commitments that cumulatively exceeded $10,000 will be provided. Payments to credit
card companies for the sole purpose of financing other purchases shall be exempt from
this limitation.

8. Acquire, encumber or dispose of real property.

9. Fail to aggressively pursue receivables after a reasonable grace period.

10. Fail to insure that Foundation grant funds are used for educational programs and
scholarships consistent with IRS standards.

11. Fail to adhere to Foundation grant policies and processes.

12. Fail to require that all customers contribute a fair share of costs.

13. Make any purchase: (a) wherein normally prudent protection has not been given against
conflict of interest; (b) of over $10,000 without having obtained comparative prices and
quality; (c) of over $10,000 without a stringent method of assuring the balance of long
term quality and cost.

(Monitored Annually in January)

In order to protect the board from sudden loss of CEO services, the CEO may have no fewer than one
other executive familiar with all board and CEO issues and processes and the CEO shall not fail to have
a written CEO succession plan with all access codes and keys maintained outside the national office.

(Monitored Annually in January)

The CEO shall not allow corporate assets to be unprotected, inadequately maintained or unnecessarily
risked. Further, without limiting the scope of the foregoing by this enumeration, the CEO shall not:

1. Fail to insure against theft and casualty losses to at fair market value minus the deductible
and against liability losses to board members, staff, volunteers and Alpha Sigma Phi itself in
an amount greater than the average for comparable organizations.

2. Subject plant and equipment to improper wear and tear or insufficient maintenance.
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3. Unnecessarily expose the organization, its volunteers, board or staff to claims of liability.

4. Fail to protect intellectual property from loss or significant damage.

5. Fail to establish a document retention and destruction plan that meets requirements of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended.

6. Receive, process or disburse funds under controls that are insufficient to meet the board-
appointed auditor's standards.

7. Invest or hold operating capital in insecure instruments, including uninsured checking
accounts and bonds of less than AA rating at any time, or in non interest-bearing accounts.

8. Endanger the organization's public image or credibility, particularly in ways that would
hinder its accomplishment of mission.

9. Fail to maintain a Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan for headquarters services, including
but not limited to phone, email, computer data and services, and physical mail operations.

(Monitored Annually in August)

With respect to employment, compensation, and benefits to employees, consultants, contract workers
and volunteers, the CEO shall not cause or allow jeopardy to fiscal integrity or public image.

Further, without limiting the scope of the foregoing by this enumeration, the CEO shall not:

1. Change his compensation and benefits.

2. Promise or imply permanent or guaranteed employment to any current or prospective

3. Establish or change benefits so as to cause unpredictable or inequitable situations,
including those that:

A. Incur unfunded liabilities.

B. Provide less than some basic level of benefits to all full time employees though
differential benefits to encourage longevity are not prohibited.

C. Allow any employee to lose benefits already accrued from any foregoing plan.

D. Treat the CEO differently from other key employees.

4. Adjust compensation unless it is commensurate with documented performance
standards and documented performance appraisal.

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5. Allow a breach of confidentiality or sharing of information of executive compensation
other than with his assigns, the members of Alpha Sigma Phis Grand Council, financial
auditors or the Alpha Sigma Phi Educational Foundation as related to remuneration
directly related to Foundation grants.

(Monitored Annually in July)

The CEO shall not permit the board to be uninformed or unsupported in its work.

Further, without limiting the scope of the foregoing by this enumeration, the CEO shall not:

1. Fail to provide to the board the CEOs interpretations of the ends and priorities of the board.

2. Neglect to submit monitoring data required by the board (see policy on Monitoring CEO
Performance) in a timely, accurate and understandable fashion, directly addressing
provisions of board policies being monitored.

3. Let the board be unaware of relevant trends, anticipated adverse media coverage, material
external and internal changes, and particularly changes in the assumptions upon which any
board policy or ends have previously been established.

4. Fail to advise the board if, in the CEOs opinion, the board is not in compliance with its own
policies on Governance Process and Board-CEO Linkage, particularly in the case of board
behavior, detrimental to the work relationship between the board and the CEO.

5. Fail to provide as many staff and external points of view, issues and options as needed for
reasonably informed board choices.

6. Present information in unnecessarily complex or lengthy form or in a form that fails to
differentiate among information of three types: monitoring, decision preparation, and

7. Fail to provide monthly incidental information reports such as chapter closures, chapter
discipline, unsafe conditions, expansion, recruitment, and alumni engagement

8. Fail to provide a mechanism for official board, officer or committee communications.

9. Fail to deal with the board as a whole except when (a) fulfilling individual requests for
information or (b) responding to officers or committees duly charged by the board.

10. Fail to communicate with the entire board of upcoming linkage opportunities for board
members to participate in.

11. Fail to report in a timely manner an actual or anticipated noncompliance with any policy of
the board.

12. Fail to supply for the consent agenda all items delegated to the CEO yet required by law or
contract to be board-approved, along with the monitoring assurance pertaining thereto.
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(Monitored Semiannually in January and July)

The CEO shall not:

1. Fail to protect content that appears only in the esoteric sections of the Fraternitys Ritual

2. Allow the verbal or written use of the above mentioned esoteric content beyond the scope of
use expressly permitted by the Grand Council or Grand Chapter of Alpha Sigma Phi.

3. Fail to provide a quality ritual experience which emphasizes the Values espoused by the

4. Allow any alterations, edits, deviations or enhancements to any of the ceremonies without
prior approval of the Grand Council.


(Monitored Annually in March)

The purpose of the board, on behalf of undergraduate and alumni brothers and chapters, is to see to it
that Alpha Sigma Phi (a) achieves appropriate results for appropriate persons at an appropriate cost,
and (b) avoids unacceptable actions and situations.

(Monitored Annually in March)

Consistent with our Fraternal values and ethics the board will govern with an emphasis on (a) outward
vision rather than an internal preoccupation, (b) encouragement of diversity in viewpoints, (c) strategic
leadership more than administrative detail, (d) clear distinction of board and chief executive roles, (e)
collective rather than individual decisions, (f) future rather than past or present, and (g) proactivity
rather than reactivity.


1. The Council will cultivate a sense of group responsibility. The Council, not the staff, will
be responsible for excellence in governing. The Council will be the initiator of policy, not
merely a reactor to staff initiatives. The Council may use the expertise of individual
members to enhance the ability of the Council as a body, rather than to substitute the
individual judgments for the Council's values.

2. The Council will direct, control and inspire the organization through the careful
establishment of broad written policies reflecting the Council's values and perspectives.
The Council's major policy focus will be on the intended long-term impacts outside
Alpha Sigma Phi Grand Council Policy Manual
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organizational operations, not on the administrative or programmatic means of
attaining those effects.

3. The Council will enforce upon itself whatever discipline is needed to govern with
excellence. Discipline will apply to matters such as compliance with board policies,
attendance, preparation for meetings, policymaking principles, respect of roles, and
ensuring the continuance of governance capability.

4. Continual Grand Council development will include orientation of new Grand Council
members in the Council's governance process and periodic Council discussion of
process improvement.

5. The Council will allow no officer, individual or committee of the Council to hinder or be
an excuse for not fulfilling its commitments.

6. The Council will monitor and discuss the board's process and performance at each
meeting. Self-monitoring will include comparison of Council activity and discipline to
policies in the Governance Process and Board-CEO Linkage categories.

(Monitored Annually in March)

Specific job outputs of the board, as an informed agent of the ownership, are those that ensure
appropriate organizational performance.


1. The board will produce the link between the organization and the ownership.

2. The board will produce written governing policies, which, at the broadest levels, address
each category of organizational decision.

A. Ends: Organizational products, impacts, benefits, outcomes, recipients, and
their relative worth (what good for which recipients at what cost).

B. Executive Limitations: Constraints on executive authority, which establish the
prudence and ethics boundaries within which all executive activity and decisions
must take place.

C. Governance Process: Specification of how the board conceives, carries out, and
monitors its own task.

D. Board-CEO Linkage: How power is delegated and its proper use monitored; the
CEO's role, authority, and accountability.

3. The board will produce assurance of CEO performance (against policies in 2a and 2b).

4. The board will explore expansion opportunities through merger acquisitions of national
Alpha Sigma Phi Grand Council Policy Manual
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5. The board will oversee matters of ritual and all associated esoteric aspects of the

(Monitored Annually in March)

To accomplish its job products with a governance style consistent with board policies, the board will
follow an annual agenda which (a) completes a re-exploration of Ends policies annually and (b)
continually improves board performance through board education and enriched input and

1. The cycle will conclude each year on the last day of August so that administrative
planning and budgeting can be based on accomplishing a one year segment of the
boards most recent statement of long term Ends.

2. The cycle will start with the boards development of its agenda for the next year.

A. Consultations with selected groups in the ownership, or other methods of gaining
ownership input will be determined and arranged in the first quarter, to be held
during the balance of the year.

B. Governance education, and education related to Ends determination, (e.g.
presentations by futurists, demographers, advocacy groups, staff, etc.) will be
arranged in the first quarter, to be held during the balance of the year.

3. Throughout the year, the board will attend to consent agenda items as expeditiously
as possible.

4. CEO monitoring will be included on the agenda if monitoring reports have been
received since the last board meeting.

5. CEO remuneration will be decided after a review of monitoring reports received in the
last year during the month of June.

(Monitored Annually in March)

The Grand Senior President assures the integrity of the board's process and occasionally represents
the board to outside parties.

1. The job result of the Grand Senior President is that the board behaves consistently with
its own rules and those legitimately imposed upon the Grand Chapter.

A. Meeting discussion content will be only those issues which, according to board
policy, clearly belong to the board to decide, not the CEO.

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B. Deliberation will be fair, open, and thorough, but also timely, orderly, and kept to
the point.

2. The authority of the Grand Senior President consists in making decisions that fall within
topics covered by board policies on Governance Process and Board-CEO Linkage, with
the exception of (a) employment or termination of a CEO and (b) where the board
specifically delegates portions of this authority to others. The Grand Senior President is
authorized to use any reasonable interpretation of the provisions in these policies.

A. The Grand Senior President is empowered to chair board meetings with all the
commonly accepted power of that position (e.g., ruling, recognizing).

B. The Grand Senior President has no authority to make decisions about policies
created by the board within Ends and Executive Limitations policy areas.
Therefore, the chairperson has no authority to supervise or direct the CEO.

C. The Grand Senior President may represent the board to outside parties in
announcing board-stated positions and in stating chair decisions and
interpretations within the area delegated to her or him.

D. The Grand Senior President may delegate this authority, but remains accountable
for its use.

(Monitored Annually in February)

The board commits itself and its members to fraternal, ethical, businesslike, and lawful conduct,
including proper use of authority and appropriate decorum when acting as board members.

1. Members must have loyalty to the ownership, unconflicted by loyalties to staff, other
organizations, and any personal interest as a brother.

2. Members must avoid conflict of interest with respect to their fiduciary responsibility.

A. There will be no self-dealing or business by a member and the organization
except when openness and appropriate competition are ensured.

B. When the board is to decide upon an issue, about which a member has an
unavoidable conflict of interest, that member shall absent himself without
comment from not only the vote, but also from the deliberation.

C. Board members will not use their board position to obtain employment in the
organization for themselves, family members, or close associates. Should a
board member apply for employment, he must first resign from the board.

D. Members will annually disclose their involvement with other organizations, with
vendors, or any other associations, which might produce a conflict.

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3. Board members may not attempt to exercise individual authority over the organization
except as explicitly set forth in board policies.

A. Members' interaction with the CEO or with staff must recognize the lack of
authority vested in individuals except when explicitly board authorized.

B. Members' interaction with public, press or other entities must recognize the
same limitation and the inability of any board member to speak for the board
except to repeat explicitly stated board decisions.

C. Members will not make individual judgments of CEO or staff performance.

4. Members will respect the confidentiality appropriate to issues of a sensitive nature.

5. Members will be properly prepared for board deliberation.

6. Members will contribute financially to the best of their ability each year.

7. Members will positively confront other board members when their behavior is
inconsistent with the common good and these policies.

(Monitored Annually in February)

Board committees, when used, will be assigned so as to reinforce the wholeness of the boards job
and so as never to interfere with delegation from board to CEO.


1. Board committees are to help the board do its job, not to help or advise the staff.
Committees ordinarily will assist the board by preparing policy alternatives and
implications for board deliberation. In keeping with the boards broader focus, board
committees will normally not have direct dealings with current staff operations.

2. Board committees may not speak or act for the board except when formally given such
authority for specific and time-limited purposes. Expectations and authority will be
carefully stated in order not to conflict with authority delegated to the CEO.

3. Board committees cannot exercise authority over staff. Because the CEO works for the
full board, he will not be required to obtain approval of a board committee before an
executive action.

4. Board committees are to avoid over-identification with organizational parts rather than
the whole. Therefore, a board committee which has helped the board create policy on
some topic will not be used to monitor organizational performance on that same

5. Committees will be used sparingly and ordinarily in an ad hoc capacity.

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6. This policy applies to any group which is formed by board action, whether or not it is
called a committee and regardless whether the group includes board members. It does
not apply to committees formed under the authority of the CEO.

(Monitored Annually in February)

A committee is a board committee only if its existence and charge come from the board, regardless
whether board members sit on the committee. The only board committees are those which are set
forth in this policy. Unless otherwise stated, a committee ceases to exist as soon as its task is

1. Nominating Committee

A. Product: Properly screened potential board membersby no later than May 15 every
two years.

B. Authority: To incur costs of no more than $1,000 direct charges and no more than 20
hours of staff time per annum.

(Monitored Annually in January and June)

Because poor governance costs more than learning to govern well, the board will invest in its
governance capacity.


1. Board skills, methods, and supports will be sufficient to assure governing with

A. Training and retraining will be used liberally to orient new members and
candidates for membership, as well as to maintain and increase existing
member skills and understandings.

B. Outside monitoring assistance will be arranged so that the board can exercise
confident control over organizational performance. This includes, but is not
limited to, fiscal audit.

C. Outreach mechanisms will be used as needed to ensure the boards ability to
listen to owner viewpoints and values.

2. Costs will be prudently incurred, though not at the expense of endangering the
development and maintenance of superior capability.

A. Up to $3,000 in fiscal year 2010-11 for training, including attendance at
conferences and workshops.

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B. Up to $10,000 in fiscal year 2010-11 for audit and other third party
monitoring of organizational performance.

C. Up to $12,000 in fiscal year 2010-11 for meeting costs.


(Monitored Annually in January)

The boards sole official connection to the operational organization, its achievements and conduct will
be through a Chief Executive Officer titled President/CEO.

(Monitored Annually in December)

Only officially passed motions of the board are binding on the CEO.


1. Decisions or instructions of individual board members, officers, or committees are
not binding on the CEO except in rare instances when the board has specifically
authorized such exercise of authority.

2. In the case of board members or committees requesting information or assistance
without board authorization, the CEO can refuse such requests that require, in the
CEOs opinion, a material amount of staff time or funds or is disruptive.

a. The CEO must inform the board member or committee of that refusal.

(Monitored Annually in December)

The CEO is the boards only link to operational achievement and conduct, so that all authority and
accountability of staff, as far as the board is concerned, is considered the authority and
accountability of the CEO.


1. The board will never give instructions to persons who report directly or indirectly to
the CEO.

2. The board will refrain from evaluating, either formally or informally, any staff other
than the CEO.

3. The board will view CEO performance as identical to organizational performance, so
that organizational accomplishment of board stated Ends and avoidance of board
proscribed means will be viewed as successful CEO performance.
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(Monitored Annually in December)

The board will instruct the CEO through written policies that prescribe the organizational Ends to be
achieved, and describe organizational situations and actions to be avoided, allowing the CEO to use
any reasonable interpretation of these policies.


1. The board will develop policies instructing the CEO to achieve certain results, for certain
recipients at a specified cost. These policies will be developed systematically from the
broadest most general level to more defined levels and will be called Ends policies.

2. The board will develop policies, which limit the latitude the CEO may exercise in
choosing the organizational means. These policies will be developed systematically
from the broadest, most general level to more defined levels, and they will be called
Executive Limitations policies.

3. As long as the CEO uses any reasonable interpretation of the boards Ends and
Executive Limitations policies, the CEO is authorized to establish all further policies,
make all decisions, take all actions, establish all practices and develop all activities.

3. The board may change its Ends and Executive Limitations policies, thereby shifting the
boundary between board and CEO domains. By doing so, the board changes the
latitude of choice given to the CEO. But as long as any particular delegation is in place,
the board will respect and support the CEOs choices.

(Monitored Annually in December)

Systematic and rigorous monitoring of CEO job performance will be solely against the only expected
CEO job outputs: organizational accomplishment of board policies on Ends and organizational
operation within the boundaries established in board policies on Executive Limitations.


1. Monitoring is simply to determine the degree to which board policies are being met.
Data, which do not do this, will not be considered to be monitoring data.

2. The board will acquire monitoring data by one or more of three methods: (a) by internal
report, in which the CEO discloses compliance information to the board, (b) by external
report, in which an external, disinterested third party selected by the board assesses
compliance with board policies, and (c) by direct board inspection, in which a
designated member or members of the board assess compliance with the appropriate
policy criteria.

3. In every case, the standard for compliance shall be any reasonable CEO interpretation
of the board policy being monitored.
Alpha Sigma Phi Grand Council Policy Manual
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4. All policies, which instruct the CEO, will be monitored at a frequency and by a method
chosen by the board. The board can monitor any policy at any time by any method, but
will ordinarily depend on a routine schedule.


Councilor Terms: Elected 1 Term Limit Elected 2 Term Limit
Rodney Rusk 2012 2016
Jeff Hoffman 2012 2016
Rick Buss 2006 2014 2010 2014
Josh Orendi 2012 2016
Mike Waters 2012 2016
Tom Hinkley 2010 2014
Bryan Proctor 2010 2014
Matt Maurer 2010 2014
Byron Hughes 2010 2014
Installed Term Limit Grad Date Term Limit
Blake Jackson August 2013
2 yrs or 120
days after grad. August 13
Jon Lucas August. 2012
2 yrs or 120
days after grad. August 14
Josh Pawley August 2012
2 yrs or 120
days after grad. August 14
Bob Kutz, Grand
Historian 2010 2012 n/a n/a
Steve Gnewkowski,
General Counsel 2012 2014 n/a n/a

CEO Contract Dates
Renewal 7/1/2018


Policy Method Frequency
Global Executive Constraint Internal Annually
Treatment of Brothers Internal Semiannually
Treatment of Chapters Internal Semiannually
Treatment of Staff Internal Semiannually
Financial Planning/Budgeting Internal Quarterly
Financial Condition & Activities Internal Quarterly
External Annually
Emergency CEO Succession Internal Annually
Asset Protection Internal Annually
External Annually
Compensation & Benefits Internal Annually
Alpha Sigma Phi Grand Council Policy Manual
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Communication & Support Internal Semiannually
Ends Internal Annual

2.9, 2.10

2.4, 2.5, 2.8


2.1, 2.2, 2.3

2.4, 2.5

4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4

2.0, 2.6, 2.7, 2.10; 3.8, 4.0

2.4, 2.5; 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

2.3; 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4


1:2; 2.4, 2.5

1:1; 3.8; Governance Budget

Adopted August 2005
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In order that the Grand Council may improve its linkage with the owners of the fraternity, and develop a
better understanding of the dynamic and varied needs of those owners, the Grand Council as a whole and
each member individually, shall commit to certain objectives.

Grand Council Objectives:
Hold regular board meetings that are open to all brothers, undergraduate and alumni.

Produce and distribute an Annual report to all interested owners of the fraternity electronically and/or
via hardcopy delineating major initiatives status in the Annual Report and updated status of those
initiatives and ownership survey(s) in the semi-annual report.

Individual Member Objectives
Each year, each member of the Grand Council will be expected to participate in a national event. (i.e.
Burns, Academy of Leadership, NLC, Pledge Ceremony, Colonization Ceremony, Initiation Ceremony,
Chartering Ceremony or other event scheduled in conjunction with the Fraternity staff)

Other Duties:
Attend local events at the request of the President & CEO and/or local chapter organizations,
time permitting.
Identify one development or volunteer prospect and facilitate their involvement in the
organization, with the goal of transitioning this volunteer into an office holder or active supporter
of the organization.


If a member fails to fulfill their responsibilities to the board and to Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity, they shall be
subject to a Grand Council membership review and possible removal from the board subject to the
Constitution and By-Laws of Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity.

As the Grand Council is composed entirely of volunteers, it is important that such reviews be
conducted in a collegial and open atmosphere, keeping in mind that the best interest of Alpha
Sigma Phi Fraternity and respect for the individual members should be the guiding principles at all

Alpha Sigma Phi Grand Council Policy Manual
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Grand Council Conflict of Interest Clause

Grand Council members, who have certain financial interests that may affect their impartiality in
dealing with matters presented to the Grand Council for consideration may not vote or be a part of
discussions on such matters. Such a conflict of interest exists for any individual who may receive a
direct or indirect personal financial gain or who may gain unfair business advantage resulting from the
confidential information provided to them as a member of the Grand Council. All possible conflicts of
interest that you may have as a member of the Grand Council should be listed below as an open
declaration of such conflicts.

Possible Conflicts:

Grand Council member:

Grand Council Members Signature


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