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Alpha Sigma Phi 2020 Strategic Plan

Pri ori ti es:

! CrowLh
! Member uevelopmenL
! undergraduaLe Llvlng LnvlronmenLs

Obj ecti ves:
Growth Objectives
! Lxpand lraLernlLy membershlp Lhrough lncreaslng Lhe number
of chapLers and colonles on college and unlverslLy campuses.
! Lxpand lraLernlLy membershlp Lhrough lncreaslng Lhe number
of lndlvldual chapLer and colony members on college and
unlverslLy campuses.
! lncrease non-dues revenue Lo ensure LhaL all aspecLs of
lraLernlLy growLh are supporLed by necessary lnfrasLrucLure,
flscal and oLher resources, and sLafflng.
! AugmenL Lhe number of alumnl who are engaged wlLh local
chapLers by enhanclng volunLeer opporLunlLles and engage and
malnLaln sLrong and susLalnable connecLlons wlLh local Alpha
Slgma hl chapLers.

Member uevelopmenL Cb[ecLlves:
! ueslgn and dellver programmlng LhaL conLrlbuLes Lo
undergraduaLe learnlng, reLenLlon and success.
! Lxpand leadershlp developmenL programs, experlences and
poslLlons for undergraduaLe and alumnl
! Lncourage regular and lnLenLlonal servlce and phllanLhroplc
opporLunlLles for all members.

undergraduaLe Llvlng LnvlronmenL Cb[ecLlves:
! Lmpower CLvLn Lo provlde undergraduaLe members and alumnl
advlsors wlLh lnformaLlon and resources Lo develop llvlng
envlronmenLs LhaL are safe, healLhy and promoLe sLudenL
engagemenL and learnlng.
! SlgnlflcanLly lncrease non-dues revenue Lo beLLer supporL
chapLer houslng on campus wherever posslble.

Strategi es:
! 200 chapters and colonies by December 6, 2020
! 10,000 undergraduate members by December 6, 2020 with
an average chapter size of 50 members
! Increase merchandise sales and royalty income by 10 percent
! Develop an annual event sponsorship program
! Have a restricted endowment, Alpha Sigma Phi 2020, with the
Alpha Sigma Phi Foundation that has 1 million dollars by
December 6, 2020
! The Fraternity will proactively work with the Alpha Sigma Phi
Foundation to explore opportunities to increase grant dollars
! 95 percent of chapters and colonies will have a recognized
Chapter Council by July 1, 2020
! 75 percent of all open chapters for more than six years will
have a recognized Alumni Association by 2020
! 100 Chapter/Colony Advance facilitators by July 1, 2020
! Regular communication with chapter alumni by the
undergraduate chapter, Alumni Association, and Fraternity
! 60 Ritual Education team members by July 1, 2020
! Average annual report score of 140 for chapters and colonies
by July 1, 2020
! 100 percent of chapters and colonies fully utilizing the Alpha,
Sigma and Phi phases of membership education
! Increase attendance at Elevate: National Leadership
Conference and Grand Chapter to 750 undergraduates by the
2020 Grand Chapter (175
! Provide all chapters with a Chapter Advance bi-annually and
colonies with a Colony Advance during their third semester.
! All H-Officers will have training available beginning in 2014, at
either Academy of Leadership, Better Man Weekend or
Elevate: National Leadership Conference.
! Provide increased proactive resources to our undergraduates
and alumni in the area of risk management.
! Raise 3 million total dollars for charity by December 6, 2020
with at least $175,000 for each of our philanthropic partners.
! 405 members participate in the Sig Experience by July 1,
! 2 million total hours of hands-on community service will be
performed by December 6, 2020.
! CLVEN will work with a third-party facilitator to create an
operating plan to complement the Fraternity Strategic Vision.
! Every chapter with housing (lease, own or rent) will establish a
recognized House Corporation by January 2020.

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