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Dear Readers,


Dr. Manik

From: Anis Ahmed <anis.ahmed@...>
To:; probashivoice@...;;;; Bangla Zindabad
<>; bangla vision <>; alochona <>;
Cc: hasan_nybd@...
Sent: Sun, February 21, 2010 11:48:25 PM
Subject: [Bangladesh-Zindabad] Shocking Videos and Photos in awamibrutality. com
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Message 2 of 2 , Mar 9, 2010
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Thanks Manik bhai. Thats a great video. How I hate BNP

Jamaat! We need more patriots like you. Do you have
any videos of murder committed and rape committed by
AL operatives? Please let me know. Keep up the good
Sunday, February 21, 2010
[ALOCHONA] Girl attacked by BCL on DU campus
Girl attacked by BCL on DU campus

Dhaka, Feb 21 ( Chhatra League activists beat up a young

girl and her companions on Dhaka University campus on Sunday as they were returning
after placing flowers at the Central Shaheed Minar, witnesses said.
The attackers were reportedly BCL activists of Jasimuddin Hall, Bangabandhu Hall, SM Hall
and Mohsin Hall, other students on the campus, who witnessed the incident, said.
They said two teenage girls and four boys were walking past the vice chancellor's residence
on Fuller Road at around 3.30pm.
One of the Chhatra League activists, identified as 'Setu' of Jasimuddin Hall by a witness who
was a student of the same hall, first approached one of the girls, and began teasing her
when she would not speak to him.
The witness, not wishing to be identified for fear of repercussions, said Setu began pulling at
the girl's urna, or scarf. The girl screamed out and her companions came to assist, along
with other bystanders. The Chhatra League activists reportedly turned on them and began
beating them.
Witnesses said other BCL activists came from nearby halls and joined in the attack on the
group. Including the girl's companions, five people were injured, said another witness, a
student of Mohsin Hall who was also reluctant to be named.
Dhaka University assistant proctor Amzad Ali "A university student
and a girl whom he knew had some argument on the campus. At one point there was a
tussle between the girl's companions and the students."
BCL's Jasimuddin Hall unit president, Abdur Rahman Jibon, also said there was a "tussle" on
the campus, but he blamed "outsiders" for the incident.

- The Comedy Continues -

Id like to start this piece with a disclaimer I have not been payed to criticize BNP (or
been bribed with free biriyani to support Shahbag). Im a simple AL/BNP indifferent,
pro-Shahbag, pro-secularism, anti-terrorism (which you may directly translate to antiJamaat), pro-justice 1971, street-food loving Bangladeshi who found herself laughing
after reading the news of BNPs call for a strike on 7th of March 2013. Why laugh? Lets
start at the beginning.
In 1971 the independent nation of Bangladesh was born after a brutal 9 month war with
Pakistan. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the leader of the largest political party
in Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) at the time (Awami League) called for Bengalis to
rise against oppression by Pakistani forces through his famous speech on the 7th of
March 1971 at the Racecourse (now Swarowardy Uddan). He then declared Bangladesh
an independent nation on the 26th of March 1971 (which is celebrated as our
Independence Day for those still confused!). He lead the nation into the war that gave us
our independence and has rightfully been named Father of the Nation. The Bangladesh
National Party (BNP) was formed after the assasination of Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman and most of his family in 1975. So far what Ive written are facts
witnessed, documented, established and set on stone. However BNP has consistently
refused to acknowledge Mujibur Rahmans status as Father of the Nation. Instead they
opt to focus on Maj.Gen. Ziaur Rahman, the founder of BNP, and his role as the person
who announced the victory of Bangladesh in the war. The one thing they will not
acknowledge is the fact that he clearly said (and this too is documented) the he was
making the victory announcement on behalf of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. All arguments
aside, how can (with all due respect to Maj.Gen. Ziaur Rahman) the man who lead the
nation into a liberation war be deemed insignificant next to a man who gave the victory
announcement? Taking this comic drama one step further, Khaleda Zia (current leader
of BNP and widow of late Ziaur Rahman), declared that 15th of August, the day Sheikh
Mujib was assassinated , is her birthday! Amused yet?
Fast forward to 2013. The Shahbag movement, no introduction needed (I hope!). BNP
had been iffy about supporting the movement from the very beginning. At one point
word of a half-hearted declaration of solidarity was heard. The truth is there was no
reason to oppose the movement. They were protesting peacefully and supported by an
unexpectedly high percentage of the general population proving we may be divided
between AL and BNP but when it comes to 1971, we stand united. Then all hell breaks
loose after death penalty is declared for one of the war criminals. Jamaat-Shibir launch
into their trademark violent protests against the verdict, as the convicted is one if their
leaders. Anyone who has lived in Bangladesh for a considerable length of time is aware
of the brutality Jamaat-Shibir is capable of. Moreover in these riots they specifically
attacked security forces resulting in violent altercations and deaths. Casualties consisted
mostly of either rioters or policemen. All of a sudden we hear Khaleda Zia has returned

from Singapore (there is still debate over completion of her medical treatment) and has
called for a press conference. I, along with thousands of other Bengalis around the
world, watched in shock as she made her statement. She spoke of genocide being
committed by the government against the people of Bangladesh, people being killed like
birds (who writes these scripts??!) She spoke of how the movement was spreading hate
and inciting division of the nation and the government was doing whatever this illegal
and provocative movement asked. In the end she stated that her party will be staging a
nationwide strike on the 5th of March (following strikes called by Jamaat on the 3rd and
4th) in protest of the genocide being committed by the government. She also refused to
answer any questions by journalists(probably the only smart move of the day). Brilliant!
Let me get this straight, so Jamaat is creating havoc to free a convicted war criminal.
The police are trying to stop the violence which has resulted in casualties and BNP
wants to protest.what? The police doing their job? And is it really wise to use the term
genocide in support of a group that has been directly linked to aiding in one of the
worst genocides of the last century? Madam Zias statement was probably based on the
theory that the word genocide ( ) inherently evokes strong emotions in
Bangladeshis against the forces responsible for said genocide. Unfortunately she forgot
to take into account the fact that rising literacy rates are directly proportional to
intelligence. In other words were not stupid. But attacking a movement that the
masses have clearly shown support for leaves me questioning her intellectual capacity. It
has been established that none of the political parties have ever considered good of the
country over power but to gain that power you need the peoples votes. Shahbag has
been termed a vote bank for AL simply because AL has decided to side with the
movement. By that same logic, BNP too could have gained votes by siding with the
movement.Thats not rocket science people! Shahbag has never acted for or against
either party. This was clarified when it was announced from the Jagoron Moncho that
there would be no processions from Shahbag protesting the BNP strike. Our fight is not
against BNP or AL. It is against anti-liberation forces like Jamaat, although personally I
feel BNP is walking a fine line in this regard.
So apparently the hartal on the 5th didnt go as planned. Disturbances broke out in a
rally held by BNP and its alliances (Jamaat included) and it concluded with the
announcement of another strike on the 7th of March to protest the disruption of the
rally on the 5th. As I have mentioned before, 7th of March is an important day in the
history of Bangladesh. Attacking the Shahbag movement, siding with anti-liberation
forces and now calling a strike on the 7th of March while still claiming to fight for a free
Bangladesh seems kind of absurd doesnt it? The sad truth is BNP is so consumed with
opposing AL that they are willing to be labelled anti-lib. They forget that the country
they fight so hard to govern came into existence only because there was a liberation war,
millions have died and been tortured so they could have their precious power. Siding
with openly anti-liberation forces is not only an insult to independent Bangladesh but

also an insult to the memory of the millions who gave their lives for this precious
independence. If one is so concerned about the alleged genocide in 2013 then how can
the genocide of 1971 be so blatantly overlooked? Must be a joke not a very funny one
With BNPs support, Jamaat continues its violent attacks with renewed vigor. They are
attacking minority communities (most notably the Hindu communities), law enforcers
and more recently relatives of movement leaders and warcrime witnesses. Despite the
overwhelming evidence proving Jamaats involvement, BNP still decides to turn a blind
eye and continue to blame the government for the rising death toll. I was shocked when
a seemingly reasonable childhood friend, whose family has close ties with BNP,
suddenly lashed out claiming all news media and television channels were being
controlled by the government and that AL was actually responsible for most of the
attacks, that Shahbag was actually planned by AL for political purposes!! I shut her up
with one simple logic people around the world are showing support for Shahbag, how
in the world did the govt manage that? However, it dawned on me that the issue was no
longer warcrimes, it had become the same old AL vs BNP argument all over again.
Undoubtedly Madam Zias statements along with ongoing Jamaat propaganda have
succeeded in politicizing the Shahbag movement and shifting focus from warcrimes to
the age old political cat-fight. This is no longer funny.
I was aiming to make this a funny piece, inject some humor into an otherwise serious
situation. Unfortunately with the way things are going I am finding it increasingly hard
to keep my spirits up. Oh wait there is something. Yesterday there was a bombing at yet
another rally held by BNP and its alliances. Supporters attending the rally immediately
blamed the police (!) and and another strike in protest was declared on the 12th of
March. It was later discovered that the bombing had taken place from within the rally.
Later police raided the BNP offices and recovered home made bombs. So in conclusion,
they are now bombing themselves because no one else will do it. And so the comedy
Alright BNP enough with the laughs. Lets talk a little sense now. We cannot forget or
erase what happened in 1971. Regardless of who deserves credit (or not) for leading the
war, the fact is the war happened. 3 million people were brutally murdered and
thousands of women were raped. There is evidence showing leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami
have been directly involved in these crimes. Jamaat themselves have admitted to
opposing the liberation war. No matter how much you ignore it, the recent attack on the
minorities have been lead by Jamaat( as told by victims and reported by both national
and international media), which is alarmingly similar to what happened in 1971. Jamaat
is a threat to our democracy, the very democracy that allowed you to govern the country
in the past (and perhaps the future). Lets put our petty political differences aside as find

a way to unite as a nation and bring to justice the warcriminals of 1971. Let us find a way
to get rid of the forces terrorizing out nation and threatening our independence. That
way has already been paved for us by the Shahbag movement. Let us all come together
under the common banner of the Shahbag movement to fight for justice and protect our
independence. Is that too much to ask for? Perhaps it is.

Millionaire BNP Ministers Summary:

Corruption is the number one problem for
May 17, 2013 at 9:44am

my dear countrymen and friends, could you remember the brutal corruption story of BNP JAMAT
SHIBIR of 2001 2006 rolling period? might you have forgotten all the black past, so please read it
once again.
Moktel Hossain Mukthi
Millionaire BNP Ministers
Summary: Corruption is the number one problem for Bangladesh. Transparency International in its
annual report placed Bangladesh at the top of the list of most corrupt nations in the world. Certainly,
it makes the politicians in Bangladesh, especially those in power, extremely uncomfortable and
worried. It is apprehended that in the coming report of Transparency International, Bangladesh is
going to be placed once again at the top. Although the ruling alliance in the country are making
frantic bids in cleansing the image of Bangladesh, it is well understood that, international community
are yet to be convinced to the fact that, Begum Khaleda Zias government is doing something in
eliminating corruption from different section in the country. Only recently, an intelligence agency in
the country identified 11 mid ranking officials with National Board of Revenue, who own 15 luxurious
villas in countries port city of Chittagong, which costs US$ 2.5 million. It is important to mention here
that, monthly salary of these officials is less than US$ 400 per month! Police and Customs (revenue)
are the most corrupt departments in Bangladesh. Almost all the officers, on their retirement, emerge
as multi-millionaire. They acquire wealth and properties in their own name of in the names of their
spouses. It is almost an open secret in the country. Government also knows these facts, but is
unable to take any action.
In recent days, names of some of the members of the BNPs cabinet in Bangladesh come as the
worst corrupts. They minted money like wild gambling. Sixty members of parliament rose complaint
against a particular minister, while the Prime Minister Khaleda Zia did not take any action against
him. It is also learnt that, many of the family members of Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia are
becoming fabulously rich, by using state power. The most talked about corrupt figure in Bangladesh
is Tareq Rahman, eldest son of the Prime Minister.TAREQ BECAME BILLIONAIRE JUST IN FEW
Tareq has established Hawa Bhaban, which is although considered as one of the offices of the ruling
party. There are solid evidences of this offices involvement in interfering in almost all the business
and contracts in the country. Hawa Bhaban palls are considered as the most influential figures in

Bangladesh. One of the Hawa Bhaban palls is Giasuddin Mamun, who is tareqs closest friend too.
Hailing from an extreme poor family in the southern part of Bangladesh, Mamun is today one of the
richest men in Bangladesh through various corruption, smuggling and many other forms of illegal
Surprisingly one of the assistant press secretaries of Prime Minister Khaleda Zia, Touhidul Islam
alias Ashik Islam is simultaneously working in the PMO as well in Hawa Bhaban as its spokesman.
Moreover, this man is also involved with Tareqs private television channel, Channel One. There are
numerous allegations on Ashiks involvement in a number of financial irregularities as well of
misappropriating state money with various excuses, government did not take any action against this
man, as he is considered to be one of the closest aides of Tareq Rahman. In the PMO too, Ashik is
known as an womanizer, alcoholic, bribe taker and blackmailer. Prime Minister Khaleda Zia was
notified several times about this mans illegal activities by countrys intelligence agencies. But, she
could not take any action against Ashik, as Tareq always stood behind him with fullest support.
Khaledaa own brother, Sayeed Iskander, who is a sacked major of Bangladesh army, also turned
into multi-millionaire by using the influence of his sister. Sayeed runs a company named dandy
Dying, which is a mere camouflage of his other activities. Behind the mask of Dandy Dying, Sayeed
is involved in minting fabulous amount of cash through kick backs or other means; as well he is
virtually active as the unseen defense advisor to the Prime Minister. No posting or promotion in the
army is possible without his blessings or recommendations. Sayeed Iskander placed a number of his
course-mates and even some of his close relatives in the sensitive and important positions in
Bangladesh Army. A man with high political ambition, Sayeed is known to be one of the key
conspirators in seizing power from Khaleda by using his grip in the armed forces. His ultimate goal is
to become the future Prime Minister of Bangladesh. Khaledas late husband President Ziaur
Rahman sacked Sayeed Iskander from Bangladesh Army for his alleged involvement in a number of
corruption charges. Zia was one of the few honest figures in Bangladesh politics, who did not allow
any of the members of his family to make money using state power. Not only that, Ziaur Rahman
was the man, who did not interfere when both of his sons were ousted from St. Joseph School,
which is considered one of the most prestigious schools in Dhaka. Zias sons were to leave this
school because they turned to be duffers and extremely inattentive to their education. Tareq and his
brother requested their daddy to readmit them in St. Joseph, when angry Ziaur Rahman said, I am
not in power to support inattentive sons of mine.
The present government will finish its tenure this October. Meantime, names of most corrupt
ministers are already coming in circulation, with figures of cash they minted during the five-year term
of the BNP government since 2001. The corrupt ministers are:
Name of Minister
Amount Earned in U$
Barrister Nazmul Huda
0.5 billion
Mirza Abbas
43 Million
Begum Khurshid Jahan Haque (sister of PM)
40 Million
Tariqul Islam
38 million

Abdul Mannan Bhuiyan
35 million
Salahuddin Ahmed
32 million
Barrister Aminul Huq
31 million
Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf
30 million
Altaf Hussain Chowdhury
28 million
Iqbal Hassan Mahmood Tuku
26 million
Dr. Khandekar Musharraf Hussain
25 million
Barkatulla Bulu
24 million
Abdullah Al Noman
23 million
Lt. Col Akber Hussain
22 million
Major (Retired) Qamrul Islam
21 million
Shajahan Siraj
20 million
Advocate Gautam Chakrabarty
17 million
Amanullah Aman
15 million
Ziaul Haque Zia
14 million
Jafrul Islam Chowdhury
13 million

ANM Ehsanul Haque Milon

11 million
Asadul Habib Dulu
10 million
Fazlur Rahman Patal
9 million
Advocate Ruhul Quddus Talikder Dulu
8 million
Lutfur Rahman Khan Azad
6 million
Finance Minister M. Saifur Rahman is although considered to be a clean man, his sons are engaged
in minting money by using the influence of their father. His sons are involved in several businesses
like multi-level marketing (a company, which just disappeared after taking a few million dollars from
the innocent people), customs clearing and forwarding business (this company is handling most of
the big businesses in the country, just because, finance ministers sons are partners in the
business), readymade garments (smuggling of narcotics are done under the cover of this business)
Dr. Peter Snowman
34 Bay Side Ave
New York City

Millionaire BNP Ministers Summary: Corruption is the number one problem for Bangladesh.
Transparency International in its annual report placed Bangladesh at the top of the list of most
corrupt nations in the world. Certainly, it makes the politicians in Bangladesh, especially those in
power, extremely uncomfortable and worried. It is apprehended that in the coming report of
Transparency International, Bangladesh is going to be placed once again at the top. Although the
ruling alliance in the country are making frantic bids in cleansing the image of Bangladesh, it is well
understood that, international community are yet to be convinced to the fact that, Begum Khaleda
Zias government is doing something in eliminating corruption from different section in the country.
Only recently, an intelligence agency in the country identified 11 mid ranking officials with National
Board of Revenue, who own 15 luxurious villas in countries port city of Chittagong, which costs US$
2.5 million. It is important to mention here that, monthly salary of these officials is less than US$ 400
per month! Police and Customs (revenue) are the most corrupt departments in Bangladesh. Almost
all the officers, on their retirement, emerge as multi-millionaire. They acquire wealth and properties
in their own name of in the names of their spouses. It is almost an open secret in the country.
Government also knows these facts, but is unable to take any action. In recent days, names of some
of the members of the BNPs cabinet in Bangladesh come as the worst corrupts. They minted money
like wild gambling. Sixty members of parliament rose complaint against a particular minister, while
the Prime Minister Khaleda Zia did not take any action against him. It is also learnt that, many of the
family members of Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia are becoming fabulously rich, by using state
power. The most talked about corrupt figure in Bangladesh is Tareq Rahman, eldest son of the

OF PM BEGUM KHALEDA ZIA. Tareq has established Hawa Bhaban, which is although considered
as one of the offices of the ruling party. There are solid evidences of this offices involvement in
interfering in almost all the business and contracts in the country. Hawa Bhaban palls are considered
as the most influential figures in Bangladesh. One of the Hawa Bhaban palls is Giasuddin Mamun,
who is tareqs closest friend too. Hailing from an extreme poor family in the southern part of
Bangladesh, Mamun is today one of the richest men in Bangladesh through various corruption,
smuggling and many other forms of illegal activities. Surprisingly one of the assistant press
secretaries of Prime Minister Khaleda Zia, Touhidul Islam alias Ashik Islam is simultaneously
working in the PMO as well in Hawa Bhaban as its spokesman. Moreover, this man is also involved
with Tareqs private television channel, Channel One. There are numerous allegations on Ashiks
involvement in a number of financial irregularities as well of misappropriating state money with
various excuses, government did not take any action against this man, as he is considered to be one
of the closest aides of Tareq Rahman. In the PMO too, Ashik is known as an womanizer, alcoholic,
bribe taker and blackmailer. Prime Minister Khaleda Zia was notified several times about this mans
illegal activities by countrys intelligence agencies. But, she could not take any action against Ashik,
as Tareq always stood behind him with fullest support. Khaledaa own brother, Sayeed Iskander,
who is a sacked major of Bangladesh army, also turned into multi-millionaire by using the influence
of his sister. Sayeed runs a company named dandy Dying, which is a mere camouflage of his other
activities. Behind the mask of Dandy Dying, Sayeed is involved in minting fabulous amount of cash
through kick backs or other means; as well he is virtually active as the unseen defense advisor to the
Prime Minister. No posting or promotion in the army is possible without his blessings or
recommendations. Sayeed Iskander placed a number of his course-mates and even some of his
close relatives in the sensitive and important positions in Bangladesh Army. A man with high political
ambition, Sayeed is known to be one of the key conspirators in seizing power from Khaleda by using
his grip in the armed forces. His ultimate goal is to become the future Prime Minister of Bangladesh.
Khaledas late husband President Ziaur Rahman sacked Sayeed Iskander from Bangladesh Army
for his alleged involvement in a number of corruption charges. Zia was one of the few honest figures
in Bangladesh politics, who did not allow any of the members of his family to make money using
state power. Not only that, Ziaur Rahman was the man, who did not interfere when both of his sons
were ousted from St. Joseph School, which is considered one of the most prestigious schools in
Dhaka. Zias sons were to leave this school because they turned to be duffers and extremely
inattentive to their education. Tareq and his brother requested their daddy to readmit them in St.
Joseph, when angry Ziaur Rahman said, I am not in power to support inattentive sons of mine. The
present government will finish its tenure this October. Meantime, names of most corrupt ministers
are already coming in circulation, with figures of cash they minted during the five-year term of the
BNP government since 2001. The corrupt ministers are: Name of Minister Amount Earned in U$ 01
Barrister Nazmul Huda 0.5 billion 02 Mirza Abbas 43 Million 03 Begum Khurshid Jahan Haque
(sister of PM) 40 Million 04 Tariqul Islam 38 million 05 Abdul Mannan Bhuiyan 35 million 06
Salahuddin Ahmed 32 million 07 Barrister Aminul Huq 31 million 08 Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf
30 million 09 Altaf Hussain Chowdhury 28 million 10 Iqbal Hassan Mahmood Tuku 26 million 11 Dr.
Khandekar Musharraf Hussain 25 million 12 Barkatulla Bulu 24 million 13 Abdullah Al Noman 23
million 14 Lt. Col Akber Hussain 22 million 15 Major (Retired) Qamrul Islam 21 million 16 Shajahan
Siraj 20 million 17 Advocate Gautam Chakrabarty 17 million 18 Amanullah Aman 15 million 19 Ziaul
Haque Zia 14 million 20 Jafrul Islam Chowdhury 13 million 21 ANM Ehsanul Haque Milon 11 million
22 Asadul Habib Dulu 10 million 23 Fazlur Rahman Patal 9 million 24 Advocate Ruhul Quddus
Talikder Dulu 8 million 25 Lutfur Rahman Khan Azad 6 million Finance Minister M. Saifur Rahman is
although considered to be a clean man, his sons are engaged in minting money by using the
influence of their father. His sons are involved in several businesses like multi-level marketing (a
company, which just disappeared after taking a few million dollars from the innocent people),

customs clearing and forwarding business (this company is handling most of the big businesses in
the country, just because, finance ministers sons are partners in the business), readymade
garments (smuggling of narcotics are done under the cover of this business) etc. Dr. Peter
Snowman 34 Bay Side Ave New York City USA


November 2, 2013 at 8:11pm


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