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Name: _________Liam_________

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!
Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do not copy
from the Internet.
Your job title (be specific): Ceo of compan
!ob o"er"ie#$What the do (%ro"ide a para&raph description of the job' What #ould a tpical da on the job
look like(): )he boss of a bi& corporation' Wake up #hen ou need* make sure the business is runnin&
smoothl* do some #ork* lea"e #hen ou #ant* oure in char&e'
Workin& conditions (+ours ou can e,pect to #ork( Risk of injuries( )ime of da$time of ear(
-ndoors$outdoors( Clothin& re.uired( /tc0):1uit is al#as re.uired* ha"e to look professional' You jud&e our
hours' No risk of injur' 2ll ear and indoors
1alar (#hat #a&e can ou e,pect to earn(): -t can be an#here from 34k to 5 billion dependin& on the si6e of
the compan' )he mone is endless'
7uture outlook (#ill this job be in demand in the future( Wh$#h not(): -t8s a compan people comin& out of
colle&e #ho &et business de&rees #ill ha"e to be lookin& for #ork and that #ill be pro"ided
Post-Secondary Institute!rainin" Pro"ram #$ %o&&e"e Uni'ersity
(ocation and name of pro"ram) (Where the school is located' What is the name of the pro&ram( 2lso tell us #h this
school appeals to ou) 9ni"ersit of :en"er* &reat location* and business pro&ram
%ost) (first ear 2N: total cost of pro&ram* includin& tuition* books* and supplies)
-f plannin& on attendin& a major uni"ersit: ###'ou'ubc'ca to calculate an appro,imate cost: ;4k
-f plannin& on attendin& a colle&e: ###'okana&an'bc'ca$tuition to calculate an appro,imate cost
Pre-re*uisites of pro"ram) (courses ou need to be takin& in hi&h school in order to &et in* re.uired G%2) <'=5 G%2
math course* /n&lish course
What are > related occupations ou could take if this one didn8t #ork out for ou (#hat #ould ou do if ou
don8t end up doin& this career and #h(): )heres amn different business "entures ou can &o to
2nd most importantl0
Wh are ou interested in this career( (+o# lon& ha"e ou been interested in it( What led ou to #antin& this
job( +o# does it suit$fit our personalit* interests* characteristics* stren&ths* etc0(): -m interested in this job
because - do business online at the moment so im alread into it'

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