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Anastasiya Meodushevska

Group 62
Empathy: does it exist in life?
Empathy is one of the highest virtues, is a sign of high human soul. Probably
everyone sympathize with another person, with a member of your family, friend or
even a stranger. I firmly believe that empathy exists.
To prove it, there is a fact that each of us has ever had some difficult time in
his/her life and had been in despair. nd if he/she meets a person who is in a similar
difficult situation he/she begins to sympathize, often even on a subconscious level.
!e/she empathize with this person, because he/she "nows how difficult it is to be in
this or that situation.
!owever, there are people who don#t sympathize with other people in such
situations. They insist that if they survive those hard times, so the others will be able
to withstand$ but if no, this or that person is %ust a wimp. &uch people have 'dar"(
soul, they are stone)hearted.
*nly a person with spiritually rich soul, who has big life experience, a
person, who has ta"en all his/her trials with dignity and not become angry, who hasn#t
accumulated insults and anger on his/her fate, other people, and has preserved love,
humanity, faith , light feelings in the heart, is capable of compassion and empathy.
&uch people are able to comfort and encourage others, who have got in a difficult
situation, and to help him, but not sin" them in pain.
The second fact of the existence of empathy is fear. +oo"ing at other people
or even animals, who are in a terrible situation, a person is afraid to get into the same
conditions. In such cases he/she automatically puts him/herself in shoes of that
people, and feels all those feelings and pain. &uch is human psychology...
There are those people who argue, that empathy is a wea"ness of a person, is
an unnecessary emotion. ,ut to my mind it is wrong. *ne, whose heart is not capable
of compassion and empathy, deserves much the same compassion and sympathy,
because only cruelty lives in his/her heart lives cruelty.
The soul of a person, which has experienced a lot of difficulties in life, is
capable of empathy. -urthermore, if some people are really dear to our hearts, we
always understand their feelings, understand what is happening in their hearts and try
to help them. They say that if you are capable of compassion, you have a heart and
there are love, faith and hope in it.

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