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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan Template

Instructors name: Devin Ayers Course/Grade:
Grade 11 AP Language and Composition
Week of:
05/05 05/09
Unit Name:
The Short Story: Metamorphosis

Common Core/ NM Content Standards:
W11-12.1; W11-12.2; W11-12.4; W11-12.10; -12.1; SL11-12.3; SL11-12.6

Essential Question(s):
How do we construct and complete a quality
fictional narrative? What is the meaning of the
word metamorphosis? What significant
meaning does this concept have in your life?
Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge):

Students will access previous reading and
writing of fiction. They will also draw upon their
own life experience with profound, metamorphic
Other considerations (modifications,
accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Students
who require it will receive extended deadlines
for writing assignments and/or shortened




Pen/pencil and paper


Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?)

Daily: direct observation

This Week: direct observation/fiction drafts/dramatic reading

Unit: direct observation/fiction drafts/dramatic reading

Time allotted Lesson activities for instructor and students
Learning Target-

Students will improve their abilities in constructing
a complete and convincing piece of narrative
fiction. They will show their learning by
construction a rough draft.

Metamorphosis can be described as a profound
and often abrupt change. In the animal world it
generally refers to a physical or chemical change,
such as the transformation of a caterpillar into a
butterfly. In human terms, it can describe a more
subtle, internal change. Such a metamorphosis can
Assignment(s) Due-

Outline and/or first three paragraphs of a
narrative fiction piece
be brought about by age, by a movement in social
standing or by the experience of a significant
event, be it wondrous or catastrophic. In
literature, authors have long attempted to capture
the spirit of metamorphosis, often invoking
physical, anthropomorphic symbols such as the
aforementioned butterfly. This week, you will
create a piece of short fiction (no less than five
pages typed, double spaced) that centers on the
idea of metamorphosis. You are encouraged (but
not required) to used anthropomorphic symbolism
in this piece. There must be at least two characters
in your story. There must be some form of
dialogue. You must use physical description. You
must, of course, include some form of
metamorphosis. The individual (character) going
through this profound change must be clearly and
permanently altered by their experience by the
end of the narrative. In class, we will discuss the
elements of a complete and quality narrative.

Learning Target-

Students will improve their abilities in constructing
a complete and convincing piece of narrative
fiction. They will show their learning by
construction a rough draft.

Assignment(s) Due-

Learning Target-

Students will improve their abilities in constructing
a complete and convincing piece of narrative
fiction. They will show their learning by
construction a rough draft.

Assignment(s) Due-

Learning Target-

Students will improve their abilities in constructing
a complete and convincing piece of narrative
fiction. They will show their learning by
completing a rough draft.

Assignment(s) Due-

Learning Target-

Students will improve their skills in speaking and
listening. They will show their learning by
participating (both as reader and observer) in a
dramatic reading of the fiction narratives completed
this week in class.

Assignment(s) Due-

Complete rough draft of narrative fiction piece

Dramatic reading/writers caf

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