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Q. What is the stock speaker size?

A. Stock speaker size is 5x7 but 6x8 will work as well.
Q. How do I remove m !actor head u"it??
A. #emovi"$ the head u"it re%uires a special tool. &he are shaped like a ' a"d have a tapered area o" each e"d that
releases the locki"$ mecha"isims i"side the radio chassis. (ou ca" bu them at most departme"t stores a"d audio
shops !or arou"d )*+. &he tools $o i"to the two holes o" each side o! the head u"it. ,"ce i" ou -ust pull outwards
a"d the radio will slide ri$ht out. (ou ca" also $o to our local .ord dealership a"d ask them /ver "icel0 to
remove it !or ou. It ca" also be do"e b shapi"$ a coat ha"$er i" the shape o! a '1 but this is ver di!!icult a"d
takes much practice.
Reminder: &he How2&o 3ibrar has docume"ts1 tips1 a"d drawi"$s !or thi"$s pertai"i"$ to audio i"stallatio"s4
Body Kits
Q. What bod kits are available !or the .ocus?
A. &here are actuall several compa"ies maki"$ bod kits !or the .ocus1 please see the 5od 6its ve"dor list ri$ht
here o" !or hpertext li"ks to the ma"u!actures1 ve"dors a"d prices.
Q. 7re there a" ve"dors selli"$ 8uropea" bod parts !or .ocus1 like the #S bod parts?
A. (es there are actuall. 9:;tu"i"$.com a"d 57&I"c."et are two such compa"ies.
Q. <o bod kits comes alread pai"ted?
A. =ot usuall. (ou will "eed to have the parts pai"ted be!ore i"stalli"$ them o" our car.
Everyday Use
Q. Where ca" I !i"d a cop o! the o!!icial .ord .ocus ,w"er>s ?a"ual
A. .ord has o"li"e copies o! the .ocus ,w"ers ma"ual at
Q. Where ca" I !i"d .ocus recalls o" li"e? 7"d other related .ord "ews?
A. 5lue, or 8dmu"
Q. @a" I disable the sa!et belt remi"der chime?
A. (es. See the ,w"er>s Auide sectio" o! !or the B step procedure !or tur"i"$ o!! the belt mi"der.
Q. Sometimes m hatch wo">t ope" whe" I use the hatch release butto"1 wh?
A. I! our doors are locked1 the hatch butto" will "ot release the hatch. It>s a !eature. &r it with our doors
Q. What is the best $as to use?
A. .ord recomme"ds 87 octa"e. (our .ocus is tu"ed to use 87 octa"e. 'si"$ the hi$her octa"e !uels is "ot
"ecessar. I! ou are usi"$ a a!termarket per!orma"ce chip1 Super@hip or <iabloSport1 the do re%uire the hi$her
octa"e !uel1 B* or B; octa"e.
Q. Will hi$h octa"e $as improve m u"chipped e"$i"e per!orma"ce?
A. =o4 I" !act it ca" cause a lot o! i"ter"al e"$i"e problems over time.
Q. What is the butto" o" the passa"$er side kick pa"el with a picture o! a !uel pump??
A. &hat is a !uel pump kill switch to be used i" the eve"t o! emer$e"c.
Reminder: &he How2&o 3ibrar has docume"ts1 tips1 photos1 drawi"$s a"d eve" video clips o" cat2back sstem
Q. What is a Ccat2backC exhaust sstem?
A. C@at2backC is a term used to describe the part o! the exhaust !rom the cataltic to the tailpipe. Which i"cludes the
pipes1 mu!!ler/s0 a"d tailpipeDtip. I" the case o! the .ocus1 there is actuall a"other piece pipe betwee" the cataltic
co"verter a"d the Ccat2backC1 which is called the !lexpipe. &he !lexpipe is "ot part o! the cat2back exhaust kits sold
!or the .ocus.
Q. So what does the !lexpipe do?
A. Whe" ou rev our e"$i"e1 it moves. &he !lexpipe has a mesh material built i"to a pipe that allows it to C!lexC
whe" our e"$i"e revs a"d moves1 so the exhaust sstem does">t move with it.
Q. 5ut the exhaust sstem has rubber ha"$ers holdi"$ it i" place1 would">t that su!!ice?
A. &he rubber ha"$ers are i"te"ted more to keep vibratio" dow" a"d allow the exhaust the !reedom to ha"$
i"depe"de"t o! the car>s bod a"d absorb the vibratio" o! everda road co"ditio"s.
Q. Wh would a"o"e replace the stock exhaust cat2back with a" a!termarket sstem?
A. Erimaril !or per!orma"ce reaso"s. &he stock cat2back exhaust is ver restrictive1 i"te"tiall to keep "oise dow".
7!termarket cat2back sstems are usuall F.F5 i"ches i" diameter a"d have o"l o"e mu!!ler which is desi$"ed !or
per!orma"ce usi"$ a Cstrai$ht throu$hC desi$" i" the mu!!ler. &he pipes are bi$$er1 the be"ds are smoother1 the
mu!!ler is a better desi$". &he result is a better per!orma"ce1 but the are also louder4 Which is a"other reaso" ma"
people replace the stock cat2back with a per!orma"ce cat2back1 !or the sou"d.
Q. What should I look !or i" a" exhaust sstem/cat2back0?
A. &he best made cat2back exhaust kits are C!ullC stai"less steel sstems. #e!erred to as Caircra!t %ualit &2;+GC
stai"less steel. What that mea" is the pipes are stai"less steel i"side a"d out1 "ot a Cmild steelC that has bee"
alumi"ized Calumi"um coati"$C. &2;+G stai"less steel also has the hi$hest chromium co"te"t available i" steel1
which mea"s it>s the most resista"t to corrosio".
Q. Wh is it so importa"t !or the pipes to be stai"less steel i"side a"d out?
A. Stai"less steel Ci"side a"d outC is importa"t because ma" times a" exhaust sstem will actuall rust !rom the
i"side out. 8xhaust $ases which are a mix o! carbo" mo"oxide1 "itro$e" oxides1 u"bur"t hdrocarbo"s1 a"d
moisture1 co"de"se a"d attack the pipes i"ter"all1 causi"$ the corrosio". @ombi"e that with exter"al corrosives1 like
salts1 moisture1 mud1 vibratio"1 hi$h temperatures a"d a"thi"$ less tha" the best will simpl come apart i" time.
Q. Wo">t stai"less steel rust too?
A. (es1 -ust "ot as !ast. 3ook !or a product that carries a lo"$ warra"t. 7t least as lo"$ as ou i"te"d to ow" our
car. 7 li!etime warra"t or a millio" mile warra"t ca">t be beat4
Q. What about the C!la"$esC o" a cat2back sstem1 should the also be stai"less steel?
A. =ot "ecessaril. &he !la"$es/mou"ti"$ poi"ts01 should be a mi"imum o! ;D8 o! a" i"ch1 *DF i"ch is eve" better.
&hat>s ple"t thick e"ou$h.
Q. Is wider reall better?
A. =ot alwas4 7 F.F5 i"ch tubi"$ i" a cat2back sstem is all that is "eeded !or a "aturall aspirated .ocus. I! ou
are pla""i"$ o" &urbochar$i"$ our .ocus1 a F.5 i"ch tube cat2back sstem is our best size.
Q. @a" rei"stall m stock exhaust sstem a!ter removi"$ it?
A. (es1 but si"ce the stock cat2back is all o"e piece1 ou have to cut it to $et it o!!. (ou could put it back to$ether
usi"$ a CbootC a"d clamps. Elease see the How2&o 3ibrar to see where the stock cat2back "eeds to be cut.
General Performance
Q. Where ca" I !i"d a!termarket per!orma"ce products !or m .ocus?
A. &he Eer!orma"ce Eroducts pa$e has a complete list o! a!termarket product ma"u!actures1
retailers1 a"d prices !or eas compariso" a"d research.
Q. Will Cbolt2o"C a!termarket per!orma"ce products void m warra"t?
A. =o. See httpHDDwww.sema.or$Dmai"Dsemaor$home.aspx?I<I8*FG
Q. What about a Superchar$er or &urbochar$er?
A. (es a"d =o. ?ost likel our .ord warra"t does speci!ic that a turbochar$er will void our powertrai"
warra"t. &he superchar$er however mi$ht be a"other stor. I" either eve"t1 ou should co"sult with our local
dealership re$ardi"$ their warra"t speci!ics.
Q. What is a @7I??
A. 7 @7I is short !or Ccold air i"takeC or Ccold air i"ductio"C1 which is a replacme"t !or our !actor air box a"d
!ilter. It bri"$s cooler1 !resher air i"to the e"$i"e bri"$i"$ mild i"creases to per!orma"ce a"d horsepower.
Q. What>s available !or the .ocus?
A. &here are several bra"ds a"d tpes o! cold air i"ductio" kits available !or the .ocus. Elease see the Eer!orma"ce
Eroducts pa$e !or li"ks to ma"u!actures1 ve"dors a"d prices o! what>s available.
Q. &here seems to be several di!!ere"t tpes o! @7I kits1 lo"$ tubes1 shorties1 Icema"1 etc.1 is o"e better tha" the
A. &he 78? a"d I"-e" sstems are Clo"$ tubeC kits1 that ru" the !ilter to the lower $rill o! the !ro"t o! the car a"d
$e"erall allows the car to draw i" cooler air tha" the CshortiesC1 which draw warmer air !rom i"side the e"$i"e ba.
So1 i" that respect the !ull le"$th @7I kits are co"sidered to be best. &he do however cost more1 as there is more
material1 metal pipe. &he drawback with the !ull le"$th tubes1 is that the !ilter is closer to the $rou"d a"d ru" the risk
o! picki"$ up water1 especiall whe" hitti"$ a puddle. &hat is somethi"$ to co"sider whe" maki"$ our decisio".
&he Icema" kit1 replaces o"l the stock upper a"d lower air ducts1 with lar$er1 smoother desi$"ed tubes a"d are
made o! a plastic that is desi$"ed to keep sta cooler tha" the metal tube kits1 which would i" tur" keep the air
cooler. &he Icema" keeps the stock air box a"d replaces the stock air !ilter with a lo"$ li!e !ilter much like the 6J=
replaceme"t !ilter. &he Kola"t kit is a"other @7I kit that uses a similar box stle sstem. It does replace the e"tire
stock box a"d upper duct1 a"d ou ca" use the lower stock duct a"d s"orkle to !eed air to the Kola"t box. &he Kola"t
is the o"l kit that ca" be directl adapted to use a hood scoop or ram air hood.
Q. what is the bulb size !or the =D7 spec headlamps
Q. What is the bulb size !or the 8uro F++F headlamps
A. H* !or Hi$h 5eam1 H7 !or low beam
Q. I saw a .ocus with the !o$li$hts o" but the headli$hts were "ot o". How come mi"e do">t do that??
A. &he ow"er more tha" likel has the !o$li$ht mod that allows ou to use the !o$li$hts without the headli$hts a"d
also use them with the hi$h beams o". See the How2&o 3ibrar !or complete i"structio"s.
Q: Where ca" I $et clear !ro"t marker li$htsDtur" si$"als.
A: &he are "o"e. &he !ro"t si$"als are molded i"to the $rill maki"$ it impossible to cha"$e the le"se color. &he
o"l optio" i" a color cha"$e is ti"ti"$ them with spra2o" ti"t.
Q. Whe" should I start usi"$ S"thetic oil i" m e"$i"e?
A. &he e"$i"eers a"d metalur$ist at #edli"e have rece"tl come out with a" opi"io" that states at a" milea$e over
*F++ miles. &he reaso" bei"$ that premature usea$e ca" i"hibit breaki" b bei"$ too slipper a"d causi"$ $lazi"$ o!
the cli"der walls !rom the ri"$s.
Q. @a" ou mix s"thetic oil a"d !ossil oil?
A. (es1 but it is best to use *++L s"thetic oil o! the same bra"d. 5ut i" a pi"ch mixi"$ will "ot hurt a"thi"$.
Q. Wh is s"thetic oil better?
A. It is better because it is made to the speci!icatio"s o! what !ossil oil could be i! all the molecules werre exactl the
same. It allows u"i!ormit o! cooli"$1 seali"$ a"d lubricati"$D
Q. Is o"e S"thetic oil better that a"other?
A. (es there are three $roups o! s"thetic oils. Aroup 71 8ster based1 is the best a"d most expe"sive. Aroup two
E7, based oils like ?obil * a"d 7msoil are ver $ood a"d more reaso"able priced. 7"d $roup three oils which are
ultra re!i"ed !ossil based oil a"d ca" be called s"thetic due to a loop hole i" the law. &he are "ot true s"thetics
a"d ca""ot be called s"thetic oil i" 8urope.
Q. 7re s"thetic ble"ds worth the mo"e?
A. =o. &here are two reaso"s wh. ,"e is that ou do">t k"ow the ratio o! s"thetic stock to !ossil stock. So what
are ou pai"$ !or? 7"d two. Ae"erall ble"ds are !rom $roup three oils a"d are alread i"!erior to real s"thetics.
5le"di"$ them de!eats a" $ai" ou mi$ht $et1 b loweri"$ the co"te"t o! a" alread lesser oil.
Q. What are the three $roups o! s"thetic oil?
A. Aroup o"e is E,8 which is Eol ,il 8ster. Aroup two is E7, which is Eol 7lpha ,le!i" a"d $roup three is
slack wax isomers.
Q. What does this mea" to me?
A. 8ster based stock oils have bee" demo"strated to !ar out peer!orm all others. 5ut Erice is a" issue. ,le!i"s are !ar
superior to petro lubes a"d $roup three Cpho"eC s"thetics.
Q. What is the di!!ere"ce i" bra"ds o! the same $roup?
A. Eeople who have studied lubrica"ts k"ow that the di!!ere"ce i" o!! the shel! oils is the additive packa$e. &hat a"d
the advertisi"$ costs relate to the expe"se o! bri"$i"$ the product to market.
Q. So which s"thetic should I use?
A. &he a"swer bcomes a !u"ctio" o! cost vs retur" a"d a!!ordabilit. I! mo"e is "ot a" issue1 the a"swer is #edli"e
/ ha"ds dow" 0 5ut i! mo"e is a" issue1 the ?obil * / as lo"$ as it stas a" ,le!i" base 0 or 7msoil1 alos a" ,le!i"
base. Steer clear o! $roup three pho"e s"thetics. &he waste our mo"e a"d mabe our e"$i"e.
Q. Is s"thetic 7&. better !or m tra"smissio"?
A. (es1 i! it is a real s"thetic like ?obil * or 7msoil or #edli"e /best0
Q. <o S"thetic oils have deter$e"ts?
A. (es1 because the "eed them to resist slud$e that is !ormed b blowb.
Q. How o!te" should I cha"$e m s"thetic oil?
A. &hat depe"ds o" the tpe o! S"thetic ou are usi"$1 E7, or 8ster base1 a"d the tpe o! drivi"$ ou do1 a"d the
locatio" ou do most o! our drivi"$ i". 8sters last lo"$er tha" E7, bases but a $e"eral rule is that E7,s shoulMd
"ever ru" beo"d 75++ miles a"d 8sters beo"d *F1+++ miles.
Q. What is viscosit?
A. It is the thick"ess or wei$ht o! the oil. It is represe"ted as a "umber such as 5w2F+. Eolmeric thicke"ers 1
viscosit improvers1 are added so oil will thicke" as it $et hot. 7 tpical .ocus recome"ded oil o! 5w2F+ is made
!rom 5 base wei$ht oil. 7t zero de$rees @1 it behaves like a 5 wei$ht oil. 5ecause o! viscosit improvers i" the
additive packa$e1 it will behave like F+ wei$ht at *++ de$ree @.
"#ecs $ Part %umbers
Reminder: &he ,w"er>s Auide sectio" has eve" more details o" part "umbers1 !luid capacities1 mai"te"a"ce issues
a"d more4
Q. What is m !uel capacit?
A. 5+ 3iters /*;.F $allo"s0
Q. What is m oil capacit? /i"cludes !ilter cha"$e0
A. &etec: G.F5 3iters /G.5 %uarts0 "P': ;.78 3iters /G.+ %uarts0
Q. What is m coola"t capacit?
A. 5.75 3iters /6.* %uarts0
Q. What is the ma"ual tra"saxle !luid capacit?
A. F.+ 3iters /F.* %uarts0
Q. What is the 7utomatic tra"saxle !luid capacit?
A. 6.6 3iters /6.B %uarts0
Q. Where ca" I !i"d m Kehicle ide"ti!icatio" "umber?
A. &he vehicle KI= is attached to a metal ta$ a"d is located o" the driver side i"strume"t pa"el. &he KI= ta$ ma be
see" b looki"$ throu$h the wi"dshield !rom the outside o! the vehicle.
Q. Where ca" I !i"d m e"$i"e "umber?
A. &he e"$i"e "umber is stamped o" the e"$i"e block a"d tra"saxle !rame.
Q. What is the compressio" ratio o! m e"$i"e?
A. &etec: B.6H* "P': B.;5H*
Q. What is m e"$i"e !iri"$ order?
A. *2;2G2F o" both e"$i"es
Q. What is m cubic i"ch displaceme"t?
A. *F* o" both e"$i"es
Q. What is m HE rati"$?
A. &etec: *;+ N 5;++ rpm "P': **+ N 5+++ rpm
Q. What is m tor%ue rati"$?
A. &etec: *;+ lb2!t N G5++ rpm "P': *F5 lb2!t N ;75+ rpm
Q. What is m spark plu$ $ap?
A. &etec: *.; mm /+.+5* i"ch0 "P': *.G mm /+.+5G i"ch0
Q. What is the ?otorcra!t partO !or m 7ir !ilter?
A. &etec: B8752B6+*2@ "P': B8752B6+*2@
Q. What is the ?otorcra!t Eart O !or m 5atter?
A. &etec: 5:&2B6# "P': 5:&2G+#
Q. What is the ?otorcra!t partO !or m ,il !ilter?
A. &etec: .32F++5 "P': .32G++ S
Q. What is the ?otorcra!t partO !or m E@K valve?
A. &etec: B88.267666277 "P': 8K2FGG
Q. What is the ?otorcra!t partO !or m Spark plu$s?
A. &etec: 79.S ;F.8 "P': 7AS. ;G88
Q.<oes the 8ibach Swa 5ar kit make "oise i" the !ro"t whe" appli"$ load to the suspe"sio"?
A. I" the *st release o! the bar set1 es the did. Si"ce the"1 the have !ixed the problem with a @o"trol @ollar kit.
&his allows some side to side moveme"t o! the bar /which is "eeded01 but removes the ba"$i"$Dhitti"$ sou"d !rom
slidi"$ to much. I! ou have a !ro"t 8ibach Swa 5ar a"d are experie"ce this k"ocki"$ sou"d1 co"tact 8ibach !or the
@o"trol @ollar kit.
(heels) *ires $ Bra+es
Q. What is the lu$"ut bolt patter" !or the .ocus?
A. Gx*+8
Q. I am bui"$ "ew lu$"uts. What size do I "eed??
A. *Fmm x *.5+
Q. What are the part "umbers !or the *6C #ims?
A. Painted: (FG*2.7 Bri!ht: (SG*2A7
Q. Will FF5D5+D*5 &ires !it o" stock wheels?
A. (es1 the will a"d also i! lowered F i"ches. &here is a *DFC o! space betwee" the i""er sidewall a"d shocks. &he
o"l rubbi"$ that ma occur is i" the !ro"t whe" a hard u2tu" with the wheel all the wa cra"ked to lock positio".
Q.<oes 85@ 5rakes make a shoe !or m rear drum brakes?
A. =o1 85@ o"l makes E7< applicatio"s !or the .ocus. Eads !or <isc brakes o"l1 !ro"t or rear.

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