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Name: Paul Pearson

Date of observation: 3/21/14
School: Honesdale HS
Cooperating teacher: Mr. Gibney

4=Exceeds Criteria: Dresses in a professional manner appropriate for
their field assignment.
4=Exceeds Criteria: Acts in a professional manner appropriate for
their field assignment.
4=Exceeds Criteria: Displays reflective practice by accepting
constructive feedback and implementing appropriate adjustments.
Comments: Paul was professional throughout the observation process.
He used his sense of humor lighten the mood a little.
Paul has good instincts...he knows when to "break" up instruction and go a
little "informal". He's also good a using students interests to
provide "lighter" examples. How was your time management? Too fast? Too

2=Needs Improvement: Clearly communicates expectations for learner
Not Observed: Gives clear directions and checks for learner
understanding of directions before beginning activity.
Not Observed: Redirects the learner(s) and manages distractions in an
effective manner.
Comments: Consider calling on students to answer your questions
individually. Group response is fine some of the time, but sometimes key
questions should be answered individually. This allows for follow up
questions...each individual student learning from the previous answer. It
also allows you to repeat the answer for reinforcement. Get the students
involved...instead of drawing a man pushing a crate on the board, have
someone get up and do something similar. Don't forget to circulate as you a part of the class...not separated by some imaginary line at
the front of the classroom. Did you have most of the students attention a
majority of the time? How can you be sure?

3=Meets Criteria: Demonstrates appropriate planning including lessons,
material, resources, etc...
2=Needs Improvement: Assesses learners' prior knowledge before
delivering the lesson.
3=Meets Criteria: Writes clear objectives aligned with Pennsylvania
and professional standards.
Comments: Paul planned a lesson about Newton's Third Law. Using the
projector/screen for important visuals, such as Newton's law itself, may
have helped supplement instruction. It allows you to prepare these visuals
ahead of time, which results in more face to face teaching, and less time
spent facing the board. It also allows for better visual organization, as
opposed to "notes" written all over the board. Another opportunity would
have been putting the cartoon up on the board as you discussed it, or
finding a track video to show pushing off at the start. Was there any key
vocabulary you could have reviewed prior to beginning instruction? Video
clips during instruction...a real world example to illustrate/reinforce the
concepts you are explaining? This will allow you to "shift gears" and
allow for a different "voice"...breaks up the lesson.

3=Meets Criteria: Engages the learner(s) in higher order thinking
skills and developmentally appropriate practices.
2=Needs Improvement: Uses strategies to promote active learner
involvement including any available technology.
3=Meets Criteria: Monitors and assesses learner understanding of
4=Exceeds Criteria: Effectively projects and uses appropriate grammar
and articulation.
Comments: Paul began by asking the students about how they have been
dealing with independent objects...and gave some examples. Don't let the
students off the hook so easily...let them answer your questions...create
interaction from the start of the lesson. Remember, don't dominate the
discussion. Ask/show, don't just tell. Have them come up with examples of
the law. Clear up possible misconceptions...such as gravity being mistaken
for weight. Did you achieve all your objectives? How can you be sure?
Was there proper closure/reinforcement? Paul provided real world examples
verbally to illustrate important points/concepts. Your overall approach
was good...provide plenty of examples/discussion before writing the law on
the board...good foundational instruction.

Observer: Scott Reilly
Date: 3/21/2014 12:56:39

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