Redemption Short Story

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The preacher wiped his sweaty brow with a handkerchief as he looked out over the crowd.

He loosened his
tie and took a drink of water. It was time. The crowd was hanging on his every word. The hot, humid air
was stirred only by the gentle waving of ladies fans.
Jeebel!" he thundered, pounding his fist on the pulpit with a mighty blow. The harlot is here among
you." His voice rose and fell in a hypnotic cadence as he stalked across the floor. #he spreads her lies,
and her legs, right here among you. #he lures your men into her bed."
$ baby began to cry in the back of the crowd. Her young mother gently tossed the baby on her shoulder
and patted her back. %ike most every woman in the crowd, she was desperately hoping that no one was
staring at her, especially the preacher. #he was afraid to even look up.
&od has shown me this Jeebel, and He will reveal her wickedness," the preacher screamed. #he will be
cast out from among the elect, and will perish along with every demon of hell."
$s the tirade continued and the temperature hovered near unbearable, the young mother began to feel weak.
#he must not faint, she thought, or people will think she is stricken by her sin. Thankfully, the baby began
to root around her breast, looking for a feeding. %eaning over to her husband, she said I got to go out back
and feed the baby. #hes hungry."
Her husband said nothing, but simply nodded. #he 'uietly slipped toward the back. $s she reached the
door, the preachers voice boomed again. Jeebel! #he cannot hide her ini'uity. #he will be stripped
naked and turned out of her bed!"
The young mother was gripped with sudden fear and ran down the steps and over to the large (ak tree by
the creek. It was a cool, soothing place where the women could sit and nurse babies away from the crowd.
#everal other women were there, and it took all of her will not to break down and cry. They couldnt know
her dark secret.
$fter the service was over, the crowd spilled out into the woods and began spreading out lunch under the
shade of the trees. The heat was more bearable with the occasional gentle breee. The young mother
watched as the preacher went from family to family, shaking hands and sampling the food. He approached
her and her husband rose to meet him. )ould he speak her name* )ould he tell her husband*
They spoke only of crops and hunting, and the preacher reminded her husband that the +eacons were
getting together the ne,t afternoon to fi, the roof of the -hurch. That was the preachers afternoon for
visitation of the sick, so he wouldnt be able to help.
The young mother lay awake all night in bed, tossing and turning, too worried to sleep. #he rose early and
milked the cow, gathered eggs, made coffee, and woke her husband. #he cooked breakfast as he put on his
boots and checked on the mule. He had a hard days work ahead.
%ater that afternoon, her husband put the mule away and drew water from the well to wash. .acking his
tools, he saddled the horse and rode to -hurch to work. #he set about making supper, and mending his best
$s she was bustling around the house, she heard a sound outside. %ooking out the window, she saw the
preacher pull up in his buggy. Her heart sank, and her legs became weak. #he thought about running,
hiding, but knew that she couldnt. &athering herself, she went to answer the door.
The preacher stepped into the house and looked around. /our man is at the -hurch*"
/es, preacher, hes gone to fi, the roof."
/ou know why Ive come, dont you*"
I reckon so, but I dont understand what youre doing, preacher. I came to you for help. I0 wanted to
learn how to please my husband," she stammered.
/ou came to lure me into your bed, Jeebel. How many other men have you tempted with your wicked
lustful tongue*" The preacher stood over her 1dark, powerful, and forbidding.
(nly you, preacher, like I told you. /oure the only one." #he paused, paralyed by fear. &athering her
last shred of courage, she said I reckon this baby is yours 2from when you showed me how to do what a
man likes. #he dont look none like my man."
Jeebel! %iar! /our sin will be e,posed! /our husband will be shamed, your spawn will be cast out!"
He shouted. &od has shown me everything, how your whole family will suffer for your wickedness.
/our little girl will grow up a harlot like her momma."
The young mother sobbed. 3o, preacher, &od wouldnt do that to me would he* He loves folks even
when they do wrong, dont he*"
4emember what happened to 5ing +avids baby. +o you remember that*"
I do, preacher, I remember."
It happened because +avid sinned. /ouve sinned and the price has to be paid." He was silent for a
moment. The price has to be paid, girl. )ho will pay it*"
)hat do you mean, preacher*"
$ dark, powerful grimace came over his face. I mean that if you was to fall off that cliff yonder picking
blackberries, it would be a shame, but your baby would be safe. The price would be paid."

The young mother nodded and fetched her berry bucket.
The preacher held the baby close as he looked over the cliff at the crumpled body broken on the rocks
below. /oure right," he said looking at the baby. #he dont look none like your man."
)ithout any sign of hesitation, he threw the sleeping baby after her mother and walked back to the house.
Turning his buggy back onto the road, he muttered I guess Id best go and check on the millers woman,

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