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1aken from: hLLp://

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1hls lesson promoLes connecLedness by havlng Lhe sLudenLs verbally share and llsLen Lo whaL makes Lhem
each unlque wlLh Lhe undersLandlng LhaL belng dlfferenL ls whaL makes you speclal and yeL Lhey are all
connecLed ln a very lmporLanL way.

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!;3; 3: use speaklng and llsLenlng Lo lnLeracL wlLh oLhers for Lhe purposes of conLrlbuLlng Lo a class goal
!;3; 3B llsLen purposefully Lo undersLand ldeas and lnformaLlon, by maklng lnferences and drawlng

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a) WhaL makes Lhem

b) Why belng dlfferenL ls

c) Pow everyone ls Lhe
class ls connecLed

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a) 1$9 verbally share ldeas wlLh

b) 1$9 Class web uslng yarn

c) 1$9 ulscusslon
a) 8especLfully Laklng Lurns
belng Lhe speaker and
b) arLlclpaLlon ln Lhe class
c) AcLlvely engaged ln follow-
up dlscusslon

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- An example of whaL makes someone unlque
- 8oll of yarn
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- Pave Lhe sLudenLs gaLher ln a clrcle @5J9 ,"."%,/%> $% 28"
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- 8egln by saylng l am golng Lo say someLhlng abouL myself LhaL
ls unlque or someLhlng LhaL ls speclal and no one else ln Lhe
room shares LhaL quallLy wlLh me"
- l Lell Lhem LhaL lL ls ok lf some people have Lhe same ldeas, buL
LhaL we wanL Lo Lry Lo flnd ldeas LhaL make us dlfferenL
- l Lell Lhem LhaL unlque ls anoLher word for dlfferenL. l ask
Lhem, whaL do you Lhlnk abouL when you hear Lhe word
dlfferenL? (CfLen, Lhey name Lhlngs wlLh a negaLlve
connoLaLlon. l Lell Lhem LhaL l llke Lhe word unlque, because lL
means Lhe same Lhlng, buL ln a poslLlve way)

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- l grab a ball of yarn and l Lell Lhem one Lhlng l Lhlnk ls unlque
abouL me.
- l wlll say, "l wenL Lo a counLry called 8ellze and LaughL aL a
school Lhere lasL sprlng."
- l wlll Lhen hold my end of Lhe ball and Lhrow Lhe ball Lo
someone else ln Lhe clrcle.
- 1haL person wlll say someLhlng unlque, hold a parL of Lhe sLrlng
and Lhrow Lhe ball Lo anoLher person.
- 8y Lhe Llme Lhe ball of yarn has made lLs way around Lhe clrcle,
everyone wlll be holdlng a parL and lL wlll look llke a web.
- When we flnlsh, l wlll ask Lhe klds, "WhaL dld we make?" 1hey
wlll of course say LhaL we made a web.
- l wlll Lhen ask Lhem Lo Lell me abouL Lhe web. 1hrough
dlscusslon, l wlll evenLually have Lhem dlscover LhaL, even
Lhough we are all unlque and speclal, we are all connecLed Lo
each oLher llke a web, because we are a class.

- Check for undersLandlng by asklng Lhe sLudenLs for examples
of when Lhey can refer back Lo Lhls acLlvlLy (e.g. when Lhey are
noL valulng each oLher's unlque quallLles)
- noLlfy sLudenLs LhaL we may use Lhls acLlvlLy several Llmes
LhroughouL my vlslLs Lo see how Lhey have changed.
- llnally, l wlll remlnd Lhem LhaL belng unlque connecLs us as a
class [usL llke Lhe web dld and LhaL each of Lhem brlng
someLhlng speclal Lo our classroom web Lo make lL connecL.

3 mlnuLes

23 mlnuLes

10 mlnuLes

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- uependlng on energy levels/capablllLles sLudenLs can be asked Lo slL or sLand durlng acLlvlLy
- CerLaln sLudenL wlll need help generaLlng ldeas, Lherefore l wlll provlde examples LhaL Lhey
can choose Lo use (e.g. l have a younger broLher, l have curly halr, eLc.)
- SLudenLs who are mlsbehavlng and/or dlsLracLlng oLhers from belng on Lask wlll be asked Lo
go back Lo Lhelr desks whlle Lhe acLlvlLy ls flnlshed
- n/A

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