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Rate Your Occupational Profiles according to Best Fit for You

From your occupational profiler (assignment #4) choose your top three career options. According to the provided criteria, rate each of your top three career choices and
discover which one receives the highest score to become your #1 career choice. Describe each category and rate each one according to the following criteria:
Assign a score of 1 to 5 to each career in each category. (5 = highly suitable for you, 1 = not very suitable for you). At the end, add up the scores for each career.
Occupation 1 Occupation 2 Occupation 3
Name of Occupation Waitress/Waiter Hairstylist Store Clerk
1. Description
How interesting does the occupation sound
to you? Does it match your personality
characteristics, interests, aptitudes and
values? Briefly describe how.

I am interested of being a waitress.
It matches a lot about my personality
characteristics, my interests, aptitudes
and values.

I am also interested working as a
hairstylist because I like to work
with hair and like being creative
styling hair in different ways.

I am interested of being a store
clerk because I like to help
customers to find what they are
looking for.

2. Required Skills
Are these skills you already have or are
willing to develop? Consider also your
transferrable skills. Briefly describe.

I have some skills required for waitress
because you need to be patient and I
have some what a good memory.

I dont have many skills in
I have some creativity doing hair.

Yes I have the skills for a store clerk
because I did a co-op at Shoppers
Drug Mart for 2 years.

3. Education & Training
Do you have the interest, time and resources
to take the education or training required by
the occupation if this is needed? Explain.

I have a little interest of being a
waitress. You dont need a formal
educational requirement for being a

I am not really interested of being a
hairstylist because it doesnt suit
me anymore.

Yes I have the interest and the
time and resources or training
required by the occupation if this is
needed because I like working in a



4. Earnings
Is the salary range or wage scale adequate to
live the life you expect to live? Explain.
If not, are you willing to adjust your lifestyle
in order to participate in this career?

The salary wage scale is the life I
expect to live because it depends on
where it is.

I am not sure if I am adjusting my
lifestyle in this career.

Yes the salary range is the life I
expect to live because it sounds
like a good career.

5. Working Conditions
Are you comfortable with the working
conditions? Will you be able to handle any
limitations you might have doing this job?
Briefly explain.

I feel a little comfortable working in
this condition because I like to serve
Yes I will be able to handle this job
because there is a little bit to
memorize what the specials are.

Yes I feel comfortable with the
working conditions because I like to
talk with the customers.
Yes I will be able to handle this job
because I like to talk with the
customers as a hairdresser.

Yes I am comfortable working in
this condition because I like to
work on the store floor and contact
with customers.
Yes I will be able to handle this job
because I like to help customers
when needed.

6. Work Prospects
Does it look like workers in this occupation
will be in demand in the next few years?
Where? Is this a place you are willing to

I am not sure if they are looking for
waitress in the next few years.
I am not sure about the location.
I am not sure a place I will be willing to

I am not sure if there is workers for
a hairstylist needed.

I think so workers will be in this
occupation for the next few years
because they are looking for
students like Wal-Mart.

7. Related Jobs
Do the related jobs sound interesting to you?
List 2 related jobs.
Some related jobs sound interesting to
The 2 related jobs are fast food
Some of the related jobs interest
The 2 related jobs are massage
Some of the related jobs interest
The 2 related jobs are cashier and
Which of the related jobs do you feel you
could easily transfer into? Why?

worker, and bartender.
The related job that I feel I could easily
transfer into is fast food worker
because they hire high school students
for part time.

therapist, and pet groomer.
The related job that I feel I could
easily transfer is pet groomer
because it is almost the same.

The related job that I feel I could
easily transfer to is cashier because
I like to cash out with the
customers on the way out.

8. Career Path
Does this career path sound like something
you want to pursue? Why or why not?

Yes this career path sounds like
something I want to pursue because I
like working with my hands on and
serving the drinks

I dont think this career path
sounds like something I would not
pursue because it sounds like there
is lots to know,

Yes this career path sounds like
something I want to pursue
because I like helping customers a

Totals Total for Occupation 1 37/40 Total for Occupation 2 25/40 Total for Occupation 3 35/40

When you are considering your career choices, keep in mind that you will need to develop goals in order to achieve your career aspirations. Remember the SMART
Time Specific
Specific goals need to be specific. Often we set goals that are too general and it is hard to know whether we reach them or not.
Measurable goals need to be measurable. When you set goals, you need to be able to judge how successful you were in achieving them.
Attainable goals need to be reasonable and achievable. Make sure you set goals that you will be able to achieve in a time you feel is reasonable.
Realistic goals give you the best chance of success. Honestly evaluate if you think you have the ability and commitment to reach your goals.
Time Specific goals have a targeted time frame. Establishing a timeframe to reach your goals give you a target to aim for.
As you work through this exercise and begin developing career and employment goals, think about how SMART your goals are.
Write a SMART Goal for each of your top three career goals. Samples available from the PowerPoint discussed in class and posted on Blackboard.
Career Choice #1 Waitress/ Waiter
I will start being a waitress on Sunday April 12 2014. Work through the summer and work through a new year. My parents are very happy for me; they have told me that I
will decide what to do with my pay check.
SMART Checklist:
Is it specific?
Is it measurable?
Is it attainable?
Is it realistic?
Is it time bound?
Career Choice #2 Hairstylist
I am so excited of being a hairstylist because I love designing hair. I will start Friday April 11 2014. Work in the summer time and get my pay check for a hairstylist. I will
achieve it through the summer. My parents are proud of me. I hopefully be the best hairstylist that I hope to achieve.
SMART Checklist:
Is it specific?
Is it measurable?
Is it attainable?
Is it realistic?
Is it time bound?

Career Choice #3 Store Clerk
Alicia is a hard worker and a excellent student with good grades. I did a co-op for two years last semester at Shoppers Drug Mart. It was a lot of fun and I experienced a lot
through the two years. I had no problem at Shoppers Drug Mart. I hope to be a store clerk in the store. My parents were happy for me doing my co-op at Shoppers,
Everybody loved me being there and accomplish a lot within the two years.
SMART Checklist:
Is it specific?
Is it measurable?
Is it attainable?
Is it realistic?
Is it time bound?
Select the career with the highest score out of 40 points from Section A. Insert this career goal as your long-term goal in the chart below. Complete the chart by
identifying 2 mid-term goals (goals to be accomplished in approximately 1 5 years) and 3 short-term goals (goals to be accomplished within the year, or incorporated into
your daily life) that will support the success of your chosen career path.

Long term Goal
(Career Choice)
Mid-term Goals
1.have patients with customers
2. listen to the customers
Short-term Goals
1.Go to college
2. meet new people
3. Get good grades
Select the career with the highest score out of 40 points from Section A. Interview someone in this profession, or if that is not possible, research on the internet to provide
information regarding the following:
Describe a day in the life of someone engaged in this chosen career. Include information such as:
working hours or schedules
description of tasks and responsibilities
challenges and rewards of the job
description of work environment including indoor/outdoor, work hazards, required travel, level of supervision, alone or with a group, etc.
salary or wages, benefits, vacation
anything else of interest that will help you understand the nature of the career you are selecting
Write a paragraph describing the results of your findings:
Four years of being a waitress has taught her to love her job in spite of the long working hours among other challenges. Kyobula, a waitress at S &S
enterprises Entebbe, loves her profession because of the numerous people she interacts with. She shares her typical working day. 6am I wake up and say a
prayer as I clean up before I set off to work at 7am. We are required to report at work by 7:30am. When I sign in early, I set the tables for breakfast.
7.30am most customers start walking in for breakfast. I am expected to serve customers with breakfast until 10am; the time set for staff breakfast which
lasts an hour. The company provides breakfast. At 11am we are joined by other waitresses as we start setting the tables for lunch. This includes changing
the table mats, cutlery and spices. 12.30pm Customers start coming in for lunch. Our clientele is mostly university lecturers and students plus a few
corporate personnel. We have to keep serving lunch until 4pm to fit in with their busy schedules. Since the customers come in non-stop during this time,
we usually work in shifts to create time for our lunch but still not neglect our job. At 4pm when the customers lessen, I then go and help sort out the
garden for the evening. This entails putting up tables and chairs and setting them. 5pm this is the most demanding time because all the departments
(coffee shop, restaurant, bar and barbecue) combine and we have to work in all of them. Because of the situation, two other waitresses come in to help
out. For weekends when the customers come in droves, I work till around 11pm in the night. But other waitresses stay till 3am or 4am accordingly.
11.30am I go home to rest and prepare for the next day. Cite the source of your information (name of person interviewed and their place of employment, or URL
of websites used):
_A DAY IN THE LIFE of...: A waitress, Catherine D.

Marking Rubric:
Level 4 Level 3 Level 2
Section A:

All 3 occupations are completed in
their entirety.
(8 points)
2 occupations are completed in their
(4 - 6 points)
Less than 2 occupations are completed
in their entirety.
(0 3 points)
Section A:
Analysis and Reflection

Demonstrates excellent in-depth
analysis and reflection.
(6 - 8 points)
Demonstrates good analysis and
(3 - 5 points)
Demonstrates little or no analysis or
(0 2 point)
Section B:

All 5 elements of a SMART goal are
clearly incorporated into the statement
for each of the 3 career choices.
(12 15 points)
There are 1 or 2 elements of a SMART
goal missing or unclear from 1 or more
of the career choices.
(8 11 points)
There are 3 or more elements missing
or unclear from 1 or more of the career
(0 7 points)
Part C:

All 3 levels are completed in their
entirety and demonstrate reflective
(4 5 points)
All 3 levels are somewhat completed
and demonstrate some level of
reflective thinking.
(2 3 points)
Levels are not and demonstrate lack of
reflective thinking.

(0 1 point)
Part D:

Section evidences careful research and
reflection in its content.
(8 - 10 points)
Section evidences some research and
reflection in its content.
(5 - 7 points)
Section evidences little research and
reflection in its content.
(0 4 points)
Part D:
Source of the information is clearly
(2 points)
Source of the information is not clearly
stated, or missing.
(0 points)

Writing Mechanics
(refers to entire assignment)

There are no errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, or
(2 points)
There are 1 or 2 errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, or
(1 points)
There are 3 or more errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, or
(0 point)


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