Learning Activity Plan4 Fish Tank Colors Math Activity

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Name: __Nicole Ludwikoski__ Site: __Nicoles Home Care________

Description of Activity:
Create a fish auarium to help youn! children
practice colors and countin!"
#ype of Activity:
Countin!$ and practice colors
A!e !roup%&':
Num(er in !roup:%
)penin! *uestion+,nvitation+-rop+.in!er -lay:
How many of you know your colors/
How many of you can count to 01
Do any of you have fish at home/
Concepts 2 Skills:
#he children will reco!ni3e the different colors
and num(ers"
*uestions to ask:
4hat num(er is that5""/ 4hat color is that/
Ask the children how important it is to clean
out fish tanks/
Have the children pick out 6 different colors of
construction paper for their fish" Have them
trace around the fish pattern and then cut out
small fish" -ut !lue in a wave pattern on the
(lue meat tray 7the auarium8"and have the
students put silver !litter on the !lue" #hen as
the student !lues on several colored fish$ have
him or her count the fish" Also ask the student
how many fish of each color he or she put in the
auarium" #he students can also name the fish
they !lued in their auarium"
9aterials Needed:
.oam meat trays 7:lue if possi(le8
Construction paper in several different colors
A pattern of a small fish shape&
-erformance Standards:
:"""<L"0 Demonstrates understandin! of num(ers
and countin!
-otential ;uidance #echniues Needed:
Demonstrates knowled!e of different colors$
Demonstrates hand eye coordination"
WITC Instructor Use Only:
+6 Activity -lan is developmentally appropriate
+6 Activity -lan is comprehensive
+0 -rofessional presentation+spellin! 2 !rammar is correct

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