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Atropa belladonna
Family: Solanaceae TOXIC
Herbaceous perennial. Native to central and southern Europe. Light green plant
likes plenty of shade. Bell shaped floers give ay to large! soft! shining black
berries ith purple "uice. All parts of the plant are potentially toxic. #ry leaf
contains atropine and scopalamine hich are narcotic and antispasmodic in effect. $
preparation of the root has been used to reduce selling of tumors. %he fresh "uice of
the berries as once used as a drop to dilate the eyes&&as a beauty device&&thus the
latin name hich translates 'beautiful oman.( $ very charming and insidious
plant. Cultivation: E)tra care. Soak seed for one day in ater at room temperature!
chill for *+ hours! then so in the greenhouse. ,ery slo to germ -beginning in *
eeks! still more seeds germinating after . eeks/! and slo&groing at first.
0e1uires partial to full shade. Space plants * feet apart. 2ros to 3 feet tall.
0eturn to Herb Seed 4nde)

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