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(more) daughters, will possess eyes resembling that of a bull, be in a

position to differentiate between good and bad, be happy during

middle and concluding parts of his life, will have strong waist, feet,
shoulders, face etc., will have (some) identity on the side and back of
the body, will walk beautifully and be endowed with forbearance.
9-14. Should the Moon be in Taurus and be in aspect to the Sun, the
native will be a farmer, be very industrious, be very rich with servants
and quadrupeds and will lend money on usury.
If Mars aspects the Moon in Taurus, the subject will be highly
libidinous, will lose his wife and friends on account of another lady,
will steal the heart of the fair sex and will prove adverse for the
Should the said Moon be in aspect to Mercury, the native will be
highly learned, will know the code of speech, be of pleasing
disposition, be dear to everyone and will uncomparably be of good
If Jupiter aspects the Moon in Taurus, the native will have long living
wife and children and lasting wealth, be respectfully disposed to his
parents, be virtuous and very famous.
Should Venus aspect the Moon in Taurus, one will be endowed with
ornaments, conveyances and houses and will possess comforts of
sleeping and sitting, scents, robes, garlands etc.
If it is Saturn, that aspects the Moon in Taurus, one will be devoid of
wealth, be inauspicious for mother and wife and will be endowed with
sons, friends and relatives.
15. Should the Moon be in the first half of Taurus, the mother of the
native is not long-lived. Similarly the father is short-lived, if the Moon
occupies the second half of Taurus.
16. If the Moon is in Gemini at birth, one will have prominent nose
and dark eyes, will be skillful in the art of love, poetry etc., will enjoy
sexual pleasures, will have lines of fish in the palm, will be fond of
worldly enjoyments, will be sinewy, be very intelligent, splendourous,
be endowed with happiness, jocular disposition and eloquent speech,

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