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Final Westward Expansion Project

Student Name:_______________________

Column 1: Westward Territories (30 points)

Project Completed: _________________________________________

Does student include the following:

o Name of territory (5 points) _______
o How territory was acquired (5 points) _______
o What territory has to offer (10 points) _______

Does student demonstrate an understanding of this territory? (10 points) _____________


Score for column 1: _________/ 30 points

Column 2: Inventions (30 points)

Project Completed: __________________________________________

Does student include the following:

o Name of invention (2 points)
o Visual representation or description (2 points)
o Inventor and Entrepreneur (3 points)
o Purpose (3 points)
o Effect on American Life (10 points)

Does student demonstrate an understanding of this invention? (10 points) ____________


Score for column 2: _________/ 30 points

Column 3: Other Westward Topics (20 points)

Project Completed:____________________________________________________

Does student include all required components listed in Tic-Tac-Toe activity? __________

If no, what is missing? _____________________________________________________


Score for column 3: ____________/20 points

Final Score for project: ___________/80 points

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