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Parent Volunteer Form

Throughout the year, parent volunteers are much needed and

appreciated! If you are interested in volunteering in any way
this year please fill out the form below and return it to Miss
Leah as soon as possible. Thank you!

Parent Name: ________________________

Student Name: _______________________

Phone Number: _______________________

Email Address: _______________________

Are you currently an approved volunteer? (circle) YES NO NOT SURE

Please check the volunteer options that you are interested in:

Sending needed supplies to school

Cutting out laminated items at home

Serving as field trip chaperones (field trip
information is sent home before each trip)

Assisting with filing, copying, etc. in the classroom.

Assisting with small groups within the classroom.

Presenting on Career Day

Reading to the class

Providing cultural presentations

Helping with classroom holiday parties

Signature ________________________________________________

Thank you for your support! We love our parents!

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