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Object Oriented Programming

Class 1 - Introduction

Course Structure

Course syllabus OOP concepts, C++ and

Java ab

!rea"up o# mar"s bet$een tests, e%ams and


&ost deadlines are at 1' (&

Penalty #or late submission

)istory o# Programming anguages

(ssembly anguage

(dvantages close to *ard$are, better


+isadvantages code comple%ity, not portable

)ig* evel anguages

(dvantages easier to understand, portable

bet$een di##erent *ard$are and so#t$are

,ypes o# anguages


Procedural se-uence o# code, can be made

modular .C, /ortran0

OOP uses classes .C++, Java0


/unctional .isp0

ogic .Prolog0

OOP ,erms

Class a template or type speci#ying data and


Object one instance o# t*e class, contains its

o$n data

(ttribute t*e data t*at belongs to an object

&et*od common procedures or #unctions

t*at can act on an object1s attributes

OOP Concepts


3rouping o# data and be*aviour

+i##erent objects o# t*e same class


)iding o# details and implementation o# met*ods

Provision o# an inter#ace #or users to create and

use objects

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