English Oral Script: Name: Loh Leong Seng Class: 5L Teacher: MDM Grace Niles

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Name: LOH LEONG SENG Class: 5L

Teacher: Mdm Grace Niles
My name is Adolf Hitler, and I am the founder and leader of the Nazi Party
and the most influential voice in the organization, implementation and execution of
the Holocaust. I was 56 years old before I passed away. During September 1941, I
have commenced the planning of the Holocaust, which is the systematic
extermination and ethnic cleansing of six million European Jews and millions of other
By the end of 1934, I was in absolute control of Germany and my campaign
against the Jews was in full swing. The Nazis claimed the Jews corrupted our pure
German culture with their foreign and mongrel influence. The campaign started
with the spreading of the propaganda The Jews Are Our Misfortune.
At the year 1939, Germany invaded Poland and we gathered all the Jews and
confined them to Ghettos where they would be isolated from the rest of society. The
Ghettos lacked necessary food, water, space and sanitary facilities, and we began
executing the Jews at extermination camp.
At these extermination camps, we would begin our experiments on our
prisoners. The few experiments that were conducted were war-injury experimentation
and pharmaceutical testing. There were several forms of war injury-related
experiments. A series of experiments were conducted to ascertain how German
personnel might survive conditions of combat. Prisoners were put into pressure
chambers to replicate what might happen at high altitudes, some died; many suffered.
This was meant to ascertain at what altitude Air Force personnel could bail out of an
airplane. Pharmaceutical compounds were tested on prisoners to fight contagious
diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and others. The physicians enjoyed complete
freedom to act without regard to basic medical ethics.
As the Allies advanced on the German army, the camps were liberated and the
Jews that survived were free from the camps. On the 30
April 1945, I committed
suicide by gunshot. The Holocaust ended a few days after. It has ended a total of
6,258,673 lives of innocent Jews

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