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Directions: Read the given passage and answer the questions that
On clear moonless evenings when it is completely dark, you can sometimes
see a faint glow from the horizon. It is called the zodiacal light as it runs
along the zodiac, the constellation through which the planets appear to
travel. This glow is sunlight, reflected off dust particles in the solar system it
is brightest near the sun, so it is best visible after sunset or before dawn,
when the sun is just far enough below the horizon to leave the sky
completely dark.
1. ccording to this passage the zodiac is a!!!!!!!!
a. "ollection of sun signs
b. "onstellation
c. #tar
d. $lanet
%. The zodiacal light can be seen only on!!!!!
a. &oonless nights
b. #tarry 'ights
c. &oonless evenings
d. lternate days
Directions: Choose the best word from the given options to complete
the sentence.
1. $assing gravy through a !!!!!!!!removes lumps.
a. &i(ture
b. #ieve
c. Tap
d. "ap
%. The politician)s poor behaviour was overlooked because of his
a. #elfishness
b. *eluctance
c. *esistance
d. "harisma
+. The latest novel in the series opened with a !!!!!!!!! of the previous
a. #ynta(
b. #ignage
c. #ymphony
d. #ynopsis
,. #alt is a !!!!!!!!!! ingredient in the preparation of any type of food.
a. Indicative
b. "heerful
c. Outstanding
d. -ital
Directions: Each of the questions below is followed by two statements,
labeled (1) and (2), in which certain data are given. n these questions you
do not actually have to com!ute an answer, but rather you have to decide
whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the
questions. "sing the data given in the statements !lus your #nowledge of
mathematics and everyday facts (such as the number of days in a month),
you are to blac#en the bo$ on the answer sheet under:
. If statements .1/ 0O'1 is sufficient but #tatement .%/ alone is not
sufficient to answer the 2uestion asked.
3. If statement .%/ 0O'1 is sufficient but statement .1/ alone is not
sufficient to answer the 2uestion asked.
". If 3OT4 statements .1/ and .%/ TO51T41* are sufficient to answer the
2uestion asked, but 'I1T41* statement 0O'1 is sufficient.
6. If 1"4 statement is sufficient by itself to answer the 2uestion asked.
1. If statements .1/ and .%/ TO51T41* are 'OT sufficient to answer the
2uestion asked and additional data specific to the problem are needed.
1. 4ow much did #eema weigh before she started dieting7
1. #he now weighs 8+ kilos
%. #eema lost 9 kilos
%. If ( and y are numbers, which weighs more: ( blue marbles or y red
1. ( ; < y
%. *ed marbles weigh 1 gram each
+. re there more than %== pages in the book7
1. >ohn reads at ? pages an hour
%. There are <== pictures in the book with at least one picture per
Directions: read the problem statements give below and choose the
answer that best fits as a solution.
1/ @ 3 invested *# %=== @ *# <===. #o if there is a profit of *# %A===
what is )s share if they share the profits in the ratio %:<7
a/ ,===
b/ <===
c/ A===
d/ ?===
%/ If apples are bought at 11 for *# 1= @ sold at 1= for *# 11, how much
will be the gain B7
a/ <B
b/ ,B
c/ +B
d/ %B
3) -iral can do a piece of work in 1= days @ *aja in 1<days. If both of them
work together how long will it take to finish the work7
a/ 8days
b/ <days
c/ ?days
d/ Adays
Directions: Refer to the data give in the table below and answer
the questions that follow.
verage 5ood 1(cellent Total
&ale 18 %% 1= ,A
Cemale %, A = +%
Total ,= += 1= A=
1. Dhat proportion of good students are male7
a. %B
b. +B
c. ,B
d. <B
%. mong average students, what is the ratio of male to female7
a. %:+
b. +:%
c. %:<
d. +:,
+. mong which group .maleE female/ is the number of good students
e(actly one third of the number of average students7
a. &ale
b. Cemale
c. 'either
d. 3oth
0O5I"0 *1#O'I'5
Directions: There are a series of symbols below that represent a certain action.
Each question consists of two or more figures in a column. Work down the column,
starting with the top figure and applying the action as represented by the symbol
against it. You must then choose from the five possible answers the column that
results from carrying out the actions as required on the figures.
Turn the figure from left to right
Turn the figure upside down
Delete the figure in the box
Exchange this figure with the immediately previous figure
Fill colour in the figure
a b c d e
a b c d e
a b c d e
Directions: Choose from the five diagrams marked a, b, c, d and e the
one that best illustrates the relationship among three given classes
in each of the questions. Each class is depicted as a circle in the
figures below.
(a (b (c (d (e
1. -anilla, "hocolate, Ice cream
%. 0otus, flowers, orange
+. 6octors, Teachers, $ainters
,. 6entists, -eterinarians, 6octors
Directions: Consider the information given and answer the
questions that follow.
#uresh is heavier than nil, but not as heavy as *aju. nil is heavier than
>ayesh. Frishnan is heavier than #uresh, but lighter than *aju.
Dho among them is the heaviest7
a. nil
b. Frishnan
c. #uresh
d. *aju
e. >ayesh
Dho among them is the lightest7
a. nil
b. Frishnan
c. #uresh
d. *aju
e. >ayesh
Answer Key
*eading comprehension
1. b
%. c
#entence completion
1. b
%. d
+. d
,. d
'umerical: #ufficiency
1. c
%. e
+. b
'umerical: arithmetic
1. c
%. a
+. a
'umerical: 6ata Interpretation
1. b
%. a
+. b
0ogical: 6iagrammatic
1. a
%. c
+. d
0ogical: -enn diagrams
1. b
%. c
+. d
,. b
0ogical: working with data
1. d
%. e

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