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Our name is our message. It embodies our
core idea and ideals- people first, their
interest and welfare above all.
News Release
May 13, 2014
Reference: Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares, 09173!04!9
Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares on the upcoming
sponsorship speech for Charter change (Cha-cha) this
This is the start of the second round of the Cha-cha express and we will again try
to stop this sell out of Philippine patrimony and sovereignty. We must oppose this
with all our might as a nation because we would be reduced as second class
citizens in our own country. With Cha-cha transnational corporations can own
almost anything and everything in the Philippines!
"t is treasonous to remove the remaining protection on Philippine economy and
patrimony in the face of the rapacious big foreign capital. "nstead of opening the
economy to further foreign control ownership and plunder we must develop and
strengthen our own economy. We must protect and develop our agriculture and
persevere in industrializing the nation and not sell it out! ended #ep. Colmenares.
For more information, please contact Bayan Muna me"ia officer Carl #la a$ 0917!1104!9

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