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What causes disease?

Jigsaw activity - part 1 (15 mins total).

Each group will be allocated one of the following

causes of disease:

viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, protists, mutations,


As a group, complete the following:

provide a denition,

provide an description / explanation,

provide three specic examples and a specic

disease caused by that specic example.
Bringing it all together
Jigsaw activity - part 2 (40 mins total).

Regroup so that you have one person representing

each cause in a new group.

In your new groups, each expert will teach the others

about the cause they just did research on.

Each individual is to produce either a concept map, a

table or a series of paragraphs with the information
about each cause.
Infectious vs. non-infectious
To what extent can these causes of
disease be passed on between people?

some diseases can be passed on to other people, others

Research each cause of disease
a little further. Argue to what
extent each cause can be
passed on between people.

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