Zari MCB Abdul Majeed Siddique Faizabad

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Mian Khalid Mehmood Naseem Ph.

# Res 0563785679
Cell # 0300-4258779 Advocate Chamber No. 60 District Corts
Cell # 0323-4258779 !hei"h#ra.
Cell # 0345-6353538 mia$"
Ref No. MKM-V.C..-11-014 a!ed"- 07 - 04- #014
$he Mana%e&'
M C ( (an) *imi!ed'
Mandi +ai,a-ad (&an.h.
is!!. Nan)ana /ahi-.
Subject:- Ve!!in% Ce&!ifi.a!e &e%a&din% do.0men!s of MUHAMMAD SIDDIQUE S/O FEROZE
I have %one !h&o0%h !he do.0men!s s0-mi!!ed -2 a-o3e said 4a&!2 and m2
o4inion on !he do.0men!s a&e as follo5s"-
1:- 6s 4e& 7a&i Pass (oo) No. 4##7#5-6 -ea&in% $ehsil offi.e No. 19358 da!ed
15-08-#001 4&e4a&ed -2 4a!5a&i 8al9 .he.)ed -2 Kano%o and finall2 si%ned -2
Re3en0e offi.e& sho5in% M0hammad /iddi90e /:; +e&o,e een as o5ne& of
land meas0&in% 14 kana ! Ma"a si!0a!ed in !he &e3en0e es!a!e of Ma0,a
(a.ho)e2 (a& $ehsil < is!!. Nan)ana /ahi- -ea&in% P&e3io0s No. )ha!a No.
155 )ha!ooni No. 593 Ne5 )ha!a No. 187 )ha!ooni No. 613 !o 614 =i!a 6 >43K?
ha3in% sha&e 1:3 >14K-7M? as men!ioned on !he 4a%es of !he 7a&i (oo) d0l2
si%ned -2 !he &e3en0e offi.e&. ;n 4a%e No. ## i! is men!ioned !ha! !he land is
mo&!%a%ed 5i!h (an) !h&o0%h m0!a!ion of mo&!%a%e No. 1764. $his 4a%e is
si%ned -2 !he &e3en0e offi.e&' &e4&esen!a!i3e of !he (an) and !h0m- ma&)ed -2
#:- 6s 4e& .o42 of &e%is!e& 8a9da&an 7amin fo& !he 2ea& #$1$-#$11 of (a.ho)e2
(a& $ehsil < is!!. Nan)ana /ahi- &e%a&din% land meas0&in% 14 kana ! Ma"a )ha!a
No. 187 )ha!ooni No. 613 !o 614 =i!a 6 >43K? ha3in% sha&e 1:3 >14K-7M? is
o5ned -2 M0hammad /iddi90e /:; +e&o,e een. ;n !he fa&d i! is men!ioned !ha!
!he 4&o4e&!2 is mo&!%a%ed 5i!h (an) !h&o0%h m0!a!ion of mo&!%a%e No. 1764 fo&
Rs@-8'00'000:- as men!ioned on !he fa&d %i3en -2 Pa!5a&i 8al9a.
Mian Khalid Mehmood Naseem Ph. # Res 0563785679
Cell # 0300-4258779 Advocate Chamber No. 60 District Corts
Cell # 0323-4258779 !hei"h#ra.
Cell # 0345-6353538 mia$"
%:-. An.0m-&an.e Ce&!ifi.a!e da!ed #4-03-#009 iss0ed -2 &e3en0e offi.e& Nan)ana
/ahi- sho5in% (an) .ha&%e of Rs@-8'00'000:- !h&o0%h m0!a!ion of mo&!%a%e No.
1764 o3e& !he land meas0&in% 14 kana ! Ma"a si!0a!ed in !he &e3en0e es!a!e of
Ma0,a (a.ho)e2 (a& $ehsil < is!!. Nan)ana /ahi- -ea&in% P&e3io0s No.
)ha!a No. 155 )ha!ooni No. 593 =i!a 6 >43K? ha3in% sha&e 1:3 >14K-7M? is
o5ned -2 M0hammad /iddi90e /:; +e&o,e een .
4:- 6s 4e& .e&!ified .o42 of m0!a!ion of mo&!%a%e No. 1764 d0l2 san.!ioned -2
!he &e3en0e offi.e& on &e.ei4! of Ro-e)a& f&om MC( (an) -&an.h sho5in%
-an) .ha&%e of Rs@- 8'00'000:- o3e& !he land meas0&in% 14 kana ! Ma"a si!0a!ed
in !he &e3en0e es!a!e of Ma0,a (a.ho)e2 (a& $ehsil < is!!. Nan)ana /ahi- is
o5ned -2 M0hammad /iddi90e /:; +e&o,e een.
In &' ()*n*(n all !he a-o3e said do.0men!s a&e 3alid on !he fa.e of i!.
M0hammad /iddi90e /:; +e&o,e een is !he la5f0l o5ne& of land men!ioned
a-o3e as 4e& 7a&i Pass (oo) and -an) .ha&%e has &i%h!l2 -een .&ea!ed in !he
&e3en0e &e.o&d. o.0men!s a&e in o&de& and &e!0&ned he&e5i!h as -an) finan.e
is 90ie! se.0&e.

Mian Khalid Mahmood Naseem
6d3o.a!e /hei)h040&a
Mian Khalid Mehmood Naseem Ph. # Res 0563785679
Cell # 0300-4258779 Advocate Chamber No. 60 District Corts
Cell # 0323-4258779 !hei"h#ra.
Cell # 0345-6353538 mia$"
Ref No. MKM-V.C..-10-014 a!ed"- 07 - 04- #014
$he Mana%e&'
M C ( (an) *imi!ed'
Mandi +ai,a-ad (&an.h.
is!!. Nan)ana /ahi-.
Subject:- Ve!!in% Ce&!ifi.a!e &e%a&din% do.0men!s of A+DU, MA-EED S/O FEROZE DEEN
I ha3e %one !h&o0%h !he do.0men!s s0-mi!!ed -2 a-o3e said 4a&!2 and m2
o4inion on !he do.0men!s a&e as follo5s"-
1:- 6s 4e& 7a&i Pass (oo) No. 4##7#4-6 -ea&in% $ehsil offi.e No. 19359 da!ed
15-08-#001 4&e4a&ed -2 4a!5a&i 8al9 .he.)ed -2 Kano%o and finall2 si%ned -2
Re3en0e offi.e& sho5in% 6-d0l MaBeed /:; +e&o,e een as o5ne& of land
meas0&in% 14 kana ! Ma"a si!0a!ed in !he &e3en0e es!a!e of Ma0,a (a.ho)e2
(a& $ehsil < is!!. Nan)ana /ahi- -ea&in% P&e3io0s No. )ha!a No. 144
)ha!ooni No. 547 Ne5 )ha!a No. 187 )ha!ooni No. 613 !o 614 =i!a 6 >43K?
ha3in% sha&e 1:3 >14K-7M? as men!ioned on !he 4a%es of !he 7a&i (oo) d0l2
si%ned -2 !he &e3en0e offi.e&. ;n 4a%e No. ## i! is men!ioned !ha! !he land is
mo&!%a%ed 5i!h (an) !h&o0%h m0!a!ion of mo&!%a%e No. 1765.$his 4a%e is
si%ned -2 !he &e3en0e offi.e&' &e4&esen!a!i3e of !he (an) and si%na!0&e -2 !he!.
#:- 6s 4e& .o42 of &e%is!e& 8a9da&an 7amin fo& !he 2ea& #$1$-#$11 of (a.ho)e2
(a& $ehsil < is!!. Nan)ana /ahi- &e%a&din% land meas0&in% 14 kana ! Ma"a )ha!a
No. 187 )ha!ooni No. 613 !o 614 =i!a 6 >43K? ha3in% sha&e 1:3 >14K-7M? is
o5ned -2 6-d0l MaBeed /:; +e&o,e een. ;n !he fa&d i! is men!ioned !ha! !he
4&o4e&!2 is mo&!%a%ed 5i!h (an) !h&o0%h m0!a!ion of mo&!%a%e No. 1765 fo& Rs@-
8'00'000:- as men!ioned on !he fa&d %i3en -2 Pa!5a&i 8al9a.
Mian Khalid Mehmood Naseem Ph. # Res 0563785679
Cell # 0300-4258779 Advocate Chamber No. 60 District Corts
Cell # 0323-4258779 !hei"h#ra.
Cell # 0345-6353538 mia$"
%:-. An.0m-&an.e Ce&!ifi.a!e da!ed #4-03-#009 iss0ed -2 &e3en0e offi.e& Nan)ana
/ahi- sho5in% (an) .ha&%e of Rs@-8'00'000:- !h&o0%h m0!a!ion of mo&!%a%e No.
1765 o3e& !he land meas0&in% 14 kana ! Ma"a si!0a!ed in !he &e3en0e es!a!e of
Ma0,a (a.ho)e2 (a& $ehsil < is!!. Nan)ana /ahi- -ea&in% P&e3io0s No.
)ha!a No. 144 )ha!ooni No. 547 =i!a 6 >43K? ha3in% sha&e 1:3 >14K-7M? is
o5ned -2 6-d0l MaBeed /:; +e&o,e een .
4:- 6s 4e& .e&!ified .o42 of m0!a!ion of mo&!%a%e No. 1765 d0l2 san.!ioned -2
!he &e3en0e offi.e& on &e.ei4! of Ro-e)a& f&om MC( (an) -&an.h sho5in%
-an) .ha&%e of Rs@- 8'00'000:- o3e& !he land meas0&in% 14 kana ! Ma"a si!0a!ed
in !he &e3en0e es!a!e of Ma0,a (a.ho)e2 (a& $ehsil < is!!. Nan)ana /ahi- is
o5ned -2 6-d0l MaBeed /:; +e&o,e een.
In &' ()*n*(n all !he a-o3e said do.0men!s a&e 3alid on !he fa.e of i!. 6-d0l
MaBeed /:; +e&o,e een is !he la5f0l o5ne& of land men!ioned a-o3e as 4e&
7a&i Pass (oo) and -an) .ha&%e has &i%h!l2 -een .&ea!ed in !he &e3en0e
&e.o&d. o.0men!s a&e in o&de& and &e!0&ned he&e5i!h as -an) finan.e is 90ie!

Mian Khalid Mahmood Naseem
6d3o.a!e /hei)h040&a
Mian Khalid Mehmood Naseem Ph. # Res 0563785679
Cell # 0300-4258779 Advocate Chamber No. 60 District Corts
Cell # 0323-4258779 !hei"h#ra.
Cell # 0345-6353538 mia$"
Ref No. MKM-*.;.-10-014 a!ed"- 07 - 04- #014
$he Mana%e&'
M C ( (an) *imi!ed'
Mandi +ai,a-ad (&an.h'
is!!. Nan)ana /ahi-.
Subject:- FEE +I,, *e%al o4inion &e%a&din% do.0men!s of
6-d0l MaBeed < M0hammad /iddi90e
/s:; +e&o,e een R./- 1$$$/-
Please send !o me
&ia$ 'halid &ahmood Naseem

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