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NEW YORK! A fold that has multiplied one hundred and twenty times the original size
in a hundred years. A fold that has increased itself not from within, of its own kind, but from
without, from people of all nations, coming from all directions

The way hardness and softness, past and present, sameness and difference, rest and
motion, vertical and horizontal come together in New York is what makes this city great. For
example, the city consists of about 300 neighborhoods in all 5 boroughs making for its rich
diversityeach of which is like the others, yet is also different.

NEW YORK! The city that seems the very embodiment of ambition, aspiration,
romance, desire; the city that has epitomized the entire parade of modern life, with all its
possibilities and problems.

I instantly bound to this colorful and vivid city, being stunned not only by the
open-mindedness of the people, but also the refreshing air of rebelliousness and freedom. It
struck me as a city of choice and luxury, but extremely permissive at the same time, since all
you need is a sparkle of courage and sharpness in order to build a brilliant future.

A city of superlatives and mind-blowing contrasts, the City That Never Sleeps, NYC or
the Big Apple are just some of the numerous ways New York can be called. The most
exciting city in the whole territory of the United States, its unofficial capital of culture and
business and the nations trendsetter, will represent the subject of my certification paper.

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