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Landscape / My London

Task Comment Target Grade: B
Landscape class tasks You have a good eye and respond to briefs well
however, you must make sure that your images are in
focus when you take them and presented the right way
up on your weebly.
YThe angle from which you have photographed your
joiner is a little bland. How could you have create a
joiner that was more dynamic? We cant even see the
separate images that make up the one scene.
Overall you need to have higher expectations of
yourself and the quality of your work.
Why have you got Divola twice in two separate places?
My London You have documented all the images that you took
however, without any annotation its really unclear
whether or not you have achieved your intentions.
Annotation should include an outline of what you hope
to achieve, what went well, even better if and whats
Issues regarding focus are still relevant here. You also
need to consider altering your white balance manually
so that our images are more balanced in terms of
Please upload your final piece to your weebly.

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