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Landscape / My London

Task Comment Target Grade: B
Landscape class tasks You have a good photographic eye and follow the briefs
set but you could try to attempt more complicated or
exciting images. Try not to over edit the images in post-
production. You do tend to over-do the contrast.
You annotation includes technical terms however, it is
not always consistent. Annotation- what were your
intentions, what went well, even better if.
Analysis- Context (when / where) Technique (what)
Intentions (Why)
Where is the Hockney analysis?
My London Potentially exciting final outcome. You must make sure
that your weebly has all of the contact sheets and
experimentation for the final stages of your project.
You must also take screen grabs when you are creating
an image to document how you managed to create the
final piece.
Annotation is too brief again. In addition to what I have
said you need to write above, you should also include
whats next.

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