Christne Lion Witch Wardrob

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The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

report by Christine Bailey

October 22, 2007
My story is called The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. The author of this boo is
C.!.Le"is. There are 20# pa$es in this boo. %t is a fantasy boo. My na&e is Christine Bailey,
and the date is '0(22(07. The story taes place in London, )n$land durin$ WW%% the London
Blit*. %t also too in +arnia. The i&portant characters are !usan, )d&und, ,eter, the White
Witch, -slan, the Bea.ers, Mr.Tu&nus, and /ather Christ&as. The &ain character is Lucy.
Lucy is the youn$est in her fa&ily, she is curious, ad.enturous, sensiti.e, and sort of bra.e. % do
not really lie this character .ery &uch because % don0t lie the decisions she &aes.
%n the be$innin$ of the story 1 children $o to the professor0 house durin$ the London
Blit*. Lucy co&es to +arnia throu$h a "ardrobe and &eets a faun. Then )d&und co&es in too
and eats the Witch0s food, "hich is enchanted.
%n the &iddle all four children $o into +arnia and &eet the Bea.ers. They learn that
-slan is on the &o.e, the "itch is not hu&an, and about &ost of the prophecies. )d&und betrays
the& "hen he sneas a"ay to the "itch0s palace.
One of the proble&s in the story is that it is al"ays "inter and Christ&as. 2o"
they sol.e this proble& is that they ha.e -slan co&e into +arnia and it beco&es sprin$. % lie
ho" they sol.e this proble& because it re&inds &e of Jesus.
%n the end of the story -slan sacrifices his life for )d&und and +arnia and co&es ali.e
a$ain3 2e $oes to the White Witch0s palace and breathes on the statues and they co&e ali.e
a$ain3 They ill the Witch throu$h a battle. Then Lucy, !usan, ,eter, and )d&und beco&e rulers
of +arnia. When they are huntin$ for the White !ta$ they find the "ardrobe and $o into it a$ain.
They fi$ure out that they are the sa&e a$e "hen they $et in and that the professor had been into
+arnia too.
% "ould reco&&end this boo to so&ebody because it teaches you not to tal to stran$ers.
%f )d&und had taled to the "itch, the children "ould ha.e been in trouble.
,rophecy5 a prediction &ade under di.ine influence.
,rofessor 5 a teacher, especially a teacher$ hi$hest rans.
,a.ilion5 a lar$e tent.
Brute5 a cruel person.
6ouse5 to stir up7 e8cite.

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